elucent / Albedo

Graphics and effects library for Minecraft modding. Does not fear hax!
MIT License
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Some light issues #11

Open mcenderdragon opened 6 years ago

mcenderdragon commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this cool mod, but I have found some minor issues.

If it is night and brightness is 0% (and the terrain is pitch black) all entities render slightly brighter.

Also if fog is enabled from the WorldProvider, the entities render without texture as if there was fog, but the fog is not rendered.

And some blocks are rendered black even if there is a torch right next to them.


WolfieWaffle commented 6 years ago

I second the entity thing, I noticed they were unusually bright.

coldReactive commented 6 years ago

More light issues include...

In addition, Albedo has issues with the texture rendering of the game...

Turning off albedo rectifies all of these issues.

MrLightningBlaze commented 6 years ago

I can also confirm most of these issues, but I am not sure it will be fixed anytime soon, considering how long it has been from the last commit, I would like to be proven wrong on that though on that

mcenderdragon commented 6 years ago

@elucent has left moddign but as far as I know someone should take it over.