emacs-helm / helm

Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Disabling of sorting through setting helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn to nil no longer works #2689

Open Thaodan opened 1 week ago

Thaodan commented 1 week ago

What happened?

I noticed I'm getting strange Void function nil errors when trying to use completion in Magit.

After investigating it is because helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn is set to nil by magit in magit-completing-read-multiple. The core issue is very similar to magit/magit#4437.

The change that broke Magit's way of overriding the default sort in region function is 432f01f39d6372c26134d1cc7ad4946f71466675 I think.

Now to the core of this issue: How should one override or disable helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn when it's executed without prior check? I know there's the option to just set the function to identity but is this the right approach? Without digging deeper the error from the plain funcall call is kinda meaningless.

How to reproduce?

  1. Configure helm and magit
  2. Press M-x magit-log
  3. Press o
  4. Press tab

Helm Version

Master branch

Emacs Version




Relevant backtrace (if possible)

No response

Minimal configuration

Thaodan commented 1 week ago


``` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function nil) apply(debug (error (void-function nil))) transient--exit-and-debug(error (void-function nil)) nil(("fix_path_typo" ...) ((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () [(alistp t) (sort nil) (match-dynamic nil) (candidates-in-buffer nil) (default nil) (test nil) (collection ...)] (let (...) (helm-cr-default default cands)))) (keymap keymap (keymap (13 . helm-confirm-and-exit-minibuffer)) keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f11 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f10 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f9 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f8 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f7 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f6 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f5 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f4 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f3 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f2 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap (describe keymap ...))) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (26 . helm-select-action) (3 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (110 . helm-helm-run-cycle-resume-with-subkeys) (108 . helm-display-line-numbers-mode) (62 . helm-toggle-truncate-line) (21 . helm-refresh) (6 . helm-follow-mode) (9 . helm-insert-or-copy) (11 . helm-kill-selection-and-quit) (25 . helm-yank-selection) (37 . helm-exchange-minibuffer-and-header-line) (95 . helm-toggle-full-frame) (45 . helm-swap-windows)) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) (67108989 . helm-narrow-window) (18 . undefined) (19 . undefined) (24 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (2 . helm-resume-list-buffers-after-quit) (98 . helm-resume-previous-session-after-quit) (6 . helm-quit-and-find-file)) (127 . helm-delete-char-backward) (11 . helm-delete-minibuffer-contents) ...) (action ("Sole action (Identity)" lambda (candidate) (if t (helm-marked-candidates) (identity candidate)))) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) [(category nil) (afix nil) (afun nil)] (helm-completion--decorate (funcall helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn candidates source) afun afix category)) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . #("C-j: DoNothing (keeping session)" 0 3 (font-lock-face help-key-binding face help-key-binding))) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm))) funcall(nil ("fix_path_typo" ...) ((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () [(alistp t) (sort nil) (match-dynamic nil) (candidates-in-buffer nil) (default nil) (test nil) (collection ...)] (let (...) (helm-cr-default default cands)))) (keymap keymap (keymap (13 . helm-confirm-and-exit-minibuffer)) keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f11 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f10 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f9 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f8 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f7 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f6 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f5 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f4 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f3 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f2 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap (describe keymap ...))) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (26 . helm-select-action) (3 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (110 . helm-helm-run-cycle-resume-with-subkeys) (108 . helm-display-line-numbers-mode) (62 . helm-toggle-truncate-line) (21 . helm-refresh) (6 . helm-follow-mode) (9 . helm-insert-or-copy) (11 . helm-kill-selection-and-quit) (25 . helm-yank-selection) (37 . helm-exchange-minibuffer-and-header-line) (95 . helm-toggle-full-frame) (45 . helm-swap-windows)) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) (67108989 . helm-narrow-window) (18 . undefined) (19 . undefined) (24 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (2 . helm-resume-list-buffers-after-quit) (98 . helm-resume-previous-session-after-quit) (6 . helm-quit-and-find-file)) (127 . helm-delete-char-backward) (11 . helm-delete-minibuffer-contents) ...) (action ("Sole action (Identity)" lambda (candidate) (if t (helm-marked-candidates) (identity candidate)))) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) [(category nil) (afix nil) (afun