emacs-eclim / emacs-eclim

This project brings some of the great eclipse features to emacs developers. It is based on the eclim project, which provides eclipse features for vim. Development from senny/emacs-eclim has moved here.
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Unable to install Eclim for Eclipse in Emacs #105

Open aluva opened 4 years ago

aluva commented 4 years ago

I did this:

$ sudo apt install eclipse eclipse-jdt

Then, tried to install eclim using use-package in Emacs:

(use-package eclim
      :ensure t
       (require 'eclim)
       (setq eclimd-autostart t)
       (defun my-java-mode-hook ()
       (eclim-mode t))
       (add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'my-java-mode-hook))

It seems, use-paclage did not install it though evaluation showed t. Then, I used terminal:



debian# cd Downloads

`debian# ./eclim_2.8.0.bin`

Welcome to the installer for eclim 2.8.0. Please specify the root directory of your eclipse install. Ex: /opt/eclipse /usr/local/eclipse

> `/home/tom/.eclipse/`

The eclipse launcher/executable could not be found in that directory

eclipse is installed in ~/.eclipse

(1) What is the root directory of eclipse install?

(2) Also, how to configure executable directory path, using use-package in Emacs?

(3) And, use-package shows that there is no emacs-eclim package in the repository!

(use-package emacs-eclim
   :ensure t)