eltos / PasteIntoFile

Paste clipboard data into files and copy file contents directly via hotkey or context menu
MIT License
84 stars 6 forks source link

Add acknowledgment to original PasteAsFile #15

Closed tfiers closed 1 year ago

tfiers commented 1 year ago

This software seems to be a descendant of https://pasteasfile.org (source). But there is no acknowledgment of that in the docs/readme. (That is not this repo's fault. It's the original open source clone, https://github.com/EslaMx7/PasteIntoFile, that seems to have forgotten to mention that. See also the footnote in that repo here).

eltos commented 1 year ago

How to verify this? A random Twitter user saying "I think this is a 1:1 copy" is not very convincing. The software you are linking is indeed similar in functionality and GUI - but there are more programs out there which follow the same idea (e.g. Paste to File). Since it is closed source, I doubt that EslaMx7 copied anything from that project. Also, if I look how that tool is done and what features it has, there is not much in common with the first version of EslaMx7 other than the idea to paste clipboard data. He might have been inspired, or might not even have known about it (after all, the idea is very obvious). Only he can tell that. I think one must verify this fact before claiming some ancestry.

eltos commented 1 year ago

Don't get me wrong, I'll happily add references. I just want to make sure we get the facts right. A fact-proof statement could for example be

This program is simmilar to Paste As File and Paste To File.