emacs-dashboard / doom-dashboard

Doom Like style for emacs dashboard
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 4 forks source link

Widgets look bad with Symbols Nerd Font #3

Open nosewings opened 5 months ago

nosewings commented 5 months ago

With nerd-icons-font-family set to "Symbols Nerd Font", my dashboardlooks like the following:

Screenshot 2024-06-15 at 10 31 17 PM

The problem comes from (insert (format "%-3s" icon)) in, e.g., doom-dashboard-insert-project-shortmenu. The produced string inherits the properties of the icon, including its font, and "Symbols Nerd Font" only has icons.

This could be fixed by simply replacing the offending code with (insert (string-pad icon 3)).