em00k / NextBuild

NextBuild : A suite of tools based on Boriel's ZX Basic Compiler targetting the ZX Spectrum Next
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Question about UDGeedNext #21

Open marca1969 opened 1 year ago

marca1969 commented 1 year ago

Hello, NextBuild works just fine under macOS, where CSpect can be used thanks to mono. UDGeedNext instead only available as a Windows executable. I have read on a forum thread that NextUDGeed would be a PureBasic program. As such, it should be easily compiled under macOS and Linux. Has this been carried out? I am confident that UDGeedNext would be very useful to completely bring NextBuild to different platforms. Thanks and congratulations for all this huge and super-useful work!

ljg701 commented 1 year ago

Have you had a look at https://zx.remysharp.com/sprites/ this has much of the same functionality?

marca1969 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have tried it and it is a nice piece of software. Nevertheless, it would be nice to have the “full packet” of NextBuild running directly on macOS (or Linux). In principle, porting UDGeedNext to these OSs should be straightforward.

em00k commented 1 year ago

Hey! I don't have a Mac so can't build for MacOS! :)

marca1969 commented 1 year ago

If you want me to try…