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repeatedly pasting into browser session #1180

Closed r2evans closed 1 year ago

r2evans commented 2 years ago

I cannot produce a reproducible issue here, I'm hoping you can help me identify which recurring ESS task is doing this.

I spend a lot of time in Browse[2]> (or deeper), often using it for writing my R functions the first time. Infrequently (I cannot find the exact trigger), something I do causes the last command I evaluate causes that command to be re-evaluated in the R inferior buffer whenever I switch from R to the code.

For instance, I'm currently working in the debugger, and in the inferior buffer itself I type in

Browse[2]> head(lapfuel)
     c2 c4 c10 c12 c11 c14 c15 c17 c18 c19 c20 c21 c22 c23 c24
[1,] NA NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA
[2,] 84 NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA
[3,] NA NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA
[4,] NA NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA
[5,] NA NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA
[6,] NA NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA

Now something I do (in the following 5 seconds to 5 minutes, I don't recall in this case) causes that output to be re-inserted into the inferior process repeated. Some things that cause it to be inserted:

I have found no key-combination (mistyped or deliberate) that triggers into this state, and nothing that gets me out of it. My only recourse is to restart R completely (not something I relish doing often).

I see nothing in *Messages*, nor any other consistent emacs errors/warnings/beeps.

Is there some queue of pending ESS actions or somewhere I can look to see if there is something pending that shouldn't?

(You know I prefer reproducible issues, I've been toiling with finding reproducibility in this for weeks ...)

vspinu commented 2 years ago

This is strange. I never experience anything like that, even though I also spend a lot of time in debugger. There is a queue indeed. Internally we accumulate the content coming from from the process in an separate buffer and flush it in batches. This is much faster than piping it as it comes. Something might be broken with that mechanism for you.

Flushing happens whenever the process is ready (here). That means whenever > prompt is detected. Have you changed your prompt regexp by any chance?

r2evans commented 2 years ago

No intentional change to the prompts:

> options("prompt", "continue")
[1] "> "

[1] "+ "

In elisp, inferior-ess-primary-prompt is "> " everywhere; and inferior-ess-secondary-prompt is "+ " in R inferior process and ESS[R] buffers, and nil elsewhere (e.g., *scratch*).

I'm not certain how to use that section of flushing code. Sorry for my elisp non-proficency, is there a way I can manually flush or clear that buffer?

BTW, I should have included this earlier: Windows 11 running:

GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2021-03-26
ess-version: 18.10.3snapshot [elpa: 20211231.1746] (loaded from c:/Users/r2/.emacs.d/elpa/ess-20211231.1746/)
vspinu commented 2 years ago

I showed the code just for the sake of pointing that it's very simple, whenever we see prompt we flush. Nothing you can do directly with the flushing buffer. So the situation like you describe is really strange.

r2evans commented 2 years ago

A little more context: the "phantom output" occurs when my cursor is inside a function for which I suspect ESS is doing a lookup. For instance, when the phantom-output is turned on, then when my cursor _ is outside all parens,

func(1, 2, 3) _

nothing happens. When it is inside a function I've "seen" recently,

nrow( _

nothing happens. When it is inside a function I've not looked at (recently?),

someNewFunction( _

then the phantom output is dumped to the console. It does not matter if someNewFunction exists or not. (This is also triggered with glm( _, which I have not used yet during this R session.)

I don't know if that provides any helpful context. Thanks!

vspinu commented 2 years ago

Something is eating your output (or output of internal communication). Are you on the most recent ESS? What is the value of ess--command-default-timeout?

Does it help if you increase your (setq read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024))?

r2evans commented 2 years ago
; GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2021-03-26
; ess-version: 18.10.3snapshot [elpa: 20211231.1746] (loaded from c:/Users/r2/.emacs.d/elpa/ess-20211231.1746/)
; 2305843009213693951 (#o177777777777777777777, #x1fffffffffffffff)
; 4096

I'll try (setq read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024)) for a while and report back. Thank you @vspinu!

r2evans commented 2 years ago

That's a quick "nope", unfortunately. still doing it.

r2evans commented 2 years ago

If it matters, the specific configs for my ESS.

~/.emacs.d/init ``` (custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. '(ess-developer-code-injection-in-packages nil) '(ess-directory-containing-R "c:/") '(ess-eval-visibly nil) '(ess-history-directory "~/") '(ess-history-file "~/.Rhistory") '(ess-indent-with-fancy-comments nil) '(ess-plain-first-buffername nil) '(ess-r-runner-prefixes (quote ("R-4" "R-3" "R-5" "R-6" "R-7" "R-devel" "R-patched"))) '(ess-roxy-str "#'") '(ess-roxy-template-alist (quote (("description" . ".. content for \\description{} (no empty lines) ..") ("details" . ".. content for \\details{} ..") ("param" . "") ("return" . "")))) '(ess-style (quote RStudio)) '(ess-swv-processor (quote knitr)) '(ess-toolbar-global nil) '(inferior-ess-exit-command "q(\"no\") " t) '(inferior-ess-r-help-command "utils::help('%s') ") '(inferior-julia-args "-i") '(inferior-julia-program "julia") '(package-enable-at-startup nil) '(package-selected-packages (quote (winum sublimity minimap gnu-elpa-keyring-update flymake-shellcheck pyvenv 0xc transient register-list poly-R forge poly-markdown polymode magit-todos aggressive-indent edit-indirect yasnippet ess smartscan smart-compile markdown-mode magit git-gutter ein))) ) ```
~/.emacs.d/lisp/my-ess.el (autoloaded) ``` (defun my-ess-hook () "more stuff to load with ess" ;; smartscan.el --- Jumps between other symbols found at point ;; http://www.masteringemacs.org/articles/2011/01/14/effective-editing-movement/ (smartscan-mode 1) (setq ess-indent-level 2 comment-add 0) (local-set-key (kbd "M--") 'ess-cycle-assign) ;; keep me from accidentally KILLING R (again) (define-key ess-extra-map "r" nil) (define-key ess-extra-map "\C-r" nil) (define-key ess-mode-map (kbd "C-") 'complete-symbol) ;; https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/issues/1062 (setq ess-r--no-company-meta t) ) (defun my-postinit-ess () "my ess init code run after package-initialize" (require 'ess) (require 'ess-site) ;; for flycheck (cond ((eq system-type 'windows-nt) (let ((rdir (car (nconc (ess-find-rterm "c:/R/" "bin/x64/") (ess-find-rterm "c:/R/" "bin/i386/") (ess-find-rterm "c:/R/" "bin/"))) )) (setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH") ";" rdir)) (add-to-list 'exec-path rdir t) ))) (ess-toggle-underscore nil) (setq-default ess-dialect "R" ;; ess-default-style 'RStudio inferior-R-args "--no-save " ;; mostly for Rmd files, since "trailing double spaces" is relevant ess-nuke-trailing-whitespace-p nil ess-ask-for-ess-directory nil) (add-hook 'ess-mode-hook 'my-ess-hook) (add-hook 'inferior-ess-mode-hook 'my-ess-hook) (setq comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input t comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output t comint-move-point-for-output nil ;; https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/issues/316 ;; ess-r-package-auto-activate nil ) ) (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'my-postinit-ess) ```
r2evans commented 2 years ago

More details, not sure if it is just muddying or helpful.

I'm currently in a debugging browser at the moment, stepping through one of my functions. Normally, I C-c C-r regions. When I haven't done anything to trigger the phantom output, things work fine.

If my editing buffer is just

if (FALSE) {
  QUUX <- mtcars[1:2,]

and my R buffer starts as:



  1. C-c C-n the two lines, works just fine;

    Browse[2]> QUUX <- mtcars[1:2,]
    Browse[2]> QUUX[1:2,]
                  mpg cyl disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb
    Mazda RX4      21   6  160 110  3.9 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4
    Mazda RX4 Wag  21   6  160 110  3.9 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4
  2. Move around quickly (do not allow the 'pause' to trigger a phantom output), highlight QUUX, and C-u C-c C-r, it works:

    Browse[2]> QUUX
                  mpg cyl disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb
    Mazda RX4      21   6  160 110  3.9 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4
    Mazda RX4 Wag  21   6  160 110  3.9 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4
  3. Move around more slowly, trigger the phantom output, highlight QUUX and C-u C-c C-r:

    Browse[2]> [1] 6
    > > QUUX
    Error in eval(ei, envir) (from ...#1) : object 'QUUX' not found
  4. If I go to the R buffer, hit <Enter>, it returns to Browse[2] > at which time QUUX works fine, as it does when done from the file buffer.

The phantom output injecting into today's session is [1] 6\n>. I think I know when it started and perhaps the code that corresponds to that output, but it was innocuous (I think literally highlight nrow(df) and C-c C-r), and nothing I recall doing at the time included some arbitrary "oops" mis-type or accidentally activating some other keybinding.

DJJ88 commented 2 years ago

Hello I have experienced similar issues. Is it related to this post on so?

r2evans commented 2 years ago

I'll check, thank you @DJJ88. (I haven't been able to trigger the problem by changing comint-process-echoes (as already commented in that SO issue) nor with (completion-at-point), but I'll give those a try the next time it triggers.)

r2evans commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that the errant output is occurring when (completion-at-point) is called manually (with the cursor inside a function call). When it is happening,

; (ess-roxy-complete-tag ess-filename-completion ess-r-package-completion ess-r-object-completion t)

which is unchanged from when the problem is not occurring.

r2evans commented 2 years ago

Of those, only ess-r-object-completion is doing anything during the problem, and it appears to be returning something reasonable:

(ess-r-object-completion) ; while the cursor is within a defined function
; (72036 72036 ("which = "))
(ess-r-object-completion) ; while not within a defined function
; nil

That doesn't seem to help narrow it down at all, unfortunately.

lionel- commented 2 years ago

Since you can consistently reproduce, an ess-elisp-trace-mode output taken during the reprex might be useful.

marcschwartz commented 2 years ago

Hi All,

I just wanted to add a "me too" here, with perhaps an additional couple of data points.

First, I am on macOS, using the Emacs binary builds from https://emacsformacosx.com/builds.

I get this behavior, of repeating prior output, without using the R debugger, and that it is dependent upon using Emacs 27. If I revert to Emacs 26, I do not seem to get this same behavior.

Thus, I am using Emacs 26, as the Emacs 27 behavior is rather annoying.