nil)] (helm-completion--decorate (funcall helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn candidates source) afun afix category)) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . #("C-j: DoNothing (keeping session)" 0 3 (font-lock-face help-key-binding face help-key-binding))) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm))) (helm-completion--decorate (funcall helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn candidates source) afun afix category) #f(lambda (candidates source) [(category nil) (afix nil) (afun nil)] (helm-completion--decorate (funcall helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn candidates source) afun afix category))(("fix_path_typo" ...) ((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () [(alistp t) (sort nil) (match-dynamic nil) (candidates-in-buffer nil) (default nil) (test nil) (collection ...)] (let (...) (helm-cr-default default cands)))) (keymap keymap (keymap (13 . helm-confirm-and-exit-minibuffer)) keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f11 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f10 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f9 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f8 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f7 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f6 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f5 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f4 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f3 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f2 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap (describe keymap ...))) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (26 . helm-select-action) (3 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (110 . helm-helm-run-cycle-resume-with-subkeys) (108 . helm-display-line-numbers-mode) (62 . helm-toggle-truncate-line) (21 . helm-refresh) (6 . helm-follow-mode) (9 . helm-insert-or-copy) (11 . helm-kill-selection-and-quit) (25 . helm-yank-selection) (37 . helm-exchange-minibuffer-and-header-line) (95 . helm-toggle-full-frame) (45 . helm-swap-windows)) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) (67108989 . helm-narrow-window) (18 . undefined) (19 . undefined) (24 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (2 . helm-resume-list-buffers-after-quit) (98 . helm-resume-previous-session-after-quit) (6 . helm-quit-and-find-file)) (127 . helm-delete-char-backward) (11 . helm-delete-minibuffer-contents) ...) (action ("Sole action (Identity)" lambda (candidate) (if t (helm-marked-candidates) (identity candidate)))) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) [(category nil) (afix nil) (afun nil)] (helm-completion--decorate (funcall helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn candidates source) afun afix category)) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . #("C-j: DoNothing (keeping session)" 0 3 (font-lock-face help-key-binding face help-key-binding))) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm))) apply(#f(lambda (candidates source) [(category nil) (afix nil) (afun nil)] (helm-completion--decorate (funcall helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn candidates source) afun afix category)) (("fix_path_typo" ...) ((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () [... ... ... ... ... ... ...] (let ... ...))) (keymap keymap (keymap (13 . helm-confirm-and-exit-minibuffer)) keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f11 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f10 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f9 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f8 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f7 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f6 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f5 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f4 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f3 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f2 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap ...)) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (26 . helm-select-action) (3 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (110 . helm-helm-run-cycle-resume-with-subkeys) (108 . helm-display-line-numbers-mode) (62 . helm-toggle-truncate-line) (21 . helm-refresh) (6 . helm-follow-mode) (9 . helm-insert-or-copy) (11 . helm-kill-selection-and-quit) (25 . helm-yank-selection) (37 . helm-exchange-minibuffer-and-header-line) (95 . helm-toggle-full-frame) (45 . helm-swap-windows)) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) (67108989 . helm-narrow-window) (18 . undefined) (19 . undefined) (24 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (2 . helm-resume-list-buffers-after-quit) (98 . helm-resume-previous-session-after-quit) (6 . helm-quit-and-find-file)) (127 . helm-delete-char-backward) (11 . helm-delete-minibuffer-contents) ...) (action ("Sole action (Identity)" lambda (candidate) (if t ... ...))) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) [... ... ...] (helm-completion--decorate ... afun afix category)) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . #("C-j: DoNothing (keeping session)" 0 3 (font-lock-face help-key-binding face help-key-binding))) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm)))) (setq result (apply fn args)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq fn (car --cl-var--)) (setq result (apply fn args)) (if (and args (cdr funs)) (progn (setcar args result))) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (let* ((result nil) (--cl-var-- funs) (fn nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq fn (car --cl-var--)) (setq result (apply fn args)) (if (and args (cdr funs)) (progn (setcar args result))) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) result) (let ((helm--source-name (assoc-default 'name source)) (helm-current-source source) (funs (if (functionp functions) (list functions) functions))) (let* ((result nil) (--cl-var-- funs) (fn nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq fn (car --cl-var--)) (setq result (apply fn args)) (if (and args (cdr funs)) (progn (setcar args result))) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) result)) helm-apply-functions-from-source(((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap (keymap ...) keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap ...) