elsa-workflows / elsa-core

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[ENH] Support MultiBus in MassTransit Workflow Dispatcher #5423

Open manospasj opened 1 month ago

manospasj commented 1 month ago

Enhancement Request

Enhancement Overview

Hello, I have an application that is configured to use MassTransit with a Kafka Rider and I would like to use Elsa with the MassTransit Workflow Dispatcher. The problem is that MassTransit throws a MassTransit.ConfigurationException: 'AddMassTransit() was already called and may only be called once per container. To configure additional bus instances, refer to the documentation: https://masstransit-project.com/usage/containers/multibus.html'.

My code is shown below:

services.AddElsa(elsa =>
  elsa.UseWorkflowRuntime(runtime =>

  elsa.UseMassTransit(massTransit =>

services.AddMassTransit(config =>
  config.AddRider(rider =>

    rider.UsingKafka((context, c) => { });

Proposed Enhancement

As described in the exception message, I would expect to be able to configure Elsa to use MassTransit with MultiBus support https://masstransit-project.com/usage/containers/multibus.html.

I expect this to be as simple as creating a new interface inheritting from IBus

public interface IElsaBus : IBus { }

and use it when registering MassTransit.


As the last step, all references of IBus need to be replaced with the new interface.

Impact of Enhancement

Any application already using MassTransit, will need its code to be modified in order to support Elsa with the MassTransit Workflow Dispatcher, but sometimes this is not possible.

For example, in my scenario I wish I could just do:

services.AddMassTransit<IMyCustomBus>(config =>
  config.AddRider(rider => { });

but unfortunately Riders in MassTransit don't support the MultiBus configuration, leaving me no option but to not use the MassTransit Workflow Dispatcher.

glime-ai[bot] commented 1 month ago

To address the issue you're encountering with MassTransit and Elsa, it's important to understand that Elsa and MassTransit are separate libraries that can be integrated together. However, when integrating with MassTransit, Elsa expects to control the MassTransit bus configuration. This can lead to conflicts when you try to configure MassTransit separately, as you've experienced.

The error message you're seeing indicates that AddMassTransit() has been called more than once, which is not allowed. MassTransit's MultiBus feature allows you to configure multiple bus instances, but as you've noted, riders such as Kafka do not currently support MultiBus.

Given the constraints you've described, you have a few options:

  1. Use Elsa without MassTransit Workflow Dispatcher: If you cannot modify the existing MassTransit configuration and riders do not support MultiBus, you may need to use Elsa without the MassTransit Workflow Dispatcher. You can still use Elsa's built-in workflow dispatching mechanisms.

  2. Modify Elsa to support MultiBus: This would involve creating a custom interface that inherits from IBus, as you've suggested, and modifying Elsa to use this interface. This would be a significant change and would require a good understanding of both Elsa's and MassTransit's internals.

  3. Contribute to MassTransit: If the lack of MultiBus support for riders is a limitation for you and potentially others, contributing to the MassTransit project to add this feature could be a long-term solution.

  4. Seek guidance from Elsa and MassTransit maintainers: Since this is a complex integration scenario, reaching out to the maintainers of Elsa and MassTransit for guidance or feature requests might be helpful. They may have insights or plans for future compatibility improvements.

For now, if you need to proceed without modifying the MassTransit configuration, you might have to forego the MassTransit Workflow Dispatcher and use Elsa's default dispatching mechanisms.

Please note that any changes to Elsa's core to support MultiBus would need to be carefully considered and tested to ensure they don't introduce breaking changes or conflicts with existing configurations.

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