eltrino / diamantedesk-application

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Bower Assets #74

Closed rmsferreira closed 6 years ago

rmsferreira commented 6 years ago

HI all, Can you please help in this error installing the solution:

request.ERROR: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: "No route found for "GET /bundles/bowerassets/jquery-ajax-queue/ajaxQueue.min.js

I install grump and bower via npm but the bowerassests is note in the folder /web/bundles.

odi-um commented 6 years ago

hi @rmsferreira, which version you are trying to install (master or latest stable)?

rmsferreira commented 6 years ago

I`m trying to install from the master, but the same error occurs hem install from composer.

odi-um commented 6 years ago

execute following command composer global require fxp/composer-asset-plugin and then rerun composer install. this will allow composer understand the configuration and fetch all required assets.

rmsferreira commented 6 years ago

This works, thanks.