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f11 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f10 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f9 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f8 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f7 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f6 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f5 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f4 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f3 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f2 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (menu-bar keymap ...) (help keymap ...) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (8 keymap ... ... ... ... ... ...) ...) (action ("Sole action (Identity)" lambda ... ...)) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) ... ...) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . #("C-j: DoNothing (keeping session)" 0 3 ...)) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm)) (#f(lambda (candidates source) [... ... ...] (helm-completion--decorate ... afun afix category)) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) ("fix_path_typo" "include_order_config_h" "jb36606" "jb44353" "jb44353_old" "jb48958" "jb48958_jb52528_merger" "jb52244" "jb52244_old" "jb52287" "jb55272" "jb55272_jb55695_merger" "jb55287" "jb55695" "lto_and_various_build_fixes" "lua_marker" "master" "master_presquash" "master_squashrevert" "no_multiarch_out_of_tree" "no_multiarch_out_of_tree_include_order_config_merger" "omp-jb44353" "tools_policy_fix" "update_globc_gnulib" "pullreqs/1" "pullreqs/10" ...) ((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap (keymap ...) keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap ...) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f11 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f10 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f9 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f8 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f7 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f6 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f5 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f4 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f3 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f2 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (menu-bar keymap ...) (help keymap ...) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (8 keymap ... ... ... ... ... ...) ...) (action ("Sole action (Identity)" lambda ... ...)) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) ... ...) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . #("C-j: DoNothing (keeping session)" 0 3 ...)) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm))) (if it (helm-apply-functions-from-source source it candidates source) candidates) (let ((it (assoc-default 'filtered-candidate-transformer source))) (if it (helm-apply-functions-from-source source it candidates source) candidates)) helm-process-filtered-candidate-transformer(("fix_path_typo" "include_order_config_h" "jb36606" "jb44353" "jb44353_old" "jb48958" "jb48958_jb52528_merger" "jb52244" "jb52244_old" "jb52287" "jb55272" "jb55272_jb55695_merger" "jb55287" "jb55695" "lto_and_various_build_fixes" "lua_marker" "master" "master_presquash" "master_squashrevert" "no_multiarch_out_of_tree" "no_multiarch_out_of_tree_include_order_config_merger" "omp-jb44353" "tools_policy_fix" "update_globc_gnulib" "pullreqs/1" "pullreqs/10" "pullreqs/11" "pullreqs/12" "pullreqs/13" "pullreqs/14" "pullreqs/15" "pullreqs/16" "pullreqs/17" "pullreqs/18" "pullreqs/19" "pullreqs/2" "pullreqs/20" "pullreqs/21" ...) ((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () [(alistp t) (sort nil) (match-dynamic nil) (candidates-in-buffer nil) (default nil) (test nil) (collection ...)] (let (...) (helm-cr-default default cands)))) (keymap keymap (keymap (13 . helm-confirm-and-exit-minibuffer)) keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f11 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f10 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f9 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f8 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f7 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f6 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f5 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f4 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f3 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f2 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap (describe keymap ...))) