emacs-china / EGO

EGO is a static site generator that depends on Emacs, Git and Org-mode.
94 stars 11 forks source link

apply: Wrong type argument: listp, #("lujun9972" 0 9 (:parent (#0))) #88

Closed lujun9972 closed 7 years ago

lujun9972 commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to publish the "https://github.com/lujun9972/emacs-document", but I get the error:

EGO: verify configuration EGO: Git branch operation and get changed files EGO: Create necessary directory and prepare theme! EGO: Pre-publish all files needed to be publish, waiting... (:title emacs-calc :date 2016-07-06 :mod-date 2016-07-06 :description No Description :thumb nil :authors (lujun9972) :category calc :uri /blog/2016/07/06/emacs-calc/ :pub-dir /home/lujun9972/webRoot/emacs-document.github.io/blog/2016/07/06/emacs-calc/) Read post.mustache from file apply: Wrong type argument: listp, #("lujun9972" 0 9 (:parent (#0)))

My configuration is

(use-package ego
      (ego-add-to-alist 'ego-project-config-alist
               `(("emacs-document" ; 站点工程的名字
                 :repository-directory "~/github/emacs-document" ; 站点的本地目录
                 :site-domain "http://lujun9972.github.io/emacs-document" ; 站点的网址
                 :site-main-title "EMACS-DOCUMENT" ; 站点的标题
                 :site-sub-title "=============>集思广益" ; 站点的副标题
                 :repository-org-branch "master"
                 :repository-html-branch "gh-pages"
                 :theme (default) ; 使用的主题
                 :summary (("years" :year :updates 10) ("authors" :authors) ("tags" :tags)) ; 导航栏的设置,有 category 和 summary 两种
                 :source-browse-url ("Github" "https://github.com/lujun9972/emacs-document") ; 你的工程源代码所在的位置
                 :personal-disqus-shortname "emacs-document" ; 使用 disqus 评论功能的话,它的短名称
                 :personal-duoshuo-shortname "emacs-document" ; 使用 多说 评论功能的话,它的短名称
                 ;; :confound-email nil ; 是否保护邮件名称呢?t 是保护,nil 是不保护,默认是保护
                 :ignore-file-name-regexp "README.org" ; 有些不想发布成 html 的 org 文件(但是又想被导入 git 进行管理),可以用这种正则表达的方式排除
                 :web-server-docroot "~/webRoot/emacs-document.github.io" ; 本地测试的目录
                 :web-server-port 5432); 本地测试的端口

                 ;; 你可以在此添加更多的站点设置
lujun9972 commented 7 years ago

Org-version:8.3.6 Emacs-vesion: System:Ubuntu 16.04

kuangdash commented 7 years ago

It seems to be the problem of mustache.el and org-export-as,

M-x toggle-debug-on-error, May I solve the problem...