elveskevtar / SmartMoving

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Open babybasher opened 4 years ago

babybasher commented 4 years ago

I loved Smart moving in 1.7!

I was looking for an update to 1.12 for ages. But all I found were dead projects. I've just installed this and so far it's working great!

My kids are gonna be thrilled when they see this on our server. Will be sure to post any bugs we find, and as we play with a few other mods, any conflicts.

Please don't abandon this project! I got no idea why it's not a more popular mod, so grateful to you dude.

elveskevtar commented 4 years ago

Hello! This is awesome and I love messages like this. I don't know if you have followed the other issues on this post but I have somewhat abandoned this project to work on a reboot of the mod from scratch found on https://github.com/Elveskevtar/SmarterMoving (currently I have crawling working).

I have also made a Discord server for those interested in testing (I am uploading semi-nightly builds on there) if you and/or your kids would like to join: https://discord.gg/cf4eqQt