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (26 . helm-select-action) (3 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (110 . helm-helm-run-cycle-resume-with-subkeys) (108 . helm-display-line-numbers-mode) (62 . helm-toggle-truncate-line) (21 . helm-refresh) (6 . helm-follow-mode) (9 . helm-insert-or-copy) (11 . helm-kill-selection-and-quit) (25 . helm-yank-selection) (37 . helm-exchange-minibuffer-and-header-line) (95 . helm-toggle-full-frame) (45 . helm-swap-windows)) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) (67108989 . helm-narrow-window) (18 . undefined) (19 . undefined) (24 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (2 . helm-resume-list-buffers-after-quit) (98 . helm-resume-previous-session-after-quit) (6 . helm-quit-and-find-file)) (127 . helm-delete-char-backward) (11 . helm-delete-minibuffer-contents) ...) (action ("Sole action (Identity)" lambda (candidate) (if t (helm-marked-candidates) (identity candidate)))) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) [(category nil) (afix nil) (afun nil)] (helm-completion--decorate (funcall helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn candidates source) afun afix category)) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . #("C-j: DoNothing (keeping session)" 0 3 (font-lock-face help-key-binding face help-key-binding))) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm))) (let ((matchfns (helm-match-functions source)) (matchpartfn (assoc-default 'match-part source)) (helm--source-name (assoc-default 'name source)) (helm-current-source source) (limit (helm-candidate-number-limit source)) (helm-pattern (helm-process-pattern-transformer helm-pattern source))) (helm--fuzzy-match-maybe-set-pattern) (helm-process-filtered-candidate-transformer (if (or (equal helm-pattern "") (assq 'match-dynamic source) (helm--candidates-in-buffer-p source)) (helm--initialize-one-by-one-candidates (helm-take (helm-get-cached-candidates source) limit) source) (helm-match-from-candidates (helm-get-cached-candidates source) matchfns matchpartfn limit source)) source)) (save-current-buffer (let ((matchfns (helm-match-functions source)) (matchpartfn (assoc-default 'match-part source)) (helm--source-name (assoc-default 'name source)) (helm-current-source source) (limit (helm-candidate-number-limit source)) (helm-pattern (helm-process-pattern-transformer helm-pattern source))) (helm--fuzzy-match-maybe-set-pattern) (helm-process-filtered-candidate-transformer (if (or (equal helm-pattern "") (assq 'match-dynamic source) (helm--candidates-in-buffer-p source)) (helm--initialize-one-by-one-candidates (helm-take (helm-get-cached-candidates source) limit) source) (helm-match-from-candidates (helm-get-cached-candidates source) matchfns matchpartfn limit source)) source))) helm-compute-matches(((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () [(alistp t) (sort nil) (match-dynamic nil) (candidates-in-buffer nil) (default nil) (test nil) (collection ...)] (let (...) (helm-cr-default default cands)))) (keymap keymap (keymap (13 . helm-confirm-and-exit-minibuffer)) keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f11 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f10 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f9 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f8 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f7 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f6 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f5 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f4 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f3 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f2 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap (describe keymap ...))) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (26 . helm-select-action) (3 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (110 . helm-helm-run-cycle-resume-with-subkeys) (108 . helm-display-line-numbers-mode) (62 . helm-toggle-truncate-line) (21 . helm-refresh) (6 . helm-follow-mode) (9 . helm-insert-or-copy) (11 . helm-kill-selection-and-quit) (25 . helm-yank-selection) (37 . helm-exchange-minibuffer-and-header-line) (95 . helm-toggle-full-frame) (45 . helm-swap-windows)) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) (67108989 . helm-narrow-window) (18 . undefined) (19 . undefined) (24 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (2 . helm-resume-list-buffers-after-quit) (98 . helm-resume-previous-session-after-quit) (6 . helm-quit-and-find-file)) (127 . helm-delete-char-backward) (11 . helm-delete-minibuffer-contents) ...) (action ("Sole action (Identity)" lambda (candidate) (if t (helm-marked-candidates) (identity candidate)))) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) [(category nil) (afix nil) (afun nil)] (helm-completion--decorate (funcall helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn candidates source) afun afix category)) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . #("C-j: DoNothing (keeping session)" 0 3 (font-lock-face help-key-binding face help-key-binding))) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm))) (cons (helm-compute-matches src) --cl-var--) (setq --cl-var-- (cons (helm-compute-matches src) --cl-var--)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cons (helm-compute-matches src) --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cons (helm-compute-matches src) --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--)) (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cons (helm-compute-matches src) --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--))) (setq val (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cons (helm-compute-matches src) --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--)))) (let ((throw-on-input 'input) val) (setq val (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cons (helm-compute-matches src) --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--)))) (cond ((eq quit-flag throw-on-input) (setq quit-flag nil)) (quit-flag nil) (t val))) (catch 'input (let ((throw-on-input 'input) val) (setq val (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cons ... --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--)))) (cond ((eq quit-flag throw-on-input) (setq quit-flag nil)) (quit-flag nil) (t val)))) (let ((inhibit-quit nil)) (catch 'input (let ((throw-on-input 'input) val) (setq val (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src ...) (setq --cl-var-- ...) (setq --cl-var-- ...)) (nreverse --cl-var--)))) (cond ((eq quit-flag throw-on-input) (setq quit-flag nil)) (quit-flag nil) (t val))))) (condition-case nil (let ((inhibit-quit nil)) (catch 'input (let ((throw-on-input 'input) val) (setq val (progn (let* (... ... ...) (while ... ... ... ...) (nreverse --cl-var--)))) (cond ((eq quit-flag throw-on-input) (setq quit-flag nil)) (quit-flag nil) (t val))))) (quit (setq quit-flag t) (eval '(ignore nil) t))) (let ((while-no-input-ignore-events (and (boundp 'while-no-input-ignore-events) (cons 'dbus-event while-no-input-ignore-events)))) (condition-case nil (let ((inhibit-quit nil)) (catch 'input (let ((throw-on-input 'input) val) (setq val (progn (let* ... ... ...))) (cond ((eq quit-flag throw-on-input) (setq quit-flag nil)) (quit-flag nil) (t val))))) (quit (setq quit-flag t) (eval '(ignore nil) t)))) (if (or (and (file-remote-p helm-pattern) (not (file-remote-p helm-pattern nil t))) helm-update-edebug) (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cons (helm-compute-matches src) --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--)) (helm-log "helm--maybe-use-while-no-input" "Using here `helm-while-no-input'") (let ((while-no-input-ignore-events (and (boundp 'while-no-input-ignore-events) (cons 'dbus-event while-no-input-ignore-events)))) (condition-case nil (let ((inhibit-quit nil)) (catch 'input (let ((throw-on-input ...) val) (setq val (progn ...)) (cond (... ...) (quit-flag nil) (t val))))) (quit (setq quit-flag t) (eval '(ignore nil) t))))) (progn (if (or (and (file-remote-p helm-pattern) (not (file-remote-p helm-pattern nil t))) helm-update-edebug) (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cons (helm-compute-matches src) --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--)) (helm-log "helm--maybe-use-while-no-input" "Using here `helm-while-no-input'") (let ((while-no-input-ignore-events (and (boundp 'while-no-input-ignore-events) (cons 'dbus-event while-no-input-ignore-events)))) (condition-case nil (let ((inhibit-quit nil)) (catch 'input (let (... val) (setq val ...) (cond ... ... ...)))) (quit (setq quit-flag t) (eval '(ignore nil) t)))))) (let ((matches (progn (if (or (and (file-remote-p helm-pattern) (not ...)) helm-update-edebug) (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src ...) (setq --cl-var-- ...) (setq --cl-var-- ...)) (nreverse --cl-var--)) (helm-log "helm--maybe-use-while-no-input" "Using here `helm-while-no-input'") (let ((while-no-input-ignore-events ...)) (condition-case nil (let ... ...) (quit ... ...))))))) (if (eq matches t) nil matches)) helm--collect-matches((((name . "crm-complete History") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap (keymap ...) keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap ...) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f11 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f10 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f9 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f8 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f7 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f6 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f5 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f4 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f3 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f2 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (menu-bar keymap ...) (help keymap ...) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (8 keymap ... ... ... ... ... ...) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (26 . helm-select-action) (3 keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) ...) (action ("Sole action (Identity)" lambda ... ...)) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer (lambda ... ...) helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . #("C-j: DoNothing (keeping session)" 0 3 ...)) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm)) ((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap (keymap ...) keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap ...) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f11 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f10 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f9 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f8 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f7 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f6 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f5 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f4 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f3 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f2 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (menu-bar keymap ...) (help keymap ...) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (8 keymap ... ... ... ... ... ...) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (26 . helm-select-action) (3 keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) ...) (action ("Sole action (Identity)" lambda ... ...)) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) ... ...) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . #("C-j: DoNothing (keeping session)" 0 3 ...)) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm)))) (or candidates (helm--collect-matches sources)) (setq matches (or candidates (helm--collect-matches sources))) (helm-log "helm-update" "Matches: %S" (setq matches (or candidates (helm--collect-matches sources)))) (let (sources matches) (setq sources (let* ((--cl-var-- helm-sources) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (if (helm-update-source-p src) (progn (setq --cl-var-- (cons src --cl-var--)))) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--))) (if sources nil (erase-buffer)) (helm-maybe-dim-prompt-on-update ov) (helm-log "helm-update" "Matches: %S" (setq matches (or candidates (helm--collect-matches sources)))) (if matches (progn (erase-buffer) (let* ((--cl-var-- sources) (src nil) (--cl-var-- matches) (mtc nil)) (while (and (consp --cl-var--) (progn (setq src ...) (consp --cl-var--))) (setq mtc (car --cl-var--)) (helm-render-source src mtc) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) nil) (helm--update-move-first-line)))) (unwind-protect (let (sources matches) (setq sources (let* ((--cl-var-- helm-sources) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (if (helm-update-source-p src) (progn (setq --cl-var-- ...))) