elucent / Albedo

Graphics and effects library for Minecraft modding. Does not fear hax!
MIT License
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World lighting (especially dark areas) is significantly different with Albedo 0.1.1 and AMD graphics #4

Open quat1024 opened 7 years ago

quat1024 commented 7 years ago

I'll also chalk this up to AMD doing a stupid somewhere.

Here, have some comparison shots: http://imgur.com/a/4Of9u

And the log: https://paste.ee/p/cSxZE Of note in the log: some InstantiationException related to onRenderLiving on line 158, and everyone's favorite and SUPER DESCRIPTIVE :roll_eyes: ########GL ERROR######## on 261. That little error box tends to spam the log a little bit, oddly enough it only printed once this time

(Don't tell anyone but I kind of like it)

Jomik commented 6 years ago

Seem to be getting a similar error on NVidia. Dark areas are completely black. Monsters are visible though, as if lit by the sky.

elucent commented 6 years ago

This is because Albedo has to attempt to replicate Minecraft's entire lighting engine in a shader. It doesn't do it perfectly because Minecraft's lighting system is a pretty unintuitive beast.