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Tibbles break the output background color of iESS #1213

Open cddesja opened 1 year ago

cddesja commented 1 year ago

Not totally sure what to title this bug, but when a tibbleis printed, the iESS output is printed in a different color, light gray. his persists regardless of whether I am using a tibble or not. This makes it difficult to see. See the screenshot below. Note, this happens regardless of my theme.

This is reproducible 100% of the time for me. Below is a minimal script that reproduces this

## output prints normally

## output prints in light gray

## output continues to have tibble coloring
Screen Shot 2022-07-29 at 11 31 17 AM

I think only the #A tibble: 6 x 11 line and the line indicating variable type should be in light gray. See this screenshot from RStudio.

Screen Shot 2022-07-29 at 11 39 43 AM
maxecharel commented 1 year ago

duplicate of #1211, itself a duplicate of #1193 (for which workarounds are provided)