elvanja / jenkins-gitlab-hook-plugin

Enables Gitlab web hooks to be used to trigger SMC polling on Gitlab projects
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Jenkins does not run build on the "Tag Push Events" trigger from Web Hook #70

Open asn80 opened 7 years ago

asn80 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your interesting plugin. But we have on trouble during him use. For the regular "Push Event" builds everything works perfectly. But when we set only "Tag push events" trigger from our Gitlab we have a message "no project references the given repo url and commit branch" in Jenkins logs

Sep 01, 2016 4:02:34 PM INFO org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod invokeDirectWithExceptionHandling gitlab web hook triggered for

What's interesting, when we start project through "Test Hook" from gitlab. We have success build status. exp. success_build.txt

In this case we can see what "branch:" is not empty

Configuration. In GitLab setting Web Hook configuration: URL = http://our-jenkins-server/gitlab/build_now Trigger = "Tag push events"

In jenkins configuration: Source Code Management / Gitlab / Branch specifier: /refs/heads/master

Build triggers/ enabled - "Build when a change is pushed to GitLab. GitLab CI Service URL: http://our-jenkins-server/gitlab/build_now" enabled - "Build on Push Events" Аccept merge request on success selected "Allow all branches to trigger this job"

Jenkins ver. 1.650 And Gitlab Hook Plugin ver 1.4.2

What are we doing wrong? Can I use your plugin only to "Tag push events" trigger from gitlab?

tapwork commented 6 years ago

Same issue here