elvisyjlin / AttGAN-PyTorch

AttGAN PyTorch Arbitrary Facial Attribute Editing: Only Change What You Want
MIT License
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Attributes don't change #21

Open morkap opened 4 years ago

morkap commented 4 years ago


Thank you very much for sharing this helpful code. I am training the AttGAN with CelebA image size 128, 1GPU, batch size 32.

After about 60K iterations I don't see any change in face attributes.

Is there something I need to change in order to see the attributes change?




elvisyjlin commented 4 years ago

Hi @morkap, which PyTorch version are you using? I only tested on 0.4.0 and everything should work well. If you train AttGAN with newer PyTorch version, I cannot guarantee the behavior be the same. I suggest you to roll back to 0.4.0 and try again.

TLZS commented 2 years ago

Is this code can train other attribute except paper provided,if can,where the code should i change,i tried,but it not work

jupytera commented 7 months ago

@morkap Hello , I face the same question now. May I ask if you later resolved the issue of ineffective training?