eltos / SimpleDialogFragments

An Android library to create dialogs with ease and handle user interaction reliably, using fragments and material design.
Apache License 2.0
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Could not find SimpleDialogFragments:lintchecks:unspecified. #79

Closed mtotschnig closed 2 years ago

mtotschnig commented 2 years ago

I upgraded today from 'com.github.eltos:simpledialogfragments:v3.3.2' to 'io.github.eltos:simpledialogfragments:3.5.1' and get the following error:

Execution failed for task ':myExpenses:generateExternDebugFeatureTransitiveDeps'.
> Error while evaluating property 'content' of task ':myExpenses:generateExternDebugFeatureTransitiveDeps'
   > Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':myExpenses:externDebugRuntimeClasspath'.
      > Could not find SimpleDialogFragments:lintchecks:unspecified.
        Searched in the following locations:
          - https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/SimpleDialogFragments/lintchecks/unspecified/lintchecks-unspecified.pom
          - https://jitpack.io/SimpleDialogFragments/lintchecks/unspecified/lintchecks-unspecified.pom
          - https://clojars.org/repo/SimpleDialogFragments/lintchecks/unspecified/lintchecks-unspecified.pom
          - https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/SimpleDialogFragments/lintchecks/unspecified/lintchecks-unspecified.pom
        Required by:
            project :myExpenses > io.github.eltos:simpledialogfragments:3.5.1

Possible solution:
 - Declare repository providing the artifact, see the documentation at https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/declaring_repositories.html

This allows to work around the problem.I am not sure if there is something wrong with my local setup. Running clean task did not help.

implementation('io.github.eltos:simpledialogfragments:3.5.1')  {
    exclude module: 'lintchecks' 
eltos commented 2 years ago

Hi @mtotschnig

this might have something to do with the fact that I had to move the hosting due to the shutdown of bintray. It appears there is some configuration error for the lint repository. Could you also try the following and tell me if they work?

implementation 'io.github.eltos:simpledialogfragments:3.3.2'
implementation 'com.github.eltos:simpledialogfragments:v3.5.1'
eltos commented 2 years ago

I just published a hotfix, which fixes the issue

implementation 'io.github.eltos:simpledialogfragments:3.5.2'

@mtotschnig can you please confirm?

mtotschnig commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that 3.5.2 fixes the issue.