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board STM32F429I-DISCO #56

Open mtourne opened 9 years ago

mtourne commented 9 years ago


I have a STM32F429I-DISCO board here, which seems pretty similar from the board stm32f4discovery supported in the tree.

This board has a STM32F429ZI mcu and a qvga lcd display : http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM116/SC959/SS1532/PF259090

I wasn't able to get up to connect to the CDC USB port, which worked on the my other stm32f4discovery board sporting a stm32f407 chip.

Kinda new to the embedded world, but based on naming I was under the impression that STM32F429I-DISCO would work out of the box.

jsnyder commented 9 years ago

We currently support a few STM32F40x MCUs but we haven't haven't added support for STM32F429. Adding the port should be relatively trivial if the STM32F429I-DISCO board has similar pinouts and I'd be happy to help with walking through the updates needed (which will require reviewing the datasheet for the 429 MCU & and schematic for the board you're using).

If I had to guess adding support for this part would probably necessitate: