elthran / BookingSystem

A working booking/calendar system for clients to take orders and create a schedule
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Database Architecture #2

Open elthran opened 6 years ago

elthran commented 6 years ago

I want to fully map out the structure of the database before I build it, now that I have set up the framework. So this should cover every object that will be stored on the server, what permissions it has, and what other objects it can interact with. So firstly I need to understand how accounts work. This is not nearly as detailed as it will be, but do I have the general idea correct here?

My understanding is this: Assume I want to use the website for my business. I create an account. On my account I will create a business (maybe my nail salon business, or maybe even multiple businesses, each completely separate but linked to my account). Now my business will have it's own calendar and list of employees (currently just myself, who has admin permissions for this business). Any admin accounts for this business can set available times but employee accounts can only view available times. Both employees and admins can view all client information for the business.

Now I can send this "business" link to anyone. They can view my available times (but have no access to anything else, such as client information). They can also book appointments. This will lead them to filling out documents (which are saved and are view-able by admins/employees of the business) and payment. If they do this, that time becomes booked and is no longer available. It will email them a receipt and confirmations.

Is this the general idea? If this is correct, then I will start ironing out the details of what each account has, each calendar has, each business has, etc. using everything you typed up in the other issue.

melissachang9 commented 6 years ago

So this is a very basic outline but yes I think you have the general idea. Employees and Admins should have different permission levels which can be tailored. When clients book appointments, all of their information will be stored in the database.

The link to the calendar is strictly for clients to book appointments. The screen they see if completely different from what the business sees. The client screen should focus on an easy to read and use UI more than anything.

melissachang9 commented 6 years ago

So here is the link that clients see for booking: https://directory.bookedin.com/brow-beauty-by-mel and here is my website where I have embedded the calendar into my booking page: https://browbeautybymel.com/booknow

Here is the login page for admins: https://scheduler.bookedin.com/bam/customer/brow-beauty-by-mel#login-user

melissachang9 commented 6 years ago

Also check out JaneApp which you can follow through here to see how they take appointments: https://hartwelltherapy.janeapp.com/

They do require a login however I like that I can see my upcoming appointments via my account as a client

elthran commented 6 years ago

The bookedin.com website is pretty simple. I could do a mock-up with similar stuff. All of the JS and CSS is quite simple. Unfortunately I can't create an account without a VPN since they don't allow Taiwan to have accounts. So I can't see what their create account page looks like. I can only get as far as this page:


Can you click create account there and let me know what the business creation page looks like?

melissachang9 commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2018-06-03 at 7 26 22 pm
melissachang9 commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2018-06-03 at 7 30 09 pm
melissachang9 commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2018-06-03 at 7 30 54 pm
melissachang9 commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2018-06-03 at 7 31 18 pm
melissachang9 commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2018-06-03 at 7 31 36 pm
melissachang9 commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2018-06-03 at 7 31 41 pm
melissachang9 commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2018-06-03 at 7 32 28 pm
melissachang9 commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2018-06-03 at 7 32 46 pm
melissachang9 commented 6 years ago

It was a very basic setup. This is the whole process step-by-step

elthran commented 6 years ago

Thanks! That's exactly what I wanted. I'll create a similar mock-up for our website once the database is set up and you can create an account and business and see what you think.