elsasserlab / hesc-epigenomics

Supplementary code for hESC publication
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lineagemarker genes #2

Open Soleilcode opened 2 years ago

Soleilcode commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thank you very much for your meaningful work. I am a student from sun yet-san university. Recently, I have been doing some work about bivalent genes during the development process. I am trying to explore the preference of cell gene expression after specific gene knockout. I am not very good at single-cell analysis, and I only found TE and Amnion markers in the reference paper. May I ask if you can provide the ‘lineagemarker_genes.csv' file in your code? If possible, thank you very much for your help.
Looking forward to your reply!

cnluzon commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thank you for your interest in our work! I thought this was in some supplementary table. Anyway, here is the table: lineagemarker_genes.csv

Soleilcode commented 2 years ago

Oh,I may have missed the key supplementary table. Thank you for your kind instruction Wish everything goes well with your work!