elveskevtar / SmartMoving

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[Bug] Player Model being completely invisible + spinning body when shown in Mod CT #16

Open MrJimmK opened 4 years ago

MrJimmK commented 4 years ago

Did some stress testing with SM and 96 other mods yesterday. Found out that when using SM together with Quark, the Player model will turn fully invisible in F5, but will render when rendered by the Real First Person mod. Even the animations work correctly (apart from crawling through 1x1 spaces).

Second, as mentioned in the title: When using the Constructor's Armory mod crafting table, the player body will start spinning madly in the preview. I have yet to find out to wich side the Issue belongs to. Thought i'd post this here first to get aware of that :D

PS: Due to a fatal game crash, my screenshots of the first bug seem to be gone. I will add new ones later on.