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--))) (if sources nil (erase-buffer)) (helm-maybe-dim-prompt-on-update ov) (helm-log "helm-update" "Matches: %S" (setq matches (or candidates (helm--collect-matches sources)))) (if matches (progn (erase-buffer) (let* ((--cl-var-- sources) (src nil) (--cl-var-- matches) (mtc nil)) (while (and (consp --cl-var--) (progn ... ...)) (setq mtc (car --cl-var--)) (helm-render-source src mtc) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) nil) (helm--update-move-first-line)))) (let ((src (or source (helm-get-current-source)))) (if (assq 'candidates-process src) nil (helm-display-mode-line src 'force) (and (car ov) (delete-overlay (car ov))) (helm-log-run-hook "helm-update" 'helm-after-update-hook))) (if preselect (progn (helm-log "helm-update" "Update preselect candidate %s" preselect) (if (helm-window) (let ((save-selected-window--state (internal--before-with-selected-window ...))) (save-current-buffer (unwind-protect (progn ... ...) (internal--after-with-selected-window save-selected-window--state)))) (helm-preselect preselect source)))) (setq helm--force-updating-p nil) (helm--reset-update-flag)) (let ((ov '(#))) (unwind-protect (let (sources matches) (setq sources (let* ((--cl-var-- helm-sources) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (if (helm-update-source-p src) (progn ...)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--))) (if sources nil (erase-buffer)) (helm-maybe-dim-prompt-on-update ov) (helm-log "helm-update" "Matches: %S" (setq matches (or candidates (helm--collect-matches sources)))) (if matches (progn (erase-buffer) (let* ((--cl-var-- sources) (src nil) (--cl-var-- matches) (mtc nil)) (while (and ... ...) (setq mtc ...) (helm-render-source src mtc) (setq --cl-var-- ...) (setq --cl-var-- ...)) nil) (helm--update-move-first-line)))) (let ((src (or source (helm-get-current-source)))) (if (assq 'candidates-process src) nil (helm-display-mode-line src 'force) (and (car ov) (delete-overlay (car ov))) (helm-log-run-hook "helm-update" 'helm-after-update-hook))) (if preselect (progn (helm-log "helm-update" "Update preselect candidate %s" preselect) (if (helm-window) (let ((save-selected-window--state ...)) (save-current-buffer (unwind-protect ... ...))) (helm-preselect preselect source)))) (setq helm--force-updating-p nil) (helm--reset-update-flag)) (helm-log "helm-update" "end update")) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (helm-buffer-get)) (set (make-local-variable 'helm-input-local) helm-pattern) (let ((ov '(#))) (unwind-protect (let (sources matches) (setq sources (let* ((--cl-var-- helm-sources) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src ...) (if ... ...) (setq --cl-var-- ...)) (nreverse --cl-var--))) (if sources nil (erase-buffer)) (helm-maybe-dim-prompt-on-update ov) (helm-log "helm-update" "Matches: %S" (setq matches (or candidates (helm--collect-matches sources)))) (if matches (progn (erase-buffer) (let* (... ... ... ...) (while ... ... ... ... ...) nil) (helm--update-move-first-line)))) (let ((src (or source (helm-get-current-source)))) (if (assq 'candidates-process src) nil (helm-display-mode-line src 'force) (and (car ov) (delete-overlay (car ov))) (helm-log-run-hook "helm-update" 'helm-after-update-hook))) (if preselect (progn (helm-log "helm-update" "Update preselect candidate %s" preselect) (if (helm-window) (let (...) (save-current-buffer ...)) (helm-preselect preselect source)))) (setq helm--force-updating-p nil) (helm--reset-update-flag)) (helm-log "helm-update" "end update"))) helm-update(nil) (if (and (helm-resume-p resume) (helm-get-current-source)) (helm-mark-current-line t) (helm-update preselect)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (helm-buffer-get)) (if (and (helm-resume-p resume) (helm-get-current-source)) (helm-mark-current-line t) (helm-update preselect)) (let* ((src (helm-get-current-source)) (src-keymap (assoc-default 'keymap src)) (hist (or (and history (symbolp history) history) (assoc-default 'history src))) (timer nil) blink-matching-paren (first-src (car helm-sources)) (source-process-p (or (assq 'candidates-process src) (assq 'candidates-process first-src))) (inhibit-quit source-process-p)) (helm-log "helm-read-from-minibuffer" "helm-get-candidate-number => %S" (helm-get-candidate-number)) (helm-log "helm-read-from-minibuffer" "helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one = %S" helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one) (helm-log "helm-read-from-minibuffer" "helm-quit-if-no-candidate = %S" helm-quit-if-no-candidate) (if (and src (helm-resume-p resume)) (progn (helm-display-mode-line src) (setq helm-pattern input))) (if helm-maybe-use-default-as-input (progn (setq helm-input helm-pattern) (if source-process-p (let (helm--hook) (setq helm--hook #'...) (setq helm--temp-hooks (cons ... helm--temp-hooks)) (add-hook 'helm-after-update-hook helm--hook)) (helm--reset-default-pattern)) (and (helm-empty-buffer-p) (null helm-quit-if-no-candidate) (helm-force-update preselect)))) (cond ((and (if (functionp helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one) (funcall helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one) helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one) (= (helm-get-candidate-number (eq helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one ...)) 