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Example of using FPDF #6

Open emAmazed opened 10 years ago

emAmazed commented 10 years ago

I have been looking for a good open source program for converting HTML/CSS output to PDF using PHP. I settled with FPDF after a bit of research.

Here is a small program I wrote to generate a PDF landing page.

include_once "inc/Dao_view.php";

class PDF extends FPDF
    // current column
    var $col = 0;
    // ordinate of column start
    var $y;

    function Header()
        // Logo
        //Calculate width of title and position
        //Colors of frame, background and text
        //Thickness of frame (1 mm)
        $this->Cell(100,6,date("F j, Y"),0,0,'C');
        //Line break
        // save ordinate

    function Footer()
        //Position at 1.5 cm from bottom
        //Arial italic 8
        //Text color in gray
        //Page number
        $this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo(),0,0,'C');

    function LoadData_heading($conn,$townid)
        $data = array();
        $sql = Dao_heading($townid);
        if ( $result = mssql_query($sql,$conn) )
            while ( $r = mssql_fetch_assoc($result) )
                $data[] = "Distance";
                $data[] = $r["bedford"];
                $data[] = $r["boston"];
                $data[] = $r["plymouth"];
                $data[] = $r["worcester1"];

                $data[] = "Heading";
                $data[] = $r["bedford_heading"];
                $data[] = $r["boston_heading"];
                $data[] = $r["plymouth_heading"];
                $data[] = $r["worcester1_heading"];

                $data[] = "ETA";
                $data[] = $r["bedford_eta"];
                $data[] = $r["boston_eta"];
                $data[] = $r["plymouth_eta"];
                $data[] = $r["worcester1_eta"];
        return $data;

    // town title
    function LoadData_PageHeading($conn,$townid)
        $data= array();
        $sql = Dao_get_town_info($townid);

        if ( $result = mssql_query($sql,$conn) )
            while ( $r = mssql_fetch_assoc($result) )
                $data[] = $r["town"];
                $data[] = $r["state"];
                $data[] = $r["freqcode"];
                $data[] = $r["freq_type"];
                $data[] = $r["chan#"];
                $data[] = $r["z_chan_name"];
                $data[] = $r["z_chan_#"];
                $data[] = $r["z_id"];
        return $data;
    function DrawPage_heading($data)
        // Town State
        $w = array(50,10,30,18,15);
        for( $i=0; $i<2; $i++ )

        // freq head
        $this->Cell(30,6,"FREQ CODE",'LTRB',0,'C',true);
        $this->Cell(18,6,"FREQ TYPE",'LTRB',0,'C',true);

        // new line for Freq info
        for( $i=2; $i<(count($w)); $i++ )

        // trunk info
        $this->Cell(60,6,"TDFM-658 800 TRUNK",'LTRB',2,'C',true);


    // heading table
    function DrawTable_heading($header,$data)
        //Colors, line width and bold font
        //Header width
        //Color and font restoration

        for ( $j=0; $j<count($header); $j++ )
        for ( $k=0; $k<(count($header)); $k++ )
        for ( $q=0; $q<count($header); $q++ )

        $this->Cell(array_sum($w),0,'','T');  // closing table

    // get data
    function LoadData($conn,$townid)
        $data = array();
        $sql = Dao_info($townid);

        if ( $result = mssql_query($sql,$conn) )
            while ( $r = mssql_fetch_assoc($result) )
                $data[] = "LZ-".$r["lz#"];
                $data[] = $r["latitude"];
                $data[] = $r["longitude"];
                $land = str_replace("\'", "'", $r["landing_zone"]);
                $pilot = str_replace("\'", "'", $r["pilot_notes"]);
                $land = str_replace('\"', '"', $land);
                $pilot = str_replace('\"', '"', $pilot);
                $data[] = $land.(((!empty($pilot))?" // CAUTION:".$pilot:""));
                $data[] = ($r["airport"])?"Yes":"";
        return $data;

