eltos / SimpleDialogFragments

An Android library to create dialogs with ease and handle user interaction reliably, using fragments and material design.
Apache License 2.0
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String Array in strings.xml #2

Closed kaplanerkan closed 7 years ago

kaplanerkan commented 7 years ago


I love your plugins and will add in my app but can you please add a new features?

I define my Arrays in strings.xml

    <string-array name="country_arrays">

and use like a spinner in your sample app (onSingleClick)

    // That work OK
   //int[] data = new int[]{R.string.choice_A, R.string.choice_B, R.string.choice_C, R.string.choice_D, R.string.choice_E, R.string.choice_F, R.string.choice_G, R.string.choice_H, R.string.choice_I, R.string.choice_K, R.string.choice_L, R.string.choice_M};

        int[] data = new int[]{R.array.country_arrays};   // <==  DONT WORK HERE
        Bundle extras = new Bundle();
        extras.putIntArray("labels", data);

                .choiceMode(SimpleListDialog.SINGLE_CHOICE) // _DIRECT
                .items(getBaseContext(), data)
                .show(MainActivity.this, LIST_DIALOG);

and crash;

   Caused by: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x7f0d0002
                      at android.content.res.Resources.getText(Resources.java:1442)
                      at android.content.res.Resources.getString(Resources.java:1536)
                      at android.content.Context.getString(Context.java:383)
                      at eltos.simpledialogfragment.list.SimpleListDialog.items(SimpleListDialog.java:63)
                      at eltos.simpledialogfragments.MainActivity.onSingleClick(MainActivity.java:161)

Can you please add this features an we can user your plugins with R.array.xxxx ???

Thanks erkan kaplan

eltos commented 7 years ago

Excellent idea, I will add a method for string arrays in the next release.

Meanwhile you can use the following:

kaplanerkan commented 7 years ago

danke dir :-)

kaplanerkan commented 7 years ago

Hello Eltos,

how can i download v 1.2?


kaplanerkan commented 7 years ago

sorry, i found it into MASTER-Branch.

It work now:

  Bundle extras = new Bundle();
        //extras.putIntArray("labels", data);
        extras.putStringArray("labels", getResources().getStringArray(R.array.country_arrays));

                .choiceMode(SimpleListDialog.SINGLE_CHOICE) // _DIRECT
                .show(MainActivity.this, LIST_DIALOG);

and choice-Result;

                    ArrayList<Integer> pos = extras.getIntegerArrayList(SimpleListDialog.SELECTED_POSITIONS);
                    //int[] label = extras.getIntArray("labels");
                    String[] myArrays_str= extras.getStringArray("labels");
                    int position = pos.get(0);

                    System.out.println("AUSWAHL " + myArrays_str[position]);