emacs-china / elpa

Emacs China ELPA 镜像
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添加emacs-chine源后还会使用elpa.gnu.org #47

Closed Jztluo closed 6 years ago

Jztluo commented 6 years ago

新拉取的spacemacs, 在user-init里设置源

(defun dotspacemacs/user-init ()
  "Initialization function for user code.
It is called immediately after `dotspacemacs/init', before layer configuration
 This function is mostly useful for variables that need to be set
before packages are loaded. If you are unsure, you should try in setting them in
`dotspacemacs/user-config' first."

    (setq configuration-layer--elpa-archives
      '(("melpa-cn" . "http://elpa.emacs-china.org/melpa/")
        ("org-cn"   . "http://elpa.emacs-china.org/org/")
        ("gnu-cn"   . "http://elpa.emacs-china.org/gnu/")))

第一次打开emacs使用的是emacs-china源 但是之后打开emacs添加layers连接的就是elpa.gnu.org了 删除 ~/.emacs.d/.cache ~/.emacs.d/elpa之后, 再次打开emacs才会使用emacs-china安装好layers. 这是我使用方式不对还是有bug啊?

xuchunyang commented 6 years ago

你遇到的问题不是由这个项目导致的。巧好我也不是 Spacemacs 用户,所以帮不上面。我建议你向 Spacemacs 社区求助,比如 https://emacs-china.org/ 就有不少 Spacemacs 用户。