    // draw table
    function DrawTable($header,$data)
        //Colors, line width and bold font
        //Header width
        //Color and font restoration

        $fill = true;
        for ( $i=0,$j=0; $i<count($data); $i++ )

            if ( $j<4 )
                // background fill
                if (($i+1)%2)
                $fill = false;
                $fill = true;

                $j = $j-count($w)+1;

    // get list of agency
    function LoadData_alist($conn,$townid)
        $data = array();
        $sql = Dao_agency_list($townid);

        if ( $result = mssql_query($sql,$conn) )
            while ( $r = mssql_fetch_assoc($result) )
                $data[] = trim($r["agency"]);
                $data[] = trim($r["id"]);
                $data[] = trim($r["phone"].$r["phone_ext"]);
                $data[] = trim(set_pri_freq($conn,$r["rx_freq"],$r["rx_tone_freq"],$r["rx_dig"]));
                $data[] = trim(set_pri_freq($conn,$r["tx_freq"],$r["tx_tone_freq"],$r["tx_dig"]));
                $data[] = trim($r["address"]);
                $data[] = trim($r["town"]);
                $data[] = trim($r["state"]);
                $data[] = ($r["fueling_agency_only"])?"Yes":"";
        return $data;

    // get list of primary agencies
    function LoadData_alist_primary($conn,$townid,$heli)
        $data = array();
        $sql = Dao_primary_agency($townid,$heli);

        if ( $result = mssql_query($sql,$conn) )
            while ( $r = mssql_fetch_assoc($result) )
                $data[] = trim($r["agency"]);
                $data[] = trim($r["id"]);
                $data[] = trim($r["phone"].$r["phone_ext"]);
                $data[] = trim(set_pri_freq($conn,$r["rx_freq"],$r["rx_tone_freq"],$r["rx_dig"]));
                $data[] = trim(set_pri_freq($conn,$r["tx_freq"],$r["tx_tone_freq"],$r["tx_dig"]));
                $data[] = trim($r["address"]);
                $data[] = trim($r["town"]);
                $data[] = trim($r["state"]);
                $data[] = ($r["fueling_agency_only"])?"Yes":"";
        return $data;

    // draw agency list table
    function DrawTable_alist_head($header)
        //Colors, line width and bold font
        //Header width

    function DrawTable_alist_data($data)
        //Color and font restoration

        $fill = false;
        for ( $i=0,$j=0; $i<count($data); $i++ )

            if ( $j<8 )
                // background fill
                if (($i+1)%2)
                $fill = true;
                $fill = false;

                $j = $j-count($w)+1;


$pdf=new PDF();
$title="Landing Page Profile";
$pdf->SetAuthor('Emilie Y');

// info
if ( isset($_GET["t"]) && (!empty($_GET["t"])) && ($_GET["t"]!="undefined") )
    $data = $pdf->LoadData_heading($conn,$_GET["t"]);
    $data_lz = $pdf->LoadData_lz($lz_conn,$_GET["t"]);
    $data_alist = $pdf->LoadData_alist($lz_conn,$_GET["t"]);
    $data_alist_p1 = $pdf->LoadData_alist_primary($lz_conn,$_GET["t"],"first_heli");
    $data_alist_p2 = $pdf->LoadData_alist_primary($lz_conn,$_GET["t"],"second_heli");
    $data_alist_p3 = $pdf->LoadData_alist_primary($lz_conn,$_GET["t"],"third_heli");
    $data_pagehead = $pdf->LoadData_PageHeading($lz_conn,$_GET["t"]);


    // page title contents

    // headings
    $header = array("","BED","BOS","PYM","WORC");

    // info
    $header_lz = array("LZ#","Latitude","Longitude","Warning","Airport");

    // show list of agencies
    $header_alist = array("Agency","ID","Phone","PRI_RX","PRI_TX","Address","Town","State","Fuel");

