elvissteinjr / SteamVR-ForceCompositorScale

Resets the GpuSpeed settings to match the custom super sample scale
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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Exactly what I've been looking for! Pimax compatibility version? #1

Open Hokage3211 opened 4 years ago

Hokage3211 commented 4 years ago

While I'm sure you didn't intend for this, this is exactly what I have been wanting for the pimax, as steam automatically sets the GPU speed to like .5 or something. On steamVR, I set my gpuSpeedRenderTargetScale to 1.5, and it looks amazing as I can see all of my two monitors' text, even on the edges. While I know they removed the "compositorSuperSampling" value, is there any way you could release a version that simply sets the gpu supersampling target to 1.3 or 1.5 always? For pimax, we usually leave steam SS at 100% or less, but the compositor should really be around 1.3-1.5 to best be seen. Thank you for any consideration!

Also; overall kudos on figuring out how to make a steamVR application that auto-launches.

elvissteinjr commented 4 years ago

I've updated the code to allow setting a custom value instead of using the application override multiplier, see the readme for further details.

Does this help? The base values used for calculating GpuSpeed are based off of what I get on my Index, but those should not matter unless the difference is significant enough when SteamVR recalculates the automatic resolution. As this application does reset it every launch it shouldn't come that far, however. So it should work on Pimax all the same I hope.

Hokage3211 commented 4 years ago

I'll check it today, but thank you very much for the quick setting changes!

Hokage3211 commented 4 years ago

Hm seems to be not quite right, it's still a bit blurry on the farther distances. I tend to just set every number to 15000 (including the average) and it becomes fully readable and crisp. Here is the forum post that inspired the number 15000, hopefully this helps? https://forum.pimaxvr.com/t/how-to-get-full-clarity-sharpness-in-steamvr-dashboard-overlay-on-low-end-gpus-with-pimax/21511 Sweviver is at least known for being good at figuring out tricks with VR and stuff, so it seems at least credible.

elvissteinjr commented 4 years ago

I'd think it should still work in theory without any code changes, but I may be wrong as I only go off of what I experienced SteamVR doing with the numbers and I don't have a Pimax.

It would be helpful if you could post your steamvr.vrsettings file so I can see what exactly the output is. Perhaps also from one SteamVR launch without SteamVR-ForceCompositorScale so I see what SteamVR is writing to the settings file afterwards when not immediately corrected.

SweViver's GpuSpeed numbers don't look too different from what I get on my 1070, so these are HMD-independent, as they should be. What I don't get is the part with the old-style renderTargetMultiplier in the compositor section. On my system, if I add that to the vrsettings file, it just gets deleted from it as it's not used anymore. I'd have this tool use that value instead if I could.

He's also not exactly right about the compositor resolution not affecting games. Of course it does. The compositor is always running on top. The difference is not very big when it's not actually rendering any overlays, however. Less than a millisecond of total render time on my system.