My recollection is that there were a few threads on ESS-help last year with some Emacs 27 specific behaviors affecting output in the R session frame, with extra blank/prompt lines and similar types of behaviors manifesting themselves, suggesting some kind of nuanced incompatibility with Emacs 27.

r2evans commented 2 years ago

@lionel- I recognize that ess-elisp-trace-mode is supposed to do something, but it just returns t and does not appear to do much more. I'm guessing it's saving logs somewhere but I can't find anything.

r2evans commented 2 years ago

(Not sure why it didn't work when I used it four days ago ... arg. What a week.)

I tried to cut this to just a few seconds, incurring one such "phantom output", but I know there's a lot of extra stuff there. Since I'm not confident removing extra, I've kept all of it there. I apologize for the volume. Thank you in advance if/when you are able to look through it.

ess-elisp-trace-mode ``` ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--idle-timer-function) 1 <- ess--idle-timer-function: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--idle-timer-function) | 2 -> (ess-synchronize-dirs) | | 3 -> (inferior-ess-available-p) | | | 4 -> (ess-debug-active-p #) | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-live-p #) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-get dbg-active #) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-get: nil | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-get is-recover #) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-get: nil | | | 4 <- ess-debug-active-p: nil | | | 4 -> (inferior-ess-mark-as-busy #) | | | 4 <- inferior-ess-mark-as-busy: (busy t sec-prompt nil busy-end\? t availability-check nil running-async\? nil funargs-pre-cache (("plot" (("graphics") (("x" . #1="") ("y" . "NULL") ("type" . "p") ("xlim" . "NULL") ("ylim" . "NULL") ("log" . #1#) ("main" . "NULL") ("sub" . "NULL") ("xlab" . "NULL") ("ylab" . "NULL") ("ann" . "par(\"ann\")") ("axes" . "TRUE") ("frame.plot" . "axes") ("panel.first" . "NULL") ("panel.last" . "NULL") ("asp" . "NA") ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "y" "..." "ci" "type" "xlab" "ylab" "ylim" "main" "ci.col" "ci.type" "max.mfrow" "ask" "mar" "oma" "mgp" "xpd" "cex.main" "verbose" "scale" "xlim" "log" "sub" "ann" "axes" "frame.plot" "panel.first" "panel.last" "asp" "center" "edge.root" "nodePar" "edgePar" "leaflab" "dLeaf" "xaxt" "yaxt" "horiz" "zero.line" "verticals" "col.01line" "pch" "legend.text" "formula" "data" "subset" "to" "from" "newpage" "vp" "labels" "hang" "freq" "density" "angle" "col" "border" "lty" "add" "predicted.values" "intervals" "separator" "col.predicted" "col.intervals" "col.separator" "lty.predicted" "lty.intervals" "lty.separator" "plot.type" "main2" "par.fit" "grid" "panel" "cex" "dimen" "abbrev" "which" "caption" "sub.caption" "id.n" "labels.id" "cex.id" "qqline" "cook.levels" "add.smooth" "label.pos" "cex.caption" "rows" "levels" "conf" "absVal" "ci.lty" "xval" "do.points" "col.points" "cex.points" "col.hor" "col.vert" "lwd" "set.pars" "range.bars" "col.range" "xy.labels" "xy.lines" "nc" "yax.flip" "mar.multi" "oma.multi"))) ("print" (("base") (("x" . #1#) ("digits" . "NULL") ("quote" . "TRUE") ("na.print" . "NULL") ("print.gap" . "NULL") ("right" . "FALSE") ("max" . "NULL") ("useSource" . "TRUE") ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "..." "digits" "signif.stars" "intercept" "tol" "se" "sort" "verbose" "indent" "style" ".bibstyle" "prefix" "vsep" "minlevel" "quote" "right" "row.names" "max" "na.print" "print.gap" "useSource" "diag" "upper" "justify" "title" "max.levels" "width" "steps" "showEnv" "newpage" "vp" "cutoff" "max.level" "give.attr" "units" "abbrCollate" "print.x" "deparse" "locale" "symbolic.cor" "loadings" "zero.print" "calendar")))) cmd-restore-function #[0 "\302\300\301\"\210\303\300\304\305#\210\303\300\306\305#\210\307\300\310\"\211\205#\0\303\300\311\305#\210\301\300\"\207" [# inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter set-process-filter process-put cmd-output-delimiter nil cmd-buffer process-get pending-output pending] 5] cmd-buffer nil cmd-output-delimiter nil dbg-buffer # dbg-active nil tracebug t sp-for-help-changed\? t sp-for-ac-changed\? t :eval-visibly nil last-eval (25105 45555 897054 0) :accum-buffer # is-recover nil flush-time nil prev-prompt "> " flush-timer nil suppress-next-output\? nil average-response-time 0.0008589693796153744 last-availability-check (25105 45522 498215 0) last-sync-dirs (25105 45522 511957 0) funargs-cache #s(hash-table size 145 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 data ("format_gfcharts" (("mypkg" 25102 65211 143334 0) (("entries" . #1#) ("group" . #1#) ("linetype" . "blank") ("color" . "NA") ("textcolor" . "gray50") ("lighten" . "color") ("darken_rgb" . "TRUE") ("sortorder" . "finishposition")) ("entries" "group" "linetype" "color" "textcolor" "lighten" "darken_rgb" "sortorder")) "list" (("base" 25102 65257 303964 0) (("..." . #1#)) ("...")) "n::render" nil "adsSQLQuery" (("adssql" 25102 65501 929663 0) (("query" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("fetch" . #1#) ("params" . "list()") ("dotranslate" . "TRUE") ("dotemp" . "TRUE") ("dovector" . "TRUE") ("vec.max.len" . "100") ("docase" . "getOption(\"adssql.docase\")") ("posix_fieldnames" . "getOption(\"adssql.posix_fieldnames\", character(0))") ("date_fieldnames" . "getOption(\"adssql.date_fieldnames\", character(0))") ("colClasses" . "getOption(\"adssql.colClasses\", list())") ("autotype" . "FALSE") ("dofmt" . "getOption(\"adssql.dofmt\")") ("dotbl" . "getOption(\"adssql.dotbl\", FALSE)") ("doDT" . "getOption(\"adssql.doDT\", FALSE)") ("max.n" . "-1") ("batch.n" . "-1") ("tz" . #1#) ("immediate" . "FALSE") ("conn" . "NULL")) ("query" "..." "fetch" "params" "dotranslate" "dotemp" "dovector" "vec.max.len" "docase" "posix_fieldnames" "date_fieldnames" "colClasses" "autotype" "dofmt" "dotbl" "doDT" "max.n" "batch.n" "tz" "immediate" "conn")) "rmarkdown::render" (("rmarkdown" 25103 163 237545 0) (("input" . #1#) ("output_format" . "NULL") ("output_file" . "NULL") ("output_dir" . "NULL") ("output_options" . "NULL") ("output_yaml" . "NULL") ("intermediates_dir" . "NULL") ("knit_root_dir" . "NULL") ("runtime" . "c(\"auto\", \"static\", \"shiny\", \"shinyrmd\", \"shiny_prerendered\")") ("clean" . "TRUE") ("params" . "NULL") ("knit_meta" . "NULL") ("envir" . "parent.frame()") ("run_pandoc" . "TRUE") ("quiet" . "FALSE") ("encoding" . "UTF-8")) ("input" "output_format" "output_file" "output_dir" "output_options" "output_yaml" "intermediates_dir" "knit_root_dir" "runtime" "clean" "params" "knit_meta" "envir" "run_pandoc" "quiet" "encoding")) "sprintf" (("base" 25103 299 474432 0) (("fmt" . #1#) ("..." . #1#)) ("fmt" "...")) "tab_spanner" (("gt" 25103 336 904109 0) (("data" . #1#) ("label" . #1#) ("columns" . #1#) ("id" . "label") ("gather" . "TRUE")) ("data" "label" "columns" "id" "gather")) "dplyr::mutate_at" (("dplyr" 25103 359 682220 0) ((".tbl" . #1#) (".vars" . #1#) (".funs" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) (".cols" . "NULL")) (".tbl" ".vars" ".funs" "..." ".cols")) "cols_align" (("gt" 25103 374 141432 0) (("data" . #1#) ("align" . "c(\"auto\", \"left\", \"center\", \"right\")") ("columns" . "everything()")) ("data" "align" "columns")) "on.exit" (("base" 25103 1086 786794 0) (("expr" . "NULL") ("add" . "FALSE") ("after" . "TRUE")) ("expr" "add" "after")) "paste" (("base" 25103 1104 946984 0) (("..." . #1#) ("sep" . " ") ("collapse" . "NULL") ("recycle0" . "FALSE")) ("..." "sep" "collapse" "recycle0")) "adsSQLInsert" (("adssql" 25103 1108 139076 0) (("x" . #1#) ("tbl" . #1#) ("create" . "FALSE") ("append" . "!create") ("temporary" . "FALSE") ("docase" . "getOption(\"adssql.docase\")") ("doUUIDcheck" . "getOption(\"adssql.uuid_check\", TRUE)") ("dotemp" . "TRUE") ("conn" . "NULL")) ("x" "tbl" "create" "append" "temporary" "docase" "doUUIDcheck" "dotemp" "conn")) "grep" (("base" 25103 1852 877465 0) (("pattern" . #1#) ("x" . #1#) ("ignore.case" . "FALSE") ("perl" . "FALSE") ("value" . "FALSE") ("fixed" . "FALSE") ("useBytes" . "FALSE") ("invert" . "FALSE")) ("pattern" "x" "ignore.case" "perl" "value" "fixed" "useBytes" "invert")) "c" (("base" 25103 1908 179616 0) (("..." . #1#)) ("recursive" "use.names" "..." "x" "x.same" "y.same" "layout" "merge.legends")) "dput" (("base" 25103 1958 342044 0) (("x" . #1#) ("file" . #1#) ("control" . "c(\"keepNA\", \"keepInteger\", \"niceNames\", \"showAttributes\")")) ("x" "file" "control")) "setdiff" (("generics" 25103 1994 482686 0) (("x" . #1#) ("y" . #1#) ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "y" "...")) "unlist" (("base" 25103 2141 267898 0) (("x" . #1#) ("recursive" . "TRUE") ("use.names" . "TRUE")) ("x" "recursive" "use.names")) "switch" (("base" 25103 2189 151572 0) (("EXPR" . #1#) ("..." . #1#)) ("EXPR" "...")) "checkFilePermissions" (("mypkg2" 25103 2221 721035 0) (("SessionId" . #1#) ("filename" . "NA") ("showall" . "FALSE") ("onlygroups" . "NULL") ("onlyadmin" . "FALSE") ("checkgroups" . "NULL") ("checkadmin" . "FALSE") ("ignore_unknown" . "TRUE") ("conn" . "NULL")) ("SessionId" "filename" "showall" "onlygroups" "onlyadmin" "checkgroups" "checkadmin" "ignore_unknown" "conn")) "benchmarks::plotBenchmarks" (("benchmarks" 25103 2341 390590 0) (("race" . #1#) ("Cars" . "Frd") ("combineCars" . "FALSE") ("positionRanks" . "list(c(1, 3), c(4, 7), c(8, 12))") ("greenType" . "c(\"positionCars\", \"ownCar\", \"allCars\")") ("fuelWindow" . "NA") ("minGroupSize" . "2") ("ylim" . "NA") ("output_dir" . "getwd()") ("title" . "NA") ("conn" . "NULL")) ("race" "Cars" "combineCars" "positionRanks" "greenType" "fuelWindow" "minGroupSize" "ylim" "output_dir" "title" "conn")) "recode" (("dplyr" 25103 2795 15538 0) ((".x" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) (".default" . "NULL") (".missing" . "NULL")) (".x" "..." ".default" ".missing")) "nil" nil "grepl" (("base" 25103 2975 891999 0) (("pattern" . #1#) ("x" . #1#) ("ignore.case" . "FALSE") ("perl" . "FALSE") ("fixed" . "FALSE") ("useBytes" . "FALSE")) ("pattern" "x" "ignore.case" "perl" "fixed" "useBytes")) "Q" (("adssql" 25103 3899 512273 0) (("query" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("fetch" . #1#) ("params" . "list()") ("dotranslate" . "TRUE") ("dotemp" . "TRUE") ("dovector" . "TRUE") ("vec.max.len" . "100") ("docase" . "getOption(\"adssql.docase\")") ("posix_fieldnames" . 