elunna / hackem

SlashEM forked Unto Evil with a Splice of X and a dash of THEM.
23 stars 8 forks source link

BOH disappears between saving and loading (maybe same as #204) #507

Open ChristopherAIguy opened 10 months ago

ChristopherAIguy commented 10 months ago

I think I (Arnibald, on US Hardfought) encountered a save/load error in Hack'Em? My BOH disappeared, and after wandering the known universe looking for places I might have dropped it, I resorted to viewing the ttrrecs. And it somehow disappeared between saving and later loading the game in progress.

So, at the very end of one ttrrec (#4, https://www.hardfought.org/nh/hackem/trd-us/?file=https://hdf-us.s3.amazonaws.com/ttyrec/a/arnibald/hackem/ttyrec/2023-10-15.02:30:57.ttyrec.gz), I had the BOH in the final turn (41856, yeah I'm no speed-runner) before saving. You notice it in inventory while I briefly consider putting End (artifact polearm) in the BOH, but then just decide to carry it in open inventory as alternate weapon because I like the sweet sweet pounding.

And at the very beginning of the next (#3, https://www.hardfought.org/nh/hackem/trd-us/?file=https://hdf-us.s3.amazonaws.com/ttyrec/a/arnibald/hackem/ttyrec/2023-10-15.03:47:19.ttyrec.gz), first turn (41857), the BOH is just gone.

I think it may have made the game unwinnable because I had two of the alignment keys in the BOH.

Also, in terms of recovering game, the 1000 or so turns I spent wandering around looking for 'where I dropped it', might preclude recovery? I don't know if state history is stored, or just 'most recent checkpoint'. Fingers crossed, 'cause I would really appreciate not abandoning this promising run! Thanks and Sorry!

ChristopherAIguy commented 10 months ago

Whoops, nevermind the reference to 407. It was 204.

And last couple of turns before saving and reloading to find BOH disappeared: 1 (considering putting End artifact polearm/scythe in BOH): apply BOH, "i" for put things in, ")" for weapons, " " space for nevermind. 2 (making sure I can't dual-wield with End, which is two-handed): wielded both and tried to #twoweapon. No dice, it was worth a try. 3. Save.

When I loaded next day or maybe after a couple of days, no BOH! Ttrrecs are linked to above. Thanks again!

ChristopherAIguy commented 10 months ago

Wild idea, I typically carry the same sorts of things in open inventory and my typical loadout doesn't make Hack'Em disappear my BOH and I play thousands and thousands of turns, probably saving 100s of times per game. But not long before the "disappearing BOH save", I picked up a set of bagpipes, which appeared first in the list of tools when usually my BOH is first. And right before the save and aforementioned weapons juggle, there was something else involving tools in open inventory: I rubbed a blessed magic lamp, and dropped a blessed oil lamp (didn't get my wish, 'cause the genie was a jerk).

elunna commented 10 months ago

Do you know what game milestones you had achieved? Like beating the quest or getting crowned? This only seems to pop up late game (so far) so I'm wondering if it's only after a certain point.

ChristopherAIguy commented 10 months ago

Let me check [loading game to @overview for refresher]: Beat quest. Beat two alignment quests, Lawful and Chaotic. Solved Sokoban. Had not yet gotten down to Medusa or castle. Plundered a few branches fully: Grund's Stronghold, Mine's end, Town, One-eyed Sam's, Lost Tomb, Spider Caves, and Sunless Sea. Found Temple of Moloch and Giant Caverns, but left for later.

Edit: Not yet crowned.

elunna commented 10 months ago

Ok thank you!

elunna commented 10 months ago

Here are some big changes I've made that could be related to this issue. There have been many other changes, but these 3 were my first suspects.

Adding the quest boon and related flags

Removing the monster steed mechanic

Adding the SPIRIT_CLASS to objects

Some other changes, less likely, but worth noting:

elunna commented 10 months ago

mobileuser checked how the in_use variable might have been used, but "in restore.c I see that inven_inuse (deleting objects that were marked as in use) prints a message "Finishing off" and I don't see that in arnibald's ttyrec, so it can't be that..."

elunna commented 10 months ago

I just added a restriction so that the alignment keys cannot be placed into containers anymore - it's a minor bandaid to prevent a total unwinnable game until we can narrow down the problem

elunna commented 10 months ago

Notes from the TTYRECS:

