els0r / goProbe

High-performance IP packet metadata aggregation and efficient storage and querying of flows
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[bugfix] Fix help output for supported timestamps (to actually support all of them) #302

Closed fako1024 closed 5 months ago

fako1024 commented 5 months ago

Now looks like this (always uses current timestamp of help call):

-f, --first string                        Upper/lower bound on flow timestamp


                                              --first will default to the last 30 days if not provided. In case
                                              a "time" attribute is involved (e.g. for "time" or "raw" queries),
                                              the default is lowered to the last 24 hours. This is to protect
                                              against accidentally querying the entire database.

                                              --last will default to the current time if not provided

                                            ALLOWED FORMATS

                                              2024-04-14T12:07:21+02:00                     RFC3339
                                              Sun Apr 14 12:07:21 2024                      ANSIC
                                              Sun Apr 14 12:07:21 +0200 2024                RUBY DATE
                                              14 Apr 24 12:07 +0200                         RFC822 with numeric zone
                                              Sun, 14 Apr 2024 12:07:21 +0200               RFC1123 with numeric zone

                                              2024-04-14 12:07:21                           CUSTOM
                                              2024-04-14 12:07:21 +0200                     
                                              2024-04-14 12:07 +0200                        
                                              2024-04-14 12:07:21                           
                                              2024-04-14 12:07                              
                                              24-04-14 12:07:21 +0200                       
                                              24-04-14 12:07 +0200                          
                                              24-04-14 12:07:21                             
                                              24-04-14 12:07                                
                                              14-04-2024 12:07:21 +0200                     
                                              14-04-2024 12:07 +0200                        
                                              14-04-2024 12:07:21                           
                                              14-04-2024 12:07                              
                                              14-04-24 12:07:21 +0200                       
                                              14-04-24 12:07 +0200                          
                                              14-04-24 12:07:21                             
                                              14-04-24 12:07                                
                                              14.04.2024 12:07                              
                                              14.04.2024 12:07 +0200                        
                                              14.04.24 12:07                                
                                              14.04.24 12:07 +0200                          
                                              14.4.24 12:07:21                              
                                              14.4.24 12:07:21 +0200                        
                                              14.4.24 12:07                                 
                                              14.4.24 12:07 +0200                           
                                              14.4.2024 12:07:21                            
                                              14.4.2024 12:07:21 +0200                      
                                              14.4.2024 12:07                               
                                              14.4.2024 12:07 +0200                         
                                              14.4.2024 12:07:21                            
                                              14.4.2024 12:07:21 +0200                      
                                              14.4.2024 12:07                               
                                              14.4.2024 12:07 +0200                         
                                              14.04.2024 12:07:21                           
                                              14.04.2024 12:07:21 +0200                     
                                              14.04.2024 12:07                              
                                              14.04.2024 12:07 +0200                        
                                              14.4.24 12:07:21                              
                                              14.4.24 12:07:21 +0200                        
                                              14.4.24 12:07                                 
                                              14.4.24 12:07 +0200                           
                                              14.04.24 12:07:21                             
                                              14.04.24 12:07:21 +0200                       
                                              14.04.24 12:07                                
                                              14.04.24 12:07 +0200                          

                                              -12d:07h:21m                                  RELATIVE

                                            Relative time will be evaluated with respect to NOW. The call can
                                            be varied to include any (integer) combination of days (d), hours
                                            (h) and minutes (m), e.g.

                                              -15d:04h:05m, -15d:5m, -15d, -5m, -4h, -4h:05m, etc.

Closes #299