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"vec.len" "give.head" "give.length" "indent.str" "max.level" "digits.d" "nchar.max" "give.attr" "drop.deparse.attr" "width" "nest.lev" "comp.str" "no.list" "envir" "strict.width" "formatNum" "list.len" "deparse.lines" "wid" "last.str" "stem" "digits" "header" "level")))) temp-source-files ("c:/Users/r2/AppData/Local/Temp/gps-restarts.R!2KmJOv") pending-output "Browse[2]> " pending nil) | | | 4 -> (inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter # "> ") | | | | 5 -> (ess--accumulation-buffer #) | | | | 5 <- ess--accumulation-buffer: # | | | | 5 -> (inferior-ess--set-status # "> ") | | | | 5 <- inferior-ess--set-status: 0 | | | | 5 -> (ess--if-verbose-write-process-state # "> ") | | | | | 6 -> (ess-if-verbose-write " NORMAL-FILTER: --> busy:nil busy-end:t sec-prompt:nil interruptable:nil <-- --> running-async:nil callback:nil suppress-next-output:t <-- --> dbg-active:nil is-recover:nil <-- --> string:> ") | | | | | 6 <- ess-if-verbose-write: nil | | | | 5 <- ess--if-verbose-write-process-state: nil | | | | 5 -> (inferior-ess-run-callback # "> ") | | | | 5 <- inferior-ess-run-callback: nil | | | 4 <- inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter: nil | | 3 <- inferior-ess-available-p: t | | 3 -> (ess-if-verbose-write " (ess-synchronize-dirs) ") | | 3 <- ess-if-verbose-write: nil | | 3 -> (ess-get-words-from-vector "getwd() ") | | | 4 -> (inferior-ess-force) | | | | 5 -> (ess-force-buffer-current) | | | | | 6 -> (ess-make-buffer-current) | | | | | | 7 -> (update-ess-process-name-list) | | | | | | 7 <- update-ess-process-name-list: nil | | | | | 6 <- ess-make-buffer-current: "R:2" | | | | 5 <- ess-force-buffer-current: # | | | 4 <- inferior-ess-force: # | | | 4 -> (ess-command "getwd() " # sleep nil nil nil nil nil) | | | | 5 -> (ess-command--get-proc nil nil) | | | | | 6 -> (ess-get-process "R:2") | | | | | | 7 -> (update-ess-process-name-list) | | | | | | 7 <- update-ess-process-name-list: nil | | | | | 6 <- ess-get-process: # | | | | 5 <- ess-command--get-proc: # | | | | 5 -> (inferior-ess--output-delimiter) | | | | 5 <- inferior-ess--output-delimiter: "ess-output-delimiter2606" | | | | 5 -> (ess--strip-final-newlines "getwd() ") | | | | 5 <- ess--strip-final-newlines: "getwd()" | | | | 5 -> (ess-r-format-command "getwd()" (output-delimiter . "ess-output-delimiter2606")) | | | | 5 <- ess-r-format-command: ".ess.command(local(getwd()), 'ess-output-delimiter2606') " | | | | 5 -> (ess-if-verbose-write "(ess-command getwd() ..)") | | | | 5 <- ess-if-verbose-write: nil | | | | 5 -> (ess--command-make-restore-function #) | | | | 5 <- ess--command-make-restore-function: #[0 "\302\300\301\"\210\303\300\304\305#\210\303\300\306\305#\210\307\300\310\"\211\205#\0\303\300\311\305#\210\301\300\"\207" [# inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter set-process-filter process-put cmd-output-delimiter nil cmd-buffer process-get pending-output pending] 5] | | | | 5 -> (ess-setq-vars-local ((ess-local-process-name . "R:2") (inferior-ess-primary-prompt . "> "))) | | | | 5 <- ess-setq-vars-local: ((ess-local-process-name . "R:2") (inferior-ess-primary-prompt . "> ")) | | | | 5 -> (inferior-ess-mark-as-busy #) | | | | 5 <- inferior-ess-mark-as-busy: (busy t sec-prompt nil busy-end\? t availability-check nil running-async\? nil funargs-pre-cache (("plot" (("graphics") (("x" . #1="") ("y" . "NULL") ("type" . "p") ("xlim" . "NULL") ("ylim" . "NULL") ("log" . #1#) ("main" . "NULL") ("sub" . "NULL") ("xlab" . "NULL") ("ylab" . "NULL") ("ann" . "par(\"ann\")") ("axes" . "TRUE") ("frame.plot" . "axes") ("panel.first" . "NULL") ("panel.last" . "NULL") ("asp" . "NA") ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "y" "..." 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"NULL") ("quote" . "TRUE") ("na.print" . "NULL") ("print.gap" . "NULL") ("right" . "FALSE") ("max" . "NULL") ("useSource" . "TRUE") ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "..." 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"NULL") ("timefields" . "NULL") ("timeworkaround" . "1e-06") ("sqlservertimeworkaround" . "timeworkaround") ("keyfields_precision" . "6") ("min_query_interval" . "0")) ("..." "keyfields" "idfields" "timefields" "timeworkaround" "sqlservertimeworkaround" "keyfields_precision" "min_query_interval")) "mypkg2::cache_sessiondata" (("mypkg2" 25103 62446 551511 0) (("..." . #1#) ("which" . "NULL") ("min_query_interval" . "NULL") ("columns" . "NULL")) ("..." "which" "min_query_interval" "columns")) "structure" (("base" 25103 62522 630892 0) ((".Data" . #1#) ("..." . #1#)) (".Data" "...")) "cumsum" (("base" 25103 63029 897347 0) (("x" . #1#)) ("x")) "if_else" (("dplyr" 25103 63171 507337 0) (("condition" . #1#) ("true" . #1#) ("false" . #1#) ("missing" . "NULL")) ("condition" "true" "false" "missing")) "match" (("base" 25103 63174 907220 0) (("x" . #1#) ("table" . #1#) ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "table" "nomatch" "incomparables" "...")) 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"getOption(\"rsconnect.launch.browser\", interactive())") ("logLevel" . "c(\"normal\", \"quiet\", \"verbose\")") ("lint" . "TRUE") ("metadata" . "list()") ("forceUpdate" . "getOption(\"rsconnect.force.update.apps\", FALSE)") ("python" . "NULL") ("on.failure" . "NULL") ("forceGeneratePythonEnvironment" . "FALSE")) ("appDir" "appFiles" "appFileManifest" "appPrimaryDoc" "appSourceDoc" "appName" "appTitle" "appId" "contentCategory" "account" "server" "upload" "recordDir" "launch.browser" "logLevel" "lint" "metadata" "forceUpdate" "python" "on.failure" "forceGeneratePythonEnvironment")) "dev_whatif" nil "tryCatch" (("base" 25104 8815 496115 0) (("expr" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("finally" . #1#)) ("expr" "..." "finally")) "mutate" (("dplyr" 25105 3345 429803 0) ((".data" . #1#) ("..." . #1#)) (".data" "..." ".keep" ".before" ".after")) "local" (("base" 25105 6518 771360 0) (("expr" . #1#) ("envir" . "new.env()")) ("expr" "envir")) "bulk_query" (("adssql" 25105 6653 527879 0) (("conn" . #1#) ("query" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("params" . "NULL") ("tmpdir" . "tempdir()") ("header" . "TRUE") ("exe" . "NA") ("quiet" . "TRUE") ("autorun" . "TRUE") ("async" . "FALSE") ("clean" . "none") ("notify" . "FALSE") ("dofmt" . "getOption(\"adssql.dofmt\")") ("docase" . "getOption(\"adssql.docase\")") (".sep" . "NA")) ("conn" "query" "..." "params" "tmpdir" "header" "exe" "quiet" "autorun" "async" "clean" "notify" "dofmt" "docase" ".sep")) "q100" (("r2" 25105 6857 180293 0) (("x" . #1#) ("r" . "3")) ("x" "r")) "nrow" (("base" 25105 9446 410416 0) (("x" . #1#)) ("x")) "order" (("base" 25105 12357 84719 0) (("..." . #1#)) ("..." "na.last" "decreasing" "method")) "tibble" (("tibble" 25105 14311 549648 0) (("..." . #1#) (".rows" . "NULL") (".name_repair" . "c(\"check_unique\", \"unique\", \"universal\", \"minimal\")")) ("..." ".rows" ".name_repair")) "UP" (("adssql" 25105 14320 61581 0) (("x" . #1#) ("tbl" . #1#) ("on" . #1#) ("action" . "NULL") ("conn" . "NULL") ("verbose" . "FALSE") ("bulk" . "FALSE") ("bulkexe" . "NA") ("quiet" . "TRUE")) ("x" "tbl" "on" "action" "conn" "verbose" "bulk" "bulkexe" "quiet")) "adsSQLUpsert" (("adssql" 25105 14327 150018 0) (("x" . #1#) ("tbl" . #1#) ("on" . #1#) ("action" . "NULL") ("conn" . "NULL") ("verbose" . "FALSE") ("bulk" . "FALSE") ("bulkexe" . "NA") ("quiet" . "TRUE")) ("x" "tbl" "on" "action" "conn" "verbose" "bulk" "bulkexe" "quiet")) "debug" (("base" 25105 14334 756468 0) (("fun" . #1#) ("text" . #1#) ("condition" . "NULL") ("signature" . "NULL")) ("fun" "text" "condition" "signature")) "verbose" nil "adsSQLListFields" (("adssql" 25105 19291 549441 0) (("conn" . #1#) ("tbl" . #1#) ("docase" . "getOption(\"adssql.docase\")")) ("conn" "tbl" "docase")) "DBI::dbListFields" ((#1# 25105 19532 693480 0) (("conn" . #1#) ("name" . #1#) ("..." . #1#)) ("conn" "name" "...")) "copy" (("data.table" 25105 23082 306152 0) (("x" . #1#)) ("x")) "file.path" (("base" 25105 23099 906216 0) (("..." . #1#) ("fsep" . ".Platform$file.sep")) ("..." "fsep")) "filter" (("dplyr" 25105 23689 888341 0) ((".data" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) (".preserve" . "FALSE")) (".data" "..." ".preserve" "x" "filter" "method" "sides" "circular" "init")) "smt_get_telemetry" (("mypkg" 25105 37508 889254 0) (("SessionId" . #1#) ("rename" . "TRUE") ("discard" . "TRUE") ("dedup" . "TRUE") ("filters" . "TRUE") ("save" . "NULL") ("quiet" . "FALSE") ("classes" . "TRUE") ("rmonlapnumber" . "FALSE") ("conn" . "NULL")) ("SessionId" "rename" "discard" "dedup" "filters" "save" "quiet" "classes" "rmonlapnumber" "conn")) "plot_track" (("mypkg2" 25105 37548 203471 0) (("trk" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("type" . "c(\"basic\", \"all\", \"none\")") ("main" . #1#) ("sub" . "NULL") ("segments" . #1#) ("thisSegment" . #1#) ("track" . #1#) ("pit" . #1#) ("apron" . #1#) ("fast" . #1#) ("grid" . #1#) ("startfinish" . #1#) ("segPoints" . #1#) ("segLabels" . #1#) ("segPlots" . #1#) ("polys" . "list()") ("npoints" . "NA") ("buffer" . "NA") ("mar" . "TRUE") ("add" . "FALSE") ("labels" . "FALSE") ("gg" . "FALSE")) ("trk" "..." "type" "main" "sub" "segments" "thisSegment" "track" "pit" "apron" "fast" "grid" "startfinish" "segPoints" "segLabels" "segPlots" "polys" "npoints" "buffer" "mar" "add" "labels" "gg")) "labs" (("ggplot2" 25105 37824 108625 0) (("..." . #1#) ("title" . "waiver()") ("subtitle" . "waiver()") ("caption" . "waiver()") ("tag" . "waiver()") ("alt" . "waiver()") ("alt_insight" . "waiver()")) ("..." "title" "subtitle" "caption" "tag" "alt" "alt_insight")) "xtabs" (("stats" 25105 37867 722981 0) (("formula" . "~.") ("data" . "parent.frame()") ("subset" . #1#) ("sparse" . "FALSE") ("na.action" . #1#) ("addNA" . "FALSE") ("exclude" . "if (!addNA) c(NA, NaN)") ("drop.unused.levels" . "FALSE")) ("formula" "data" "subset" "sparse" "na.action" "addNA" "exclude" "drop.unused.levels")) "table" (("base" 25105 37897 902243 0) (("..." . #1#) ("exclude" . "if (useNA == \"no\") c(NA, NaN)") ("useNA" . "c(\"no\", \"ifany\", \"always\")") ("dnn" . "list.names(...)") ("deparse.level" . "1")) ("..." "exclude" "useNA" "dnn" "deparse.level")) "undebug" (("base" 25105 38138 774821 0) (("fun" . #1#) ("signature" . "NULL")) ("fun" "signature")) "system.time" (("base" 25105 39083 501850 0) (("expr" . #1#) ("gcFirst" . "TRUE")) ("expr" "gcFirst")) "attr" (("base" 25105 39209 816710 0) (("x" . #1#) ("which" . #1#) ("exact" . "FALSE")) ("x" "which" "exact" "...")) "ret$read" nil "debugonce" (("base" 25105 39458 995641 0) (("fun" . #1#) ("text" . #1#) ("condition" . "NULL") ("signature" . "NULL")) ("fun" "text" "condition" "signature")) "is.character" (("base" 25105 39813 670770 0) (("x" . #1#)) ("x")) "set" (("data.table" 25105 39824 422006 0) (("x" . #1#) ("i" . "NULL") ("j" . #1#) ("value" . #1#)) ("x" "i" "j" "value")) "adssql::sql2datetime" (("adssql" 25105 39845 730571 0) (("conn" . #1#) ("s" . #1#) ("tz" . #1#)) ("conn" "s" "tz")) "showMethods" (("methods" 25105 40340 827920 0) (("f" . "character()") ("where" . "topenv(parent.frame())") ("classes" . "NULL") ("includeDefs" . "FALSE") ("inherited" . "!includeDefs") ("showEmpty" . #1#) ("printTo" . "stdout()") ("fdef" . "getGeneric(f, where = where)")) ("f" "where" "classes" "includeDefs" "inherited" "showEmpty" "printTo" "fdef")) "methods" (("utils" 25105 40359 935194 0) (("generic.function" . #1#) ("class" . #1#)) ("generic.function" "class")) ".S3methods" (("utils" 25105 40385 218309 0) (("generic.function" . #1#) ("class" . #1#) ("envir" . "parent.frame()")) ("generic.function" "class" "envir")) "UseMethod" (("base" 25105 40451 745077 0) (("generic" . #1#) ("object" . #1#)) ("generic" "object")) "parse_colClasses" (("adssql" 25105 41087 847201 0) (("..." . #1#)) ("...")) "anytime::anytime" (("anytime" 25105 41988 429788 0) (("x" . #1#) ("tz" . "getTZ()") ("asUTC" . "FALSE") ("useR" . "getOption(\"anytimeUseRConversions\", FALSE)") ("oldHeuristic" . "getOption(\"anytimeOldHeuristic\", FALSE)") ("calcUnique" . "FALSE")) ("x" "tz" "asUTC" "useR" "oldHeuristic" "calcUnique")) "bq$read" ((#1# 25105 45327 808975 0) (("path" . "C:\\Users\\r2\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\RtmpWiIgoe\\file509849022cc2.csv") ("..." . #1#) ("clean" . ".clean") ("conn" . ".conn")) ("path" "..." "clean" "conn")) "make.unique" (("base" 25105 42402 355133 0) (("names" . #1#) ("sep" . ".")) ("names" "sep")) "any" (("base" 25105 42497 814165 0) (("..." . #1#) ("na.rm" . "FALSE")) ("..." "na.rm" "x" "range")) "name" nil "do_colClasses" (("adssql" 25105 42837 775322 0) (("dat" . #1#) ("cls" . #1#) ("conn" . #1#) ("tz" . #1#)) ("dat" "cls" "conn" "tz")) "warning" (("base" 25105 43722 558092 0) (("..." . #1#) ("call." . "TRUE") ("immediate." . "FALSE") ("noBreaks." . "FALSE") ("domain" . "NULL")) ("..." "call." "immediate." "noBreaks." "domain")) "DBI::dbQuoteString" ((#1# 25105 43815 688086 0) (("conn" . #1#) ("x" . #1#) ("..." . #1#)) ("conn" "x" "...")) "formals" (("base" 25105 43849 158226 0) (("fun" . "sys.function(sys.parent())") ("envir" . "parent.frame()")) ("fun" "envir")) "try" (("base" 25105 43926 301481 0) (("expr" . #1#) ("silent" . "FALSE") ("outFile" . "getOption(\"try.outFile\", default = stderr())")) ("expr" "silent" "outFile")) "func" nil "data.frame" (("base" 25105 43969 398238 0) (("..." . #1#) ("row.names" . "NULL") ("check.rows" . "FALSE") ("check.names" . "TRUE") ("fix.empty.names" . "TRUE") ("stringsAsFactors" . "FALSE")) ("..." "row.names" "check.rows" "check.names" "fix.empty.names" "stringsAsFactors")) "do_fmt" (("adssql" 25105 44438 969115 0) (("x" . #1#) ("dofmt" . "getOption(\"adssql.dofmt\")")) ("x" "dofmt")) "utils::read.csv" (("utils" 25105 44665 665103 0) (("file" . #1#) ("header" . "TRUE") ("sep" . ",") ("quote" . "\"") ("dec" . ".") ("fill" . "TRUE") ("comment.char" . #1#) ("..." . #1#)) ("file" "header" "sep" "quote" "dec" "fill" "comment.char" "...")) "str" (("utils" 25105 44755 706549 0) (("object" . #1#) ("max.level" . "NA") ("vec.len" . "strO$vec.len") ("digits.d" . "strO$digits.d") ("nchar.max" . "128") ("give.attr" . "TRUE") ("drop.deparse.attr" . "strO$drop.deparse.attr") ("give.head" . "TRUE") ("give.length" . "give.head") ("width" . "getOption(\"width\")") ("nest.lev" . "0") ("indent.str" . "paste(rep.int(\" \", max(0, nest.lev + 1)), collapse = \"..\")") ("comp.str" . "$ ") ("no.list" . "FALSE") ("envir" . "baseenv()") ("strict.width" . "strO$strict.width") ("formatNum" . "strO$formatNum") ("list.len" . "strO$list.len") ("deparse.lines" . "strO$deparse.lines") ("..." . #1#)) ("object" "..." "vec.len" "give.head" "give.length" "indent.str" "max.level" "digits.d" "nchar.max" "give.attr" "drop.deparse.attr" "width" "nest.lev" "comp.str" "no.list" "envir" "strict.width" "formatNum" "list.len" "deparse.lines" "wid" "last.str" "stem" "digits" "header" "level")))) temp-source-files ("c:/Users/r2/AppData/Local/Temp/gps-restarts.R!2KmJOv") pending-output "Browse[2]> " pending nil) | | | | 5 -> (ess-wait-for-process # nil nil nil 2305843009213693951) | | | | | 6 -> (inferior-ess-ordinary-filter # "ess-output-delimiter2606-START [1] \"C:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj/data/01\" ") | | | | | | 7 -> (ess--if-verbose-write-process-state # "ess-output-delimiter2606-START [1] \"C:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj/data/01\" " "ordinary-filter") | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess-if-verbose-write " ordinary-filter: --> busy:t busy-end:t sec-prompt:nil interruptable:nil <-- --> running-async:nil callback:nil suppress-next-output:nil <-- --> dbg-active:nil is-recover:nil <-- --> string:ess-output-delimiter2606-START [1] \"C:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj/data/01\" ") | | | | | | | 8 <- ess-if-verbose-write: nil | | | | | | 7 <- ess--if-verbose-write-process-state: nil | | | | | | 7 -> (ess--command-delimited-output-info # "ess-output-delimiter2606") | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess--delimiter-start-re "ess-output-delimiter2606") | | | | | | | 8 <- ess--delimiter-start-re: "\\(ess-output-delimiter2606-START$\\)" | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess--delimiter-end-re "ess-output-delimiter2606") | | | | | | | 8 <- ess--delimiter-end-re: "\\(ess-output-delimiter2606-END\\)" | | | | | | 7 <- ess--command-delimited-output-info: nil | | | | | 6 <- inferior-ess-ordinary-filter: nil | | | | | 6 -> (inferior-ess-ordinary-filter # "ess-output-delimiter2606-END > ") | | | | | | 7 -> (ess--if-verbose-write-process-state # "ess-output-delimiter2606-END > " "ordinary-filter") | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess-if-verbose-write " ordinary-filter: --> busy:t busy-end:t sec-prompt:nil interruptable:nil <-- --> running-async:nil callback:nil suppress-next-output:nil <-- --> dbg-active:nil is-recover:nil <-- --> string:ess-output-delimiter2606-END > ") | | | | | | | 8 <- ess-if-verbose-write: nil | | | | | | 7 <- ess--if-verbose-write-process-state: nil | | | | | | 7 -> (ess--command-delimited-output-info # "ess-output-delimiter2606") | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess--delimiter-start-re "ess-output-delimiter2606") | | | | | | | 8 <- ess--delimiter-start-re: "\\(ess-output-delimiter2606-START$\\)" | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess--delimiter-end-re "ess-output-delimiter2606") | | | | | | | 8 <- ess--delimiter-end-re: "\\(ess-output-delimiter2606-END\\)" | | | | | | 7 <- ess--command-delimited-output-info: (32 83 nil) | | | | | | 7 -> (ess--command-set-status # # (32 83 nil)) | | | | | | 7 <- ess--command-set-status: nil | | | | | | 7 -> (inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter # "Browse[2]> ") | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess--accumulation-buffer #) | | | | | | | 8 <- ess--accumulation-buffer: # | | | | | | | 8 -> (inferior-ess--set-status # "Browse[2]> ") | | | | | | | 8 <- inferior-ess--set-status: 9 | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess--if-verbose-write-process-state # "Browse[2]> ") | | | | | | | | 9 -> (ess-if-verbose-write " NORMAL-FILTER: --> busy:nil busy-end:nil sec-prompt:nil interruptable:nil <-- --> running-async:nil callback:nil suppress-next-output:nil <-- --> dbg-active:nil is-recover:nil <-- --> string:Browse[2]> ") | | | | | | | | 9 <- ess-if-verbose-write: nil | | | | | | | 8 <- ess--if-verbose-write-process-state: nil | | | | | | | 8 -> (inferior-ess-run-callback # "Browse[2]> ") | | | | | | | 8 <- inferior-ess-run-callback: nil | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess--flush-accumulated-output #) | | | | | | | | 9 -> (ess--accumulation-buffer #) | | | | | | | | 9 <- ess--accumulation-buffer: # | | | | | | | | 9 -> (ess-mpi-handle-messages #) | | | | | | | | 9 <- ess-mpi-handle-messages: nil | | | | | | | | 9 -> (ess--offset-output "> " "Browse[2]> ") | | | | | | | | 9 <- ess--offset-output: "Browse[2]> " | | | | | | | | 9 -> (inferior-ess-fontify-region 1652659 1652672 nil) | | | | | | | | | 10 -> (ess-r--find-fl-keyword 1652672) | | | | | | | | | 10 <- ess-r--find-fl-keyword: nil | | | | | | | | 9 <- inferior-ess-fontify-region: (jit-lock-bounds 1652659 . 1652672) | | | | | | | 8 <- ess--flush-accumulated-output: nil | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess--debug-keys-message-string) | | | | | | | 8 <- ess--debug-keys-message-string: "(M-C)cont (C-M-S-c)cont-multi (M-N)next (C-M-S-n)next-multi (M-U)up (M-Q)quit" | | | | | | 7 <- inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter: nil | | | | | 6 <- inferior-ess-ordinary-filter: nil | | | | 5 <- ess-wait-for-process: t | | | 4 <- ess-command: # | | | 4 -> (ess-if-verbose-write " |-> words= '(C:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj/data/01)' ") | | | 4 <- ess-if-verbose-write: nil | | 3 <- ess-get-words-from-vector: ("C:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj/data/01") | | 3 -> (ess--derive-connection-path "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj/data/01/" "C:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj/data/01") | | 3 <- ess--derive-connection-path: "C:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj/data/01" | 2 <- ess-synchronize-dirs: "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj/data/01/" 1 <- ess--idle-timer-function: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (inferior-ess-fontify-region 1652659 1652672 nil) | 2 -> (ess-r--find-fl-keyword 1652672) | 2 <- ess-r--find-fl-keyword: nil 1 <- inferior-ess-fontify-region: (jit-lock-bounds 1652659 . 1652672) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:2" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "mypkg" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/myproj") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "mypkg" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--idle-timer-function) 1 <- ess--idle-timer-function: nil ```
r2evans commented 2 years ago