Mobileuser 1: Centaurian Dark Knight, chaotic

y - blessed "oFlying
h - blessed "oMB
Y - blessed silver "vsStone
D - blessed +6 Dirge
a - blessed +6 lance of fire
m - blessed greased +4 dragonhide helm of speed
G - blessed fireproof +5 GoD
Z - blessed greased +5 dragonhide CoMR
J - blessed +5 dragonhide striped shirt of dr res
K - blessed orange-scaled +3 dragonhide robe of power
I - blessed holy wafer
l - blessed lizard corpse
g - blessed =oSD
E - blessed =oSonicRes

b - blessed Wallet of Perseus (105 items)
f - blessed tooled horn
Q - Bell of opening
t - uc Candleabrum of invocation
k - blessed Key of Access
M - blessed mithril magic lamp
c - blessed Magic Mirror of Merlin
s - blessed steel stethoscope
B - blessed towel
u - blessed +0 unicorn horn

r - blessed healthstone
v - blessed healthstone
w - blessed healthstone
o - blessed luckstone
e - blessed touchstone

Mobileuser 2: Neutral Monk https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/m/mobileuser/hackem/dumplog/1675239308.hackem.txt 2-17-23

y - blessed silver "oFlying (worn)
g - blessed "oMB
I - blessed "oY
o - blessed  silver "vsStone

a - 23 blessed rustproof +7 shuriken (ready)
D - blessed  fireproof +3 leather toque (worn)
q - blessed +3 Dragonbane (worn)
V - blessed fireproof +2 speed boots (worn)
x - blessed +2 CoMR (worn)
c - blessed +2 dragonhide Hawaiian shirt of dr res (worn)
i - blessed green-scaled +4 robe of power (worn)

E - blessed Eye of Vecna
j - blessed holy water
l - blessed lizard corpse
h - blessed =oFA (worn - right)
Y - uc +3 =oProt (worn - left)
S - blessed XROP

H - /oDeath
z - /oDigging
L - /oHealing
A - /oTele
F - /oTele

b - blessed BoH (75 items)
G - blessed wooden tooled horn
e - blessed shatterproof EotO
K - blessed Key of Access
m - blessed mithril magic whistle
k - blessed mithril skeleton key
s - blessed stethoscope
B - blessed rotted towel
u - blessed +0 uh

v - blessed healthstone
w - blessed luckstone

Hothraxxa: Chaotic gnomish wizard Beat the quest

i - blessed platinum "oReflection
N - blessed  EotA
D - 12 blessed  +6 daggers (ready)
d - blessed  +6 silver dagger (alt)
m - blessed  fireproof +3 Magicbane (uwep)
a - blessed +6 sword of Kas

H - blessed  greased +4 HoBril
G - blessed +7 HoVecna (merged)
S - blessed +3 WW boots
C - blessed greased +0 cloak of prot
U - blessed +3 hawaiian shirt
R - blessed blue-scaled robe +0

O - uc fruit
Y - uc fortune cookie
L - uc lizard corpse
X - blessed =oFA
Y - blessed =oSD
J - blessed XROP
Q - uc /oCancellation
n - uc /oCold
s - uc /oDigging
x - uc /oExtraHealing
W - uc /oFire
y - uc /oLightning
q - greased /oLocking
f - uc /oSleep
j - uc /oTele

b - blessed breased BoH (188 items)
E - uc oilskin sack (2 items)
t - uc bag of rats
v - uc bugle
P - blessed  rustproof +0 Houchou
l - uc magic candle
w - uc copper magic whistle
p - blessed  +0 bone pickaxe
k - uc skeleton key
c - blessed  bone stethoscope
T - blessed  towel
u - blessed +0 unicorn horn

Notes from TTYREC:

Arnibald: Centaurian dark knight

Y - uncursed amulet of flying
k - blessed greased fireproof +6 bat from hell (uwep)
W - blessed fireproof +6 End (alt)
u - blessed greased +4 mithril helm of speed
r - uc burnt fireproof +3 leather gloves
F - uc +0 leather cloak of displacement
n - blessed fireproof leather Hawaiian shirt
b - blessed gray scaled +5 mithril scale mail

e - cursed hand of vecna

h - uc ring of slow digestion (right hand)
o - uc ring of teleport control (left hand)

M - blessed greased bag of holding (104 items)
x - uc cloth bagpipe
p - blessed Bell of opening (0:3)
l - uc mithril lock pick
U - uc magic candle (lit)
q - blessed shatterproof Magic Mirror of Merlin
w - uc magic whistle
D - blessed Mystic Eyes
d - uc towel
P - blessed +0 unicorn horn

O - 2 blessed healthstones
T - blessed luckstone

Notes from TTYREC:

Object Lookups: