elthran / RPG-Game

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Identified major issue in database layout -> cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan" #294

Closed klondikemarlen closed 6 years ago

klondikemarlen commented 6 years ago

Do to the nature of the way I set up the relationships in the database it is extremely hard to delete any of the tables. See:

I will have to reorganize most of the database to make it convenient to delete a Hero or User object. Specs (when deleting):

User account -> it should delete all associated:

Hero -> it should delete all associated:

klondikemarlen commented 6 years ago

Some of these are fixed ... but the dam thing is so big ... I can't every hope to find them all :P

klondikemarlen commented 6 years ago

Tables fixed:

klondikemarlen commented 6 years ago

Fixed in https://github.com/elthran/RPG-Game/commit/d32d7a3ac5c663dff4fa6dadb6f48f57086305f6.

I hope. I probably introduce some bugs but hey .. that's what a test suite if for ...