Another, in case it helps.

ess-elisp-trace-mode ``` ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-set-width) 1 <- ess-set-width: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-set-width) 1 <- ess-set-width: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:1" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-get-evaluation-env) 1 <- ess-r-get-evaluation-env: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj1" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj1") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj1" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj1" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj1") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj1" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-set-width) 1 <- ess-set-width: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:1" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-get-evaluation-env) 1 <- ess-r-get-evaluation-env: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj1" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj1") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj1" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:1" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-get-evaluation-env) 1 <- ess-r-get-evaluation-env: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--idle-timer-function) | 2 -> (ess-synchronize-dirs) | | 3 -> (inferior-ess-available-p) | | | 4 -> (ess-debug-active-p #) | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-live-p #) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-get dbg-active #) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-get: nil | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-get is-recover #) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-get: nil | | | 4 <- ess-debug-active-p: nil | | | 4 -> (inferior-ess-mark-as-busy #) | | | 4 <- inferior-ess-mark-as-busy: (busy t sec-prompt nil busy-end\? nil availability-check nil running-async\? nil funargs-pre-cache (("plot" (("graphics") (("x" . #1="") ("y" . "NULL") ("type" . "p") ("xlim" . "NULL") ("ylim" . "NULL") ("log" . #1#) ("main" . "NULL") ("sub" . "NULL") ("xlab" . "NULL") ("ylab" . "NULL") ("ann" . "par(\"ann\")") ("axes" . "TRUE") ("frame.plot" . "axes") ("panel.first" . "NULL") ("panel.last" . "NULL") ("asp" . "NA") ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "y" "..." "ci" "type" "xlab" "ylab" "ylim" "main" "ci.col" "ci.type" "max.mfrow" "ask" "mar" "oma" "mgp" "xpd" "cex.main" "verbose" "scale" "xlim" "log" "sub" "ann" "axes" "frame.plot" "panel.first" "panel.last" "asp" "center" "edge.root" "nodePar" "edgePar" "leaflab" "dLeaf" "xaxt" "yaxt" "horiz" "zero.line" "verticals" "col.01line" "pch" "legend.text" "formula" "data" "subset" "to" "from" "newpage" "vp" "labels" "hang" "freq" "density" "angle" "col" "border" "lty" "add" "predicted.values" "intervals" "separator" "col.predicted" "col.intervals" "col.separator" "lty.predicted" "lty.intervals" "lty.separator" "plot.type" "main2" "par.fit" "grid" "panel" "cex" "dimen" "abbrev" "which" "caption" "sub.caption" "id.n" "labels.id" "cex.id" "qqline" "cook.levels" "add.smooth" "label.pos" "cex.caption" "rows" "levels" "conf" "absVal" "ci.lty" "xval" "do.points" "col.points" "cex.points" "col.hor" "col.vert" "lwd" "set.pars" "range.bars" "col.range" "xy.labels" "xy.lines" "nc" "yax.flip" "mar.multi" "oma.multi"))) ("print" (("base") (("x" . #1#) ("digits" . "NULL") ("quote" . "TRUE") ("na.print" . "NULL") ("print.gap" . "NULL") ("right" . "FALSE") ("max" . "NULL") ("useSource" . "TRUE") ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "..." "digits" "signif.stars" "intercept" "tol" "se" "sort" "verbose" "indent" "style" ".bibstyle" "prefix" "vsep" "minlevel" "quote" "right" "row.names" "max" "na.print" "print.gap" "useSource" "diag" "upper" "justify" "title" "max.levels" "width" "steps" "showEnv" "newpage" "vp" "cutoff" "max.level" "give.attr" "units" "abbrCollate" "print.x" "deparse" "locale" "symbolic.cor" "loadings" "zero.print" "calendar")))) cmd-restore-function #[0 "\302\300\301\"\210\303\300\304\305#\210\303\300\306\305#\210\307\300\310\"\211\205#\0\303\300\311\305#\210\301\300\"\207" [# inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter set-process-filter process-put cmd-output-delimiter nil cmd-buffer process-get pending-output pending] 5] cmd-buffer nil cmd-output-delimiter nil dbg-buffer # dbg-active nil tracebug t :accum-buffer # suppress-next-output\? nil is-recover nil average-response-time 0.0031254282273830837 last-availability-check (25118 23835 596139 0) funargs-cache #s(hash-table size 145 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 data ("library" (("base" 25116 49032 504421 0) (("package" . #1#) ("help" . #1#) ("pos" . "2") ("lib.loc" . "NULL") ("character.only" . "FALSE") ("logical.return" . "FALSE") ("warn.conflicts" . #1#) ("quietly" . "FALSE") ("verbose" . "getOption(\"verbose\")") ("mask.ok" . #1#) ("exclude" . #1#) ("include.only" . #1#) ("attach.required" . "missing(include.only)")) ("package" "help" "pos" "lib.loc" "character.only" "logical.return" "warn.conflicts" "quietly" "verbose" "mask.ok" "exclude" "include.only" "attach.required")) "proj1Open" ((#1# 25116 49044 483521 0) (("name" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("cred" . "NULL") ("set_current" . "TRUE") ("close_old_conn" . "set_current") ("pool" . "FALSE")) ("name" "..." "cred" "set_current" "close_old_conn" "pool")) "tryCatch" (("base" 25116 49061 778582 0) (("expr" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("finally" . #1#)) ("expr" "..." "finally")) "devtools::check" (("devtools" 25116 49846 589161 0) (("pkg" . ".") ("document" . "NULL") ("build_args" . "NULL") ("..." . #1#) ("manual" . "FALSE") ("cran" . "TRUE") ("remote" . "FALSE") ("incoming" . 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"TRUE") ("comment.char" . "#") ("allowEscapes" . "FALSE") ("flush" . "FALSE") ("stringsAsFactors" . "FALSE") ("fileEncoding" . #1#) ("encoding" . "unknown") ("text" . #1#) ("skipNul" . "FALSE")) ("file" "header" "sep" "quote" "dec" "numerals" "row.names" "col.names" "as.is" "na.strings" "colClasses" "nrows" "skip" "check.names" "fill" "strip.white" "blank.lines.skip" "comment.char" "allowEscapes" "flush" "stringsAsFactors" "fileEncoding" "encoding" "text" "skipNul")) "asplit" (("base" 25118 5105 566187 0) (("x" . #1#) ("MARGIN" . #1#)) ("x" "MARGIN")) "do.call" (("base" 25118 5156 521445 0) (("what" . #1#) ("args" . #1#) ("quote" . "FALSE") ("envir" . "parent.frame()")) ("what" "args" "quote" "envir")) "as.numeric" (("base" 25118 5172 687281 0) (("x" . #1#) ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "...")) "data.frame" (("base" 25118 5264 432767 0) (("..." . #1#) ("row.names" . "NULL") ("check.rows" . "FALSE") ("check.names" . "TRUE") ("fix.empty.names" . "TRUE") ("stringsAsFactors" . "FALSE")) ("..." "row.names" "check.rows" "check.names" "fix.empty.names" "stringsAsFactors")) "matrix" (("base" 25118 5319 12887 0) (("data" . "NA") ("nrow" . "1") ("ncol" . "1") ("byrow" . "FALSE") ("dimnames" . "NULL")) ("data" "nrow" "ncol" "byrow" "dimnames")) "cor" (("stats" 25118 5427 792370 0) (("x" . #1#) ("y" . "NULL") ("use" . "everything") ("method" . "c(\"pearson\", \"kendall\", \"spearman\")")) ("x" "y" "use" "method")) "Map" (("base" 25118 5709 314570 0) (("f" . #1#) ("..." . #1#)) ("f" "...")) "RT" nil "Q" (("proj1" 25118 6846 48083 0) (("query" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("fetch" . #1#) ("params" . "list()") ("dotranslate" . "TRUE") ("dotemp" . "TRUE") ("dovector" . "TRUE") ("vec.max.len" . "100") ("docase" . "getOption(\"proj1.docase\")") ("posix_fieldnames" . "getOption(\"proj1.posix_fieldnames\", character(0))") ("date_fieldnames" . "getOption(\"proj1.date_fieldnames\", character(0))") ("colClasses" . "getOption(\"proj1.colClasses\", list())") ("autotype" . "FALSE") ("dofmt" . "getOption(\"proj1.dofmt\")") ("dotbl" . "getOption(\"proj1.dotbl\", FALSE)") ("doDT" . "getOption(\"proj1.doDT\", FALSE)") ("max.n" . "-1") ("batch.n" . "-1") ("tz" . #1#) ("immediate" . "FALSE") ("conn" . "NULL")) ("query" "..." "fetch" "params" "dotranslate" "dotemp" "dovector" "vec.max.len" "docase" "posix_fieldnames" "date_fieldnames" "colClasses" "autotype" "dofmt" "dotbl" "doDT" "max.n" "batch.n" "tz" "immediate" "conn")) "data.table" (("data.table" 25118 6982 307802 0) (("..." . #1#) ("keep.rownames" . "FALSE") ("check.names" . "FALSE") ("key" . "NULL") ("stringsAsFactors" . "FALSE")) ("..." "keep.rownames" "check.names" "key" "stringsAsFactors")) "cbind" (("base" 25118 6997 831356 0) (("..." . #1#) ("deparse.level" . "1")) ("..." "deparse.level" "keep.rownames" "check.names" "key" "stringsAsFactors" "size" "z" "all" "fill" "suffixes" "drop")) "table" (("base" 25118 8467 517803 0) (("..." . #1#) ("exclude" . "if (useNA == \"no\") c(NA, NaN)") ("useNA" . "c(\"no\", \"ifany\", \"always\")") ("dnn" . "list.names(...)") ("deparse.level" . "1")) ("..." "exclude" "useNA" "dnn" "deparse.level")) "local" (("base" 25118 11323 626400 0) (("expr" . #1#) ("envir" . "new.env()")) ("expr" "envir")) "q100" (("r2" 25118 14447 835912 0) (("x" . #1#) ("r" . "3")) ("x" "r")) "min" (("base" 25118 14541 977354 0) (("..." . #1#) ("na.rm" . "FALSE")) ("..." "na.rm" "x" "range")) "find" (("utils" 25118 14577 591532 0) (("what" . #1#) ("mode" . "any") ("numeric" . "FALSE") ("simple.words" . "TRUE")) ("what" "mode" "numeric" "simple.words")) "xtabs" (("stats" 25118 14599 976319 0) (("formula" . "~.") ("data" . "parent.frame()") ("subset" . #1#) ("sparse" . "FALSE") ("na.action" . #1#) ("addNA" . "FALSE") ("exclude" . "if (!addNA) c(NA, NaN)") ("drop.unused.levels" . "FALSE")) ("formula" "data" "subset" "sparse" "na.action" "addNA" "exclude" "drop.unused.levels")) "cut" (("base" 25118 14679 404053 0) (("x" . #1#) ("breaks" . #1#) ("labels" . "NULL") ("include.lowest" . "FALSE") ("right" . "TRUE") ("dig.lab" . "3") ("ordered_result" . "FALSE") ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "..." "breaks" "labels" "start.on.monday" "right" "include.lowest" "dig.lab" "ordered_result" "h")) "apply" (("base" 25118 14763 142448 0) (("X" . #1#) ("MARGIN" . #1#) ("FUN" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("simplify" . "TRUE")) ("X" "MARGIN" "FUN" "..." "simplify")) "calc_nearest" (("proj2" 