elsa-workflows / elsa-core

A .NET workflows library
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ELSA 3.1.3 Getting Error when i call get /workflow-definitions endpoint #5573

Open makavanapradip opened 3 weeks ago

makavanapradip commented 3 weeks ago

I am implementing ELSA workflow 3.1.3 in my projects. I have two separate project APIProject(Server) and FrontEndUI(Blazor) project. My API have token based authentication in my API project. I have added the all the required libraries in my project and i am using the MongoDB as a storage provider. `try { var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

builder.Host.UseSerilog((ctx, lc) => lc.ReadFrom.Configuration(ctx.Configuration) );

builder.Services.AddMediatR(cfg => cfg.RegisterServicesFromAssemblies(typeof(Program).GetTypeInfo().Assembly));

#region ELSA 3.1
var NoSQLConnectionStringWothoutReplicaset = builder.Configuration.GetSection("DatabaseSettings").GetSection("NoSQLConnectionStringWothoutReplicaset").Value;
builder.Services.AddElsa(elsa =>
    // Default Identity features for authentication/authorization.
    elsa.UseWorkflowManagement(manage =>
    elsa.UseWorkflowRuntime(runtime =>

    // Expose Elsa API endpoints.
    elsa.UseWorkflowsApi(api => api.AddFastEndpointsAssembly<Program>());

    // Setup a SignalR hub for real-time updates from the server.

    // Enable C# workflow expressions

    // Enable HTTP activities.

    // Register custom activities from the application, if any.

    // Register custom workflows from the application, if any.


// Configure CORS to allow designer app hosted on a different origin to invoke the APIs.
builder.Services.AddCors(cors => cors
    .AddDefaultPolicy(policy => policy
        .AllowAnyOrigin() // For demo purposes only. Use a specific origin instead.
        .WithExposedHeaders("x-elsa-workflow-instance-id"))); // Required for Elsa Studio in order to support running workflows from the designer. Alternatively, you can use the `*` wildcard to expose all headers.

// Add Health Checks.


var app = builder.Build();

await app.Services.InitializeDatabasesAsync();

app.UseWorkflowsApi(); // Use Elsa API endpoints.
app.UseWorkflows(); // Use Elsa middleware to handle HTTP requests mapped to HTTP Endpoint activities.

} catch (Exception ex) when (!ex.GetType().Name.Equals("HostException", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { StaticLogger.EnsureInitialized(); Log.Fatal(ex, "Unhandled exception"); } finally { StaticLogger.EnsureInitialized(); Log.Information("Server Stopping"); Log.CloseAndFlush(); }`

But when i try to call the API end point i am getting below Error. { "messages": [ "Unable to resolve service for type 'Elsa.Persistence.IWorkflowDefinitionStore' while attempting to activate 'Elsa.Server.Api.Endpoints.WorkflowDefinitions.List'." ], "source": "**.***.KeyValidatorMiddleware+d__2", "exception": "Unable to resolve service for type 'Elsa.Persistence.IWorkflowDefinitionStore' while attempting to activate 'Elsa.Server.Api.Endpoints.WorkflowDefinitions.List'.", "errorId": "7c47c8a5-abba-44e3-85ec-2cb819dadbe5", "supportMessage": "exceptionmiddleware.supportmessage", "statusCode": 500 }


Can any help me please with this.

glime-ai[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Based on the information provided, it seems that the IWorkflowDefinitionStore service is not being registered correctly with the dependency injection container. This service is essential for Elsa to function properly as it is responsible for persisting workflow definitions.

In your code snippet, you are configuring Elsa to use MongoDB for storage, but the error indicates that the service for IWorkflowDefinitionStore cannot be found. This could be due to a missing package or an incorrect configuration.

To resolve this issue, please ensure that you have installed the appropriate NuGet package for MongoDB integration with Elsa. The package you need is Elsa.Persistence.MongoDb. If you haven't installed this package, you can do so using the following command:

dotnet add package Elsa.Persistence.MongoDb

After installing the package, make sure that your configuration is correct and that you are calling the UseMongoDb extension method properly to register the MongoDB stores for workflow definitions, instances, and other related services.

Here is an example of how you might configure Elsa to use MongoDB:

builder.Services.AddElsa(elsa => {
    // ...
    elsa.UseMongoDbPersistence(options => options.ConnectionString = NoSQLConnectionStringWothoutReplicaset);
    // ...

Please double-check your configuration against the official Elsa documentation to ensure that all necessary services are registered correctly.

If you have already installed the Elsa.Persistence.MongoDb package and are still encountering this issue, it could be a bug or a missing piece in the Elsa setup. In that case, you might want to reach out to the Elsa community or check the GitHub issues for similar problems and potential solutions.

This comment was generated by Glime.

makavanapradip commented 3 weeks ago

This syntax provided by the [glime-ai] is of Elsa 2. but i am using the elsa 3.