elwerene / libreoffice-convert

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Doesn't work in windows #32

Closed kennylbj closed 2 years ago

kennylbj commented 3 years ago

It works well in OSX but when I deploy it to windows(both in win10 and win7) it failed, and the error is something like:

The program can't start because the config file [C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\bootstrap.ini] has corrupted.

I do check the bootstrap.ini file and find that content is well defined.

However, I can open soffice.exe and lanch LibreOffice by clicking the file Icon.

LibreOffice version: V7.0 (lastest)

elwerene commented 3 years ago

what happens if you run soffice.exe with th the same convert arguments as it is called with this lib?

kennylbj commented 3 years ago

I manually remove -env:UserInstallation=file://${installDir.name} in index.js and everything work well again.

// change
let command = `${results.soffice} -env:UserInstallation=file://${installDir.name} --headless --convert-to ${format}`;

// to 
let command = `${results.soffice}  --headless --convert-to ${format}`;

I don't know what happened under the hood but it actually works. what's the meaning of -env argument?

elwerene commented 3 years ago

@kennylbj https://github.com/elwerene/libreoffice-convert/pull/27

ilkohoffmann commented 3 years ago

installDir.name is not a valid POSIX format which is expected by the binary. Converting the dir to POSIX fixes that issue:

// line 16
const posixInstallDir = installDir.name.split(path.sep).join(path.posix.sep);
// line 49
 let command = `-env:UserInstallation=file://${posixInstallDir} --headless --convert-to ${format}`;
ilkohoffmann commented 3 years ago

From Pull-request https://github.com/elwerene/libreoffice-convert/pull/47#issuecomment-724867127

@ilkohoffmann Doesn't this break on windows? In the documentation it says, the path.sep is \ in windows which is correct as far as I know. You replace it with path.posix.sep which should always be / - I can't test it on Windows as I don't have access to a installation. Or did I miss a change in Windows path behavior and it now accepts /?

Not changing the \ to / causes a break on windows. Without the change the resulting command looks like this:

// line 50
`soffice.exe -env:UserInstallation=file://C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Temp\soffice-5568-<XXXX>`

causing the error @kennylbj mentioned above. I couldn´t find any good documentation to the headless soffice converter and the available parameterization. I believe that the -env parameter expects a posix compliant format rather than a windows path expression because its handled internally. I have tested it on windows and it seems to work now. The path is created on the corresponding tmp location and removed after succesful execution. I have closed the pull request anyway, because their is another change to make on windows and I am not sure if that will still work on unix-based systems. The expression with two trailing slashes after file

// line 50
let command = `-env:UserInstallation=file://${posixInstallDir} --headless --convert-to ${format}`;`

has to be changed to three trailing slashes

// line 50
let command = `-env:UserInstallation=file:///${posixInstallDir} --headless --convert-to ${format}`;`
ilkohoffmann commented 3 years ago

I have stumbled across the "file URI scheme" which explains why this is working: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_URI_scheme

JCLimpide commented 3 years ago

As of Feb 21, running on the same error, a variant of @kennylbj solution worked for me:

index.js L46

  // let command = `-env:UserInstallation=file://${installDir.name} --headless --convert-to ${format}`; 
   command = `--headless --convert-to ${format}`;
elwerene commented 3 years ago

Please try https://github.com/elwerene/libreoffice-convert/pull/51

ivysrono commented 2 years ago

1.3.3 does not fix this issue?

avimar commented 2 years ago

This is still an issue on windows 10 with version 1.3.5

mihir254 commented 8 months ago

Came across the same issue on windows. Installed LibreOffice and checked the file path mentioned in the node module to make it work. Code looks like: const libre = require('libreoffice-convert'); libre.convertAsync = require('util').promisify(libre.convert); const pdfBuf = await libre.convertAsync(doc.getZip().generate({ type: "nodebuffer", mimeType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", }), 'pdf', undefined);

And then I proceeded with using the buffer according to my use case. Thank you for sharing the resources in the above comments, it helped a lot! Cheers!