25118 17834 48633 0) (("lapfrac" . #1#) ("walldistance" . #1#) ("widths" . #1#)) ("lapfrac" "walldistance" "widths")) "system.time" (("base" 25118 17956 388548 0) (("expr" . #1#) ("gcFirst" . "TRUE")) ("expr" "gcFirst")) "seq.POSIXt" (("base" 25118 19785 451742 0) (("from" . #1#) ("to" . #1#) ("by" . #1#) ("length.out" . "NULL") ("along.with" . "NULL") ("..." . #1#)) ("from" "to" "by" "length.out" "along.with" "...")) "lapplyfunc" nil "smt_stage3_time_bycar" (("proj2" 25118 21429 641983 0) (("time" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("tmout" . #1#) ("maxTimeGap" . "2") ("angles" . "c(\"heading\", \"normal\", \"hdg\", \"norm\")")) ("time" "..." "tmout" "maxTimeGap" "angles")) "approx" (("stats" 25118 21481 32253 0) (("x" . #1#) ("y" . "NULL") ("xout" . #1#) ("method" . "linear") ("n" . "50") ("yleft" . #1#) ("yright" . #1#) ("rule" . "1") ("f" . "0") ("ties" . "mean") ("na.rm" . "TRUE")) ("x" "y" "xout" "method" "n" "yleft" "yright" "rule" "f" "ties" "na.rm")) "split" (("base" 25118 22573 711404 0) (("x" . #1#) ("f" . #1#) ("drop" . "FALSE") ("sep" . ".") ("lex.order" . "FALSE") ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "f" "drop" "..." "by" "sorted" "keep.by" "flatten" "verbose" "sep" "lex.order")))) prev-prompt nil sp-for-help-changed\? t sp-for-ac-changed\? t last-eval (25118 23848 776288 0) flush-time nil flush-timer nil last-sync-dirs (25118 23852 756820 0) :eval-visibly t temp-source-files ("c:/Users/r2/AppData/Local/Temp/calc_nearest.R!bM5MwX") pending-output "> > > " pending nil) | | | 4 -> (inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter # "Browse[2]> ") | | | | 5 -> (ess--accumulation-buffer #) | | | | 5 <- ess--accumulation-buffer: # | | | | 5 -> (inferior-ess--set-status # "Browse[2]> ") | | | | 5 <- inferior-ess--set-status: 9 | | | | 5 -> (ess--if-verbose-write-process-state # "Browse[2]> ") | | | | | 6 -> (ess-if-verbose-write " NORMAL-FILTER: --> busy:nil busy-end:t sec-prompt:nil interruptable:nil <-- --> running-async:nil callback:nil suppress-next-output:nil <-- --> dbg-active:nil is-recover:nil <-- --> string:Browse[2]> ") | | | | | 6 <- ess-if-verbose-write: nil | | | | 5 <- ess--if-verbose-write-process-state: nil | | | | 5 -> (inferior-ess-run-callback # "Browse[2]> ") | | | | 5 <- inferior-ess-run-callback: nil | | | | 5 -> (ess--flush-accumulated-output #) | | | | | 6 -> (ess--accumulation-buffer #) | | | | | 6 <- ess--accumulation-buffer: # | | | | | 6 -> (ess-mpi-handle-messages #) | | | | | 6 <- ess-mpi-handle-messages: nil | | | | | 6 -> (ess--offset-output nil "Browse[2]> ") | | | | | 6 <- ess--offset-output: "Browse[2]> " | | | | | 6 -> (inferior-ess-fontify-region 430578 430606 nil) | | | | | | 7 -> (ess-r--find-fl-keyword 430606) | | | | | | 7 <- ess-r--find-fl-keyword: nil | | | | | 6 <- inferior-ess-fontify-region: (jit-lock-bounds 430578 . 430606) | | | | 5 <- ess--flush-accumulated-output: nil | | | | 5 -> (ess--debug-keys-message-string) | | | | 5 <- ess--debug-keys-message-string: "(M-C)cont (C-M-S-c)cont-multi (M-N)next (C-M-S-n)next-multi (M-U)up (M-Q)quit" | | | 4 <- inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter: nil | | 3 <- inferior-ess-available-p: t | 2 <- ess-synchronize-dirs: nil 1 <- ess--idle-timer-function: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (inferior-ess-fontify-region 430578 430606 nil) | 2 -> (ess-r--find-fl-keyword 430606) | 2 <- ess-r--find-fl-keyword: nil 1 <- inferior-ess-fontify-region: (jit-lock-bounds 430578 . 430606) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj1" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj1") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj1" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:1" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-get-evaluation-env) 1 <- ess-r-get-evaluation-env: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:1" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-get-evaluation-env) 1 <- ess-r-get-evaluation-env: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:1" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-get-evaluation-env) 1 <- ess-r-get-evaluation-env: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:1" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-get-evaluation-env) 1 <- ess-r-get-evaluation-env: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:1" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-get-evaluation-env) 1 <- ess-r-get-evaluation-env: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-eldoc-function) | 2 -> (ess-get-next-available-process) | | 3 -> (inferior-ess-available-p #) | | | 4 -> (ess-debug-active-p #) | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-live-p #) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-get dbg-active #) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-get: t | | | 4 <- ess-debug-active-p: t | | 3 <- inferior-ess-available-p: t | 2 <- ess-get-next-available-process: # | 2 -> (ess--fn-name-start) | | 3 -> (ess-inside-string-p) | | 3 <- ess-inside-string-p: nil | | 3 -> (ess-symbol-at-point) | | 3 <- ess-symbol-at-point: \. | 2 <- ess--fn-name-start: (#("." 0 1 (fontified t)) . 1485) | 2 -> (ess-function-arguments #("." 0 1 (fontified t)) #) | | 3 -> (ess-quote-special-chars #("." 0 1 (fontified t))) | | 3 <- ess-quote-special-chars: #("." 0 1 (fontified t)) | | 3 -> (ess-command #(".ess_funargs(\".\") " 14 15 (fontified t)) nil nil nil nil #) | | | 4 -> (ess-command--get-proc # nil) | | | 4 <- ess-command--get-proc: # | | | 4 -> (inferior-ess--output-delimiter) | | | 4 <- inferior-ess--output-delimiter: "ess-output-delimiter442" | | | 4 -> (ess--strip-final-newlines #(".ess_funargs(\".\") " 14 15 (fontified t))) | | | 4 <- ess--strip-final-newlines: #(".ess_funargs(\".\")" 14 15 (fontified t)) | | | 4 -> (ess-r-format-command #(".ess_funargs(\".\")" 14 15 (fontified t)) (output-delimiter . "ess-output-delimiter442")) | | | 4 <- ess-r-format-command: #(".ess.command(local(.ess_funargs(\".\")), 'ess-output-delimiter442') " 33 34 (fontified t)) | | | 4 -> (ess-if-verbose-write #("(ess-command .ess_funargs(\".\") ..)" 27 28 (fontified t))) | | | 4 <- ess-if-verbose-write: nil | | | 4 -> (ess--command-make-restore-function #) | | | 4 <- ess--command-make-restore-function: #[0 "\302\300\301\"\210\303\300\304\305#\210\303\300\306\305#\210\307\300\310\"\211\205#\0\303\300\311\305#\210\301\300\"\207" [# inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter set-process-filter process-put cmd-output-delimiter nil cmd-buffer process-get pending-output pending] 5] | | | 4 -> (ess-setq-vars-local ((ess-local-process-name . "R:1") (inferior-ess-primary-prompt . "> "))) | | | 4 <- ess-setq-vars-local: ((ess-local-process-name . "R:1") (inferior-ess-primary-prompt . "> ")) | | | 4 -> (inferior-ess-mark-as-busy #) | | | 4 <- inferior-ess-mark-as-busy: (busy t sec-prompt nil busy-end\? t availability-check nil running-async\? nil funargs-pre-cache (("plot" (("graphics") (("x" . #1="") ("y" . "NULL") ("type" . "p") ("xlim" . "NULL") ("ylim" . "NULL") ("log" . #1#) ("main" . "NULL") ("sub" . "NULL") ("xlab" . "NULL") ("ylab" . "NULL") ("ann" . "par(\"ann\")") ("axes" . "TRUE") ("frame.plot" . "axes") ("panel.first" . "NULL") ("panel.last" . "NULL") ("asp" . "NA") ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "y" "..." "ci" "type" "xlab" "ylab" "ylim" "main" "ci.col" "ci.type" "max.mfrow" "ask" "mar" "oma" "mgp" "xpd" "cex.main" "verbose" "scale" "xlim" "log" "sub" "ann" "axes" "frame.plot" "panel.first" "panel.last" "asp" "center" "edge.root" "nodePar" "edgePar" "leaflab" "dLeaf" "xaxt" "yaxt" "horiz" "zero.line" "verticals" "col.01line" "pch" "legend.text" "formula" "data" "subset" "to" "from" "newpage" "vp" "labels" "hang" "freq" "density" "angle" "col" "border" "lty" "add" "predicted.values" "intervals" "separator" "col.predicted" "col.intervals" "col.separator" "lty.predicted" "lty.intervals" "lty.separator" "plot.type" "main2" "par.fit" "grid" "panel" "cex" "dimen" "abbrev" "which" "caption" "sub.caption" "id.n" "labels.id" "cex.id" "qqline" "cook.levels" "add.smooth" "label.pos" "cex.caption" "rows" "levels" "conf" "absVal" "ci.lty" "xval" "do.points" "col.points" "cex.points" "col.hor" "col.vert" "lwd" "set.pars" "range.bars" "col.range" "xy.labels" "xy.lines" "nc" "yax.flip" "mar.multi" "oma.multi"))) ("print" (("base") (("x" . #1#) ("digits" . "NULL") ("quote" . "TRUE") ("na.print" . "NULL") ("print.gap" . "NULL") ("right" . "FALSE") ("max" . "NULL") ("useSource" . "TRUE") ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "..." "digits" "signif.stars" "intercept" "tol" "se" "sort" "verbose" "indent" "style" ".bibstyle" "prefix" "vsep" "minlevel" "quote" "right" "row.names" "max" "na.print" "print.gap" "useSource" "diag" "upper" "justify" "title" "max.levels" "width" "steps" "showEnv" "newpage" "vp" "cutoff" "max.level" "give.attr" "units" "abbrCollate" "print.x" "deparse" "locale" "symbolic.cor" "loadings" "zero.print" "calendar")))) cmd-restore-function #[0 "\302\300\301\"\210\303\300\304\305#\210\303\300\306\305#\210\307\300\310\"\211\205#\0\303\300\311\305#\210\301\300\"\207" [# inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter set-process-filter process-put cmd-output-delimiter nil cmd-buffer process-get pending-output pending] 5] cmd-buffer # cmd-output-delimiter "ess-output-delimiter442" dbg-buffer # dbg-active t tracebug t :accum-buffer # suppress-next-output\? nil is-recover nil average-response-time 0.002711618818255389 last-availability-check (25118 23855 818133 0) funargs-cache #s(hash-table size 145 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 data ("library" (("base" 25116 49032 504421 0) (("package" . #1#) ("help" . #1#) ("pos" . "2") ("lib.loc" . "NULL") ("character.only" . "FALSE") ("logical.return" . "FALSE") ("warn.conflicts" . #1#) ("quietly" . "FALSE") ("verbose" . "getOption(\"verbose\")") ("mask.ok" . #1#) ("exclude" . #1#) ("include.only" . #1#) ("attach.required" . "missing(include.only)")) ("package" "help" "pos" "lib.loc" "character.only" "logical.return" "warn.conflicts" "quietly" "verbose" "mask.ok" "exclude" "include.only" "attach.required")) "proj1Open" ((#1# 25116 49044 483521 0) (("name" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("cred" . "NULL") ("set_current" . "TRUE") ("close_old_conn" . "set_current") ("pool" . "FALSE")) ("name" "..." "cred" "set_current" "close_old_conn" "pool")) "tryCatch" (("base" 25116 49061 778582 0) (("expr" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("finally" . #1#)) ("expr" "..." "finally")) "devtools::check" (("devtools" 25116 49846 589161 0) (("pkg" . ".") ("document" . "NULL") ("build_args" . "NULL") ("..." . #1#) ("manual" . "FALSE") ("cran" . "TRUE") ("remote" . "FALSE") ("incoming" . 