elsa-workflows / elsa-core

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Elsa API is hiding my endpoints in swagger #4790

Open hsnsalhi opened 8 months ago

hsnsalhi commented 8 months ago

Hello, It seems like Elsa is hiding my own endpoints: I created a simple Minimal API with .Net8. I integrated Elsa 3 API with my own endpoints. Here is my code:

public static void Main(string[] args)
    var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

    builder.Services.SwaggerDocument(o =>
        o.DocumentSettings = s =>
            s.DocumentName = "My API";
            s.Title = "My API";
            s.Version = "v1";

    builder.Services.AddElsa(elsa =>

    var app = builder.Build();



I use FastEndpoints to create my own endpoints

public class FastEndpointsV1 : Endpoint<MyRequest, MyResponse>
    public override void Configure()

    public override async Task HandleAsync(MyRequest req, CancellationToken ct)
        await SendAsync(new MyResponse
            Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),

My question is: Is this possible ? My second question: Is it possible to integrate Elsa endpoints without FastEndpoints ? just by using MinimalAPI's mapping ?

IsaacHayes1995 commented 8 months ago

Try change your config to this:

public static void Main(string[] args)
    var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

    builder.Services.SwaggerDocument(o =>
        o.DocumentSettings = s =>
            s.DocumentName = "My API";
            s.Title = "My API";
            s.Version = "v1";

    builder.Services.AddElsa(elsa =>
            elsa.UseWorkflowsApi(x =>
                var module = x.Module;

    var app = builder.Build();


goodsxx commented 5 months ago

I am developing using FastEndpoints

I would like to add the following configuration:

app.UseFastEndpoints(c =>
    c.Endpoints.Configurator = ep =>

But there is already a default UseFastEndpoints() in UseWorkflowsApi

public static IApplicationBuilder UseWorkflowsApi(this IApplicationBuilder app, string routePrefix = "elsa/api")
    string routePrefix2 = routePrefix;
    return app.UseFastEndpoints(delegate (Config config)
        config.Endpoints.RoutePrefix = routePrefix2;
        config.Serializer.RequestDeserializer = DeserializeRequestAsync;
        config.Serializer.ResponseSerializer = SerializeRequestAsync;

What should I do to add a PostProcessor?

ax75974 commented 2 months ago

@goodsxx I use FastEndpoints too,Have you solved this problem yet?And the Swagger Error🥲

IsaacHayes1995 commented 2 months ago

@goodsxx I use FastEndpoints too,Have you solved this problem yet?And the Swagger Error🥲

Not the guy you're responding to, but I personally ended up separating out the "workflow server" to a seperate project/app to avoid conflicts.

If that's not an option I'd recommend digging into the code of the Elsa extension methods and simply reinplementing them with your required changes.

IsaacHayes1995 commented 2 months ago

@goodsxx I use FastEndpoints too,Have you solved this problem yet?And the Swagger Error🥲

If you can post a minimal repro I can post an example fix pr in the morning.

ax75974 commented 2 months ago

@goodsxx I use FastEndpoints too,Have you solved this problem yet?And the Swagger Error🥲

Not the guy you're responding to, but I personally ended up separating out the "workflow server" to a seperate project/app to avoid conflicts.

If that's not an option I'd recommend digging into the code of the Elsa extension methods and simply reinplementing them with your required changes.

@IsaacHayes1995 I agree with your opinion, Im a student,and this is my study course ,I will continue to delve deeper into relevant knowledge, but I still want to resolve conflicts as much as possible😁plz help me and give me some advice,thx🥺, about the error detail:

System.InvalidOperationException:“Unable to resolve service for type 'Elsa.Identity.Contracts.ISecretGenerator' while attempting to activate 'Elsa.Identity.Endpoints.Users.Create.Create'.”

        builder.Services.AddElsa(s =>
            s.UseWorkflowManagement(m => m.UseMongoDb());

            s.UseWorkflowsApi(x =>
                var module = x.Module;
app.UseCors(x => x.AllowAnyOrigin().AllowAnyHeader().AllowAnyMethod());

The error appears on “UseFastEndpoints()”,Plz teach me how to solve it🥺thx

ax75974 commented 2 months ago

The error appears on “UseFastEndpoints()”,Plz teach me how to solve it🥺thx

@IsaacHayes1995 I saw this error while I use Package"Elsa.MongoDb",could u teach how to resolve it?And I cant see Elsa API in swagger ,How should I do?

goodsxx commented 2 months ago

在 Fast Endpoints 中集成 Elsa 3.0 时,可以修改以下配置,让 自定义 API 和 Elsa API 在 Swagger 中正确的展示:

builder.Services.AddElsa(elsa =>
    //  可根据自己项目情况修改
    elsa.UseWorkflowsApi(x =>
        var module = x.Module;
    elsa.Services.SwaggerDocument(delegate (DocumentOptions o)
        o.EndpointFilter = ep =>
            return ep.OverriddenRoutePrefix == null;
        o.EnableJWTBearerAuth = true;
        o.DocumentSettings = delegate (AspNetCoreOpenApiDocumentGeneratorSettings s)
            s.DocumentName = $"Elsa3.0 API";
            s.Title = "Elsa3.0 API";
            //s.Version = $"v3";
        o.AutoTagPathSegmentIndex = 1;

// app.UseWorkflowsApi() //注释这一行,使用下面的配置
app.UseFastEndpoints(c =>
    c.Endpoints.RoutePrefix = "api"
    c.Serializer.RequestDeserializer = DeserializeRequestAsync;
    c.Serializer.ResponseSerializer = SerializeRequestAsync;

// 以下代码来自 Elsa 源码
static ValueTask<object?> DeserializeRequestAsync(HttpRequest httpRequest, Type modelType, JsonSerializerContext? serializerContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    JsonSerializerOptions options = httpRequest.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IApiSerializer>().CreateOptions();
    if (serializerContext != null)
        return JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync(httpRequest.Body, modelType, serializerContext, cancellationToken);

    return JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync(httpRequest.Body, modelType, options, cancellationToken);

static Task SerializeRequestAsync(HttpResponse httpResponse, object? dto, string contentType, JsonSerializerContext? serializerContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    JsonSerializerOptions options = httpResponse.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IApiSerializer>().CreateOptions();
    httpResponse.ContentType = contentType;
    options.DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.Never;
    if (serializerContext != null)
        return JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(httpResponse.Body, dto, dto?.GetType() ?? typeof(object), serializerContext, cancellationToken);

    return JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(httpResponse.Body, dto, dto?.GetType() ?? typeof(object), options, cancellationToken);