elthran / BookingSystem

A working booking/calendar system for clients to take orders and create a schedule
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Create a basic outline of project requirements #1

Open elthran opened 6 years ago

elthran commented 6 years ago

What does the project need to include?

melissachang9 commented 6 years ago

This will probably sound very confusing. Might be easier to look at BookedIN scheduler to reference. Notes below are strictly what the user sees. Haven't touched on what the client will see on their end. This is all very preliminary. Let me know if you have any questions!

Users – Permissions (read/write) Services
• Allotted time per service, lead time • Price • Deposit or Payment required at time of booking • Visibility to clients (private or public) • Services attached to specific employees • Certain services only offered at certain locations • Certain services limited to specific days of the week • Different consent forms may apply to different services

melissachang9 commented 6 years ago

Scheduling • Make appointments available according to length of time needed per service (e.g. Store Hours from 9am – 3 pm means, a 3 –hour brow appointment is available at 9 a.m. and 12 p.m) Have an option to only show availability for the next time slot so there are no gaps (e.g. Store Hours 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., 2 –hour appointment booked for 9 a.m., available time slot is 11 a.m. (NOT 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.)

melissachang9 commented 6 years ago

Calendar • Separate calendar for each employee providing services or per chair,room, etc. available • One calendar, colour-coded to show everyone’s schedule • Unsure how multiple calendars would work but if I had multiple employees, it should show everyone’s schedule on one global calendar for the business but also show each person’s availability on their own calendar (calendars talk to each other) • Public or Private Visibility Option • Calendar Sync to Google, Outlook, iOS, etc. BookedIN uses Cronofy to do this. • Allow “Admin”to do double booking or booking during unavailable times Ability to book at different locations

melissachang9 commented 6 years ago

Email/Text Reminders • Set contact preference per client to receive reminders • Choose when reminders will be sent • Cancellation or reschedule option for the client based on company’s policy • Confirmation emails sent to client upon booking. Customized by “Admin” and specific to different services

melissachang9 commented 6 years ago

Payment • Deposit or Payment required at time of booking • Ability to Send a payment request or invoice to a client • Try to find a seamless option that is built into the booking UI • Do not use PayPal Email from BookedIN (I checked with my team about where this fix is at. The "new" PayPal solution I told you about is actually proving to be no better than what we currently have. So it looks like we're going to be adding Stripe instead. This makes me happy because Stripe is completely seamless. Your clients will see a totally mobile-friendly booking and credit card entry screen. No more confusing paypal stuff! I'll keep you posted on how that goes and what it would look like. This will be our next big major release. 

melissachang9 commented 6 years ago

Client Database • Client Name, Email, address and Phone No. input by client at time of booking • Client Consent and Medical History Forms electronically at time of booking and saved to client file(these would be different depending on service) (also include consent to email communication) • Client Notes (should appear in a form with fields that can be tailored to specific business) • Client Booking History showing any cancelled appointments • Client Payment History integrated with Square or other payment options to show type and amount of payment • Ability to store .pdf docs to client file • An option for Admin to tailor client file information to their business (e.g. Microblading- I want a field “Pigment Colour”, “Needle Size”. A hairdresser may want, “Hair Colour”) I’ve heard “Jane App” is used by RMT’s and they have this option • Printable calendar that allows user to see schedule including, employee, time, and service. • Show next available appointments specific to service or employee • Allow Admin to customize calendar for their website • Integrate calendar into website • Separate URL for booking calendar