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"c(\"no\", \"ifany\", \"always\")") ("dnn" . "list.names(...)") ("deparse.level" . "1")) ("..." "exclude" "useNA" "dnn" "deparse.level")) "local" (("base" 25118 11323 626400 0) (("expr" . #1#) ("envir" . "new.env()")) ("expr" "envir")) "q100" (("r2" 25118 14447 835912 0) (("x" . #1#) ("r" . "3")) ("x" "r")) "min" (("base" 25118 14541 977354 0) (("..." . #1#) ("na.rm" . "FALSE")) ("..." "na.rm" "x" "range")) "find" (("utils" 25118 14577 591532 0) (("what" . #1#) ("mode" . "any") ("numeric" . "FALSE") ("simple.words" . "TRUE")) ("what" "mode" "numeric" "simple.words")) "xtabs" (("stats" 25118 14599 976319 0) (("formula" . "~.") ("data" . "parent.frame()") ("subset" . #1#) ("sparse" . "FALSE") ("na.action" . #1#) ("addNA" . "FALSE") ("exclude" . "if (!addNA) c(NA, NaN)") ("drop.unused.levels" . "FALSE")) ("formula" "data" "subset" "sparse" "na.action" "addNA" "exclude" "drop.unused.levels")) "cut" (("base" 25118 14679 404053 0) (("x" . #1#) ("breaks" . #1#) ("labels" . "NULL") ("include.lowest" . "FALSE") ("right" . "TRUE") ("dig.lab" . "3") ("ordered_result" . "FALSE") ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "..." "breaks" "labels" "start.on.monday" "right" "include.lowest" "dig.lab" "ordered_result" "h")) "apply" (("base" 25118 14763 142448 0) (("X" . #1#) ("MARGIN" . #1#) ("FUN" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("simplify" . "TRUE")) ("X" "MARGIN" "FUN" "..." "simplify")) "calc_nearest" (("proj2" 25118 17834 48633 0) (("lapfrac" . #1#) ("walldistance" . #1#) ("widths" . #1#)) ("lapfrac" "walldistance" "widths")) "system.time" (("base" 25118 17956 388548 0) (("expr" . #1#) ("gcFirst" . "TRUE")) ("expr" "gcFirst")) "seq.POSIXt" (("base" 25118 19785 451742 0) (("from" . #1#) ("to" . #1#) ("by" . #1#) ("length.out" . "NULL") ("along.with" . "NULL") ("..." . #1#)) ("from" "to" "by" "length.out" "along.with" "...")) "lapplyfunc" nil "smt_stage3_time_bycar" (("proj2" 25118 21429 641983 0) (("time" . #1#) ("..." . #1#) ("tmout" . #1#) ("maxTimeGap" . "2") ("angles" . "c(\"heading\", \"normal\", \"hdg\", \"norm\")")) ("time" "..." "tmout" "maxTimeGap" "angles")) "approx" (("stats" 25118 21481 32253 0) (("x" . #1#) ("y" . "NULL") ("xout" . #1#) ("method" . "linear") ("n" . "50") ("yleft" . #1#) ("yright" . #1#) ("rule" . "1") ("f" . "0") ("ties" . "mean") ("na.rm" . "TRUE")) ("x" "y" "xout" "method" "n" "yleft" "yright" "rule" "f" "ties" "na.rm")) "split" (("base" 25118 22573 711404 0) (("x" . #1#) ("f" . #1#) ("drop" . "FALSE") ("sep" . ".") ("lex.order" . "FALSE") ("..." . #1#)) ("x" "f" "drop" "..." "by" "sorted" "keep.by" "flatten" "verbose" "sep" "lex.order")))) prev-prompt nil sp-for-help-changed\? t sp-for-ac-changed\? t last-eval (25118 23848 776288 0) flush-time nil flush-timer nil last-sync-dirs (25118 23852 756820 0) :eval-visibly t temp-source-files ("c:/Users/r2/AppData/Local/Temp/calc_nearest.R!bM5MwX") pending-output "> > > " pending nil) | | | 4 -> (ess-wait-for-process # nil nil nil 2305843009213693951) | | | | 5 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) | | | | 5 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: t | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-live-p) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-get: nil | | | | 5 -> (ess-r-package-name) | | | | | 6 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | | | | | 6 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj1" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj1") | | | | 5 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj1" | | | | 5 -> (inferior-ess-ordinary-filter # "ess-output-delimiter442-START ess-output-delimiter442-END Browse[2]> ") | | | | | 6 -> (ess--if-verbose-write-process-state # "ess-output-delimiter442-START ess-output-delimiter442-END Browse[2]> " "ordinary-filter") | | | | | | 7 -> (ess-if-verbose-write " ordinary-filter: --> busy:t busy-end:t sec-prompt:nil interruptable:nil <-- --> running-async:nil callback:nil suppress-next-output:nil <-- --> dbg-active:t is-recover:nil <-- --> string:ess-output-delimiter442-START ess-output-delimiter442-END Browse[2]> ") | | | | | | 7 <- ess-if-verbose-write: nil | | | | | 6 <- ess--if-verbose-write-process-state: nil | | | | | 6 -> (ess--command-delimited-output-info # "ess-output-delimiter442") | | | | | | 7 -> (ess--delimiter-start-re "ess-output-delimiter442") | | | | | | 7 <- ess--delimiter-start-re: "\\(ess-output-delimiter442-START$\\)" | | | | | | 7 -> (ess--delimiter-end-re "ess-output-delimiter442") | | | | | | 7 <- ess--delimiter-end-re: "\\(ess-output-delimiter442-END\\)" | | | | | 6 <- ess--command-delimited-output-info: (31 31 nil) | | | | | 6 -> (ess--command-set-status # # (31 31 nil)) | | | | | 6 <- ess--command-set-status: nil | | | | | 6 -> (inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter # "> > > ") | | | | | | 7 -> (ess--accumulation-buffer #) | | | | | | 7 <- ess--accumulation-buffer: # | | | | | | 7 -> (inferior-ess--set-status # "> > > ") | | | | | | 7 <- inferior-ess--set-status: 4 | | | | | | 7 -> (ess--if-verbose-write-process-state # "> > > ") | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess-if-verbose-write " NORMAL-FILTER: --> busy:nil busy-end:nil sec-prompt:nil interruptable:nil <-- --> running-async:nil callback:nil suppress-next-output:nil <-- --> dbg-active:t is-recover:nil <-- --> string:> > > ") | | | | | | | 8 <- ess-if-verbose-write: nil | | | | | | 7 <- ess--if-verbose-write-process-state: nil | | | | | | 7 -> (inferior-ess-run-callback # "> > > ") | | | | | | 7 <- inferior-ess-run-callback: nil | | | | | | 7 -> (ess--flush-accumulated-output #) | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess--accumulation-buffer #) | | | | | | | 8 <- ess--accumulation-buffer: # | | | | | | | 8 -> (ess-mpi-handle-messages #) | | | | | | | 8 <- ess-mpi-handle-messages: nil | | | | | | | 8 -> (inferior-ess-fontify-region 430578 430612 nil) | | | | | | | | 9 -> (ess-r--find-fl-keyword 430612) | | | | | | | | 9 <- ess-r--find-fl-keyword: nil | | | | | | | 8 <- inferior-ess-fontify-region: (jit-lock-bounds 430578 . 430612) | | | | | | 7 <- ess--flush-accumulated-output: nil | | | | | | 7 -> (ess--dbg-deactivate-overlays) | | | | | | 7 <- ess--dbg-deactivate-overlays: # | | | | | 6 <- inferior-ess-tracebug-output-filter: nil | | | | 5 <- inferior-ess-ordinary-filter: nil | | | 4 <- ess-wait-for-process: t | | 3 <- ess-command: # | 2 <- ess-function-arguments: nil | 2 -> (ess-eldoc-docstring-format #("." 0 1 (fontified t)) "" t) | 2 <- ess-eldoc-docstring-format: #(".: " 0 1 (face font-lock-function-name-face fontified t)) 1 <- ess-r-eldoc-function: #(".: " 0 1 (face font-lock-function-name-face fontified t)) ====================================================================== 1 -> (inferior-ess-fontify-region 430578 430612 nil) | 2 -> (ess-r--find-fl-keyword 430612) | 2 <- ess-r--find-fl-keyword: nil 1 <- inferior-ess-fontify-region: (jit-lock-bounds 430578 . 430612) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj1" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj1") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj1" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--idle-timer-function) | 2 -> (ess-synchronize-dirs) | | 3 -> (inferior-ess-available-p) | | | 4 -> (ess-debug-active-p #) | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-live-p #) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-get dbg-active #) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-get: nil | | | | 5 -> (ess-process-get is-recover #) | | | | 5 <- ess-process-get: nil | | | 4 <- ess-debug-active-p: nil | | 3 <- inferior-ess-available-p: t | 2 <- ess-synchronize-dirs: nil 1 <- ess--idle-timer-function: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj1" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj1") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj1" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:1" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-get-evaluation-env) 1 <- ess-r-get-evaluation-env: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-auto-activate) 1 <- ess-r-package-auto-activate: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-auto-activate) 1 <- ess-r-package-auto-activate: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess--get-mode-line-indicator) 1 <- ess--get-mode-line-indicator: ("" "R:1" (:eval (let ((proc (get-process ess-local-process-name))) (if (and proc (process-get proc 'dbg-active)) (let ((str ess-debug-indicator)) (ess-debug-minor-mode 1) (put-text-property 1 (length str) 'face '(:foreground "white" :background "red") str) str) (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) #1=""))) (:eval (or (and (ess-process-live-p) (ess-process-get 'on-error-action)) #1#))) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-get-evaluation-env) 1 <- ess-r-get-evaluation-env: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj2" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj2") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj2" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-debug-minor-mode -1) 1 <- ess-debug-minor-mode: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-live-p) 1 <- ess-process-live-p: (run open listen connect stop) ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-process-get on-error-action) 1 <- ess-process-get: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-name) | 2 -> (ess-r-package-info nil) | 2 <- ess-r-package-info: (:name "proj1" :root "c:/Users/r2/Projects/proj1") 1 <- ess-r-package-name: "proj1" ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-r-package-auto-activate) 1 <- ess-r-package-auto-activate: nil ====================================================================== 1 -> (ess-elisp-trace-mode toggle) 1 <- ess-elisp-trace-mode: t ```
r2evans commented 2 years ago