1)) (ignore)) ((and helm-quit-if-no-candidate (= (helm-get-candidate-number) 0)) (setq helm--quit t) (and (functionp helm-quit-if-no-candidate) (funcall helm-quit-if-no-candidate))) (t (let ((tap (or default ...))) (if helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one (progn (helm-display-buffer helm-buffer resume) (select-window ...))) (unwind-protect (let (... ...) (fset setup-hook ...) (unwind-protect ... ...)) (if timer (progn ... ...)))))))) helm-read-from-minibuffer("Pattern: " "" nil noresume (keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () [(n 11)] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f11 . #f(lambda () [(n 10)] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f10 . #f(lambda () [(n 9)] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f9 . #f(lambda () [(n 8)] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f8 . #f(lambda () [(n 7)] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f7 . #f(lambda () [(n 6)] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f6 . #f(lambda () [(n 5)] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f5 . #f(lambda () [(n 4)] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f4 . #f(lambda () [(n 3)] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f3 . #f(lambda () [(n 2)] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f2 . #f(lambda () [(n 1)] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap (describe keymap (describe-mode . helm-help)))) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () [(n 0)] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (26 . helm-select-action) (3 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () [(n 8) (negative nil)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (56 . #f(lambda () [(n 7) (negative nil)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (55 . #f(lambda () [(n 6) (negative nil)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (54 . #f(lambda () [(n 5) (negative nil)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (53 . #f(lambda () [(n 4) (negative nil)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (52 . #f(lambda () [(n 3) (negative nil)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (51 . #f(lambda () [(n 2) (negative nil)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (50 . #f(lambda () [(n 1) (negative nil)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (49 . #f(lambda () [(n 0) (negative nil)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (110 . helm-helm-run-cycle-resume-with-subkeys) (108 . helm-display-line-numbers-mode) (62 . helm-toggle-truncate-line) (21 . helm-refresh) (6 . helm-follow-mode) (9 . helm-insert-or-copy) (11 . helm-kill-selection-and-quit) (25 . helm-yank-selection) (37 . helm-exchange-minibuffer-and-header-line) (95 . helm-toggle-full-frame) (45 . helm-swap-windows)) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) (67108989 . helm-narrow-window) (18 . undefined) (19 . undefined) (24 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () [(n 8) (negative negative)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (56 . #f(lambda () [(n 7) (negative negative)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (55 . #f(lambda () [(n 6) (negative negative)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (54 . #f(lambda () [(n 5) (negative negative)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (53 . #f(lambda () [(n 4) (negative negative)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (52 . #f(lambda () [(n 3) (negative negative)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (51 . #f(lambda () [(n 2) (negative negative)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (50 . #f(lambda () [(n 1) (negative negative)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (49 . #f(lambda () [(n 0) (negative negative)] (interactive nil) (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth (if negative ... ...)))) (2 . helm-resume-list-buffers-after-quit) (98 . helm-resume-previous-session-after-quit) (6 . helm-quit-and-find-file)) (127 . helm-delete-char-backward) (11 . helm-delete-minibuffer-contents) (67108896 . helm-toggle-visible-mark-forward) (0 . helm-toggle-visible-mark) (C-M-up . helm-scroll-other-window-down) (C-M-down . helm-scroll-other-window) (M-prior . helm-scroll-other-window-down) (M-next . helm-scroll-other-window) (12 . helm-recenter-top-bottom-other-window) (left . helm-previous-source) (right . helm-next-source) ...) nil nil) (unwind-protect (helm-read-from-minibuffer prompt input preselect resume keymap default history) (helm-cleanup)) (let (helm--source-name helm-current-source helm-in-persistent-action helm--quit (helm-buffer (or buffer helm-buffer))) (helm-initialize resume input default sources) (and ori--minibuffer-follows-selected-frame (setq minibuffer-follows-selected-frame (if (or helm--nested (minibufferp helm-current-buffer)) nil t))) (if helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one nil (helm-display-buffer helm-buffer resume) (select-window (helm-window)) (if (and resume helm-visible-mark-overlays) (progn (set-window-margins (selected-window) (+ (string-width helm-visible-mark-prefix) helm-left-margin-width))))) (if helm-allow-mouse nil (helm--remap-mouse-mode 1)) (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'helm--maybe-update-keymap) (add-hook 'helm-after-update-hook 'helm--maybe-update-keymap) (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'helm--update-header-line) (helm-log "helm-internal" "show prompt") (unwind-protect (helm-read-from-minibuffer prompt input preselect resume keymap default history) (helm-cleanup)) (prog1 (if helm--quit nil (helm-execute-selection-action)) (helm-log "helm-internal" (concat "[End session] " (make-string 41 45))))) (condition-case _v (let (helm--source-name helm-current-source helm-in-persistent-action helm--quit (helm-buffer (or buffer helm-buffer))) (helm-initialize resume input default sources) (and ori--minibuffer-follows-selected-frame (setq minibuffer-follows-selected-frame (if (or helm--nested (minibufferp helm-current-buffer)) nil t))) (if helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one nil (helm-display-buffer helm-buffer resume) (select-window (helm-window)) (if (and resume helm-visible-mark-overlays) (progn (set-window-margins (selected-window) (+ (string-width helm-visible-mark-prefix) helm-left-margin-width))))) (if helm-allow-mouse nil (helm--remap-mouse-mode 1)) (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'helm--maybe-update-keymap) (add-hook 'helm-after-update-hook 'helm--maybe-update-keymap) (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'helm--update-header-line) (helm-log "helm-internal" "show prompt") (unwind-protect (helm-read-from-minibuffer prompt input preselect resume keymap default history) (helm-cleanup)) (prog1 (if helm--quit nil (helm-execute-selection-action)) (helm-log "helm-internal" (concat "[End session] " (make-string 41 45))))) ((debug quit) (helm-restore-position-on-quit) (helm-log-run-hook "helm-internal" 'helm-quit-hook) (helm-log "helm-internal" (concat "[End session (quit)] " (make-string 34 45))) nil)) (unwind-protect (condition-case _v (let (helm--source-name helm-current-source helm-in-persistent-action helm--quit (helm-buffer (or buffer helm-buffer))) (helm-initialize resume input default sources) (and ori--minibuffer-follows-selected-frame (setq minibuffer-follows-selected-frame (if (or helm--nested (minibufferp helm-current-buffer)) nil t))) (if helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one nil (helm-display-buffer helm-buffer resume) (select-window (helm-window)) (if (and resume helm-visible-mark-overlays) (progn (set-window-margins (selected-window) (+ ... helm-left-margin-width))))) (if helm-allow-mouse nil (helm--remap-mouse-mode 1)) (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'helm--maybe-update-keymap) (add-hook 'helm-after-update-hook 'helm--maybe-update-keymap) (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'helm--update-header-line) (helm-log "helm-internal" "show prompt") (unwind-protect (helm-read-from-minibuffer prompt input preselect resume keymap default history) (helm-cleanup)) (prog1 (if helm--quit nil (helm-execute-selection-action)) (helm-log "helm-internal" (concat "[End session] " (make-string 41 45))))) ((debug quit) (helm-restore-position-on-quit) (helm-log-run-hook "helm-internal" 'helm-quit-hook) (helm-log "helm-internal" (concat "[End session (quit)] " (make-string 34 45))) nil)) (if (fboundp 'advice-remove) (progn (advice-remove 'tramp-read-passwd #'helm--suspend-read-passwd) (advice-remove 'ange-ftp-get-passwd #'helm--suspend-read-passwd) (advice-remove 'epa-passphrase-callback-function #'helm--suspend-read-passwd) (advice-remove 'linum-on #'helm--advice-linum-on))) (helm-log "helm-internal" "helm-alive-p = %S" (setq helm-alive-p nil)) (helm--remap-mouse-mode -1) (setq helm-alive-p nil) (and ori--minibuffer-follows-selected-frame (set-default-toplevel-value 'minibuffer-follows-selected-frame ori--minibuffer-follows-selected-frame)) (setq helm--force-updating-p nil) (setq helm--buffer-in-new-frame-p nil) (setq helm-pattern "") (progn (setq helm--ignore-errors nil) (setq helm-debug nil))) (let ((non-essential t) mouse-autoselect-window focus-follows-mouse mode-line-in-non-selected-windows minibuffer-completion-confirm (ori--minibuffer-follows-selected-frame (and (boundp 'minibuffer-follows-selected-frame) (default-toplevel-value 'minibuffer-follows-selected-frame))) (input-method-verbose-flag helm-input-method-verbose-flag) (helm-maybe-use-default-as-input (and (null input) (or helm-maybe-use-default-as-input (let* ((--cl-var-- ...) (s nil) (--cl-flag-- t) --cl-var--) (while (and ... ...) (setq --cl-var-- ...)) --cl-var--))))) (unwind-protect (condition-case _v (let (helm--source-name helm-current-source helm-in-persistent-action helm--quit (helm-buffer (or buffer helm-buffer))) (helm-initialize resume input default sources) (and ori--minibuffer-follows-selected-frame (setq minibuffer-follows-selected-frame (if (or helm--nested ...) nil t))) (if helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one nil (helm-display-buffer helm-buffer resume) (select-window (helm-window)) (if (and resume helm-visible-mark-overlays) (progn (set-window-margins ... ...)))) (if helm-allow-mouse nil (helm--remap-mouse-mode 1)) (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'helm--maybe-update-keymap) (add-hook 'helm-after-update-hook 'helm--maybe-update-keymap) (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'helm--update-header-line) (helm-log "helm-internal" "show prompt") (unwind-protect (helm-read-from-minibuffer prompt input preselect resume keymap default history) (helm-cleanup)) (prog1 (if helm--quit nil (helm-execute-selection-action)) (helm-log "helm-internal" (concat "[End session] " (make-string 41 45))))) ((debug quit) (helm-restore-position-on-quit) (helm-log-run-hook "helm-internal" 'helm-quit-hook) (helm-log "helm-internal" (concat "[End session (quit)] " (make-string 34 45))) nil)) (if (fboundp 'advice-remove) (progn (advice-remove 'tramp-read-passwd #'helm--suspend-read-passwd) (advice-remove 'ange-ftp-get-passwd #'helm--suspend-read-passwd) (advice-remove 'epa-passphrase-callback-function #'helm--suspend-read-passwd) (advice-remove 'linum-on #'helm--advice-linum-on))) (helm-log "helm-internal" "helm-alive-p = %S" (setq helm-alive-p nil)) (helm--remap-mouse-mode -1) (setq helm-alive-p nil) (and ori--minibuffer-follows-selected-frame (set-default-toplevel-value 'minibuffer-follows-selected-frame ori--minibuffer-follows-selected-