Any thoughts? This is plaguing me daily. Is there something else in logs that can help?

For some context, it is more than cosmetic: when the phantom text is on the console, expressions evaluated in a different buffer into R via C-c C-r or the like will fail. Conversely, if it starts while I'm debugging a function in a different buffer (loaded via devtools::load_all, then whenever the phantom text appears, emacs switches to that other buffer at the line of where the phantom error started. This is massively disrupting while editing files interactively with the R inferior buffer.

r2evans commented 2 years ago

It appears to be triggered whenever I'm in a function that ESS is looking to inform me of its arguments. For instance, in this current version of h*ll, I can place my cursor inside abs(_ and see abs: x= in the mini-buffer; if I place my cursor inside of ggplot(_, I see ggplot: data=NULL, ..., sfsg. If I look inside a function from a package that sessioninfo::session_info() reports as local or <NA>, though, it triggers back to the previously-debugged buffer, yanking me away from my current purpose.

~Possible clue: this jumping-around occurs if the cursor is in an incomplete expression. That is, in my examples above, I used abs(_ literally, meaning there is no close-paren. For the ones that triggered me to jump buffers, no problem occurs if I pre-type the () and then go back into the parens to look at arguments, etc.~

~So it appears that this has to do with ESS trying to parse the expression at the current point/cursor, and that expression is incomplete/bad.~

~Does that help? Perhaps I'll try to find some magic-parens so that I can at least confirm this symptom and prevent it from plaguing me all the time.~

Scratch that.

vspinu commented 2 years ago

Looks like it is eldoc. Does invoking .ess_funargs("abc") fro a problematic package adn function?

If I look inside a function from a package that

You mean when you debug a function from such a package?

sessioninfo::session_info() reports as local or

Looks like you can reproduce the issue now. Can you describe the steps a bit more clearly. Maybe I could reproduce on my end.

When debugging inside "local" packages I see no issues on my side. So there must be something else what is different.

r2evans commented 1 year ago

I haven't seen this in a looooong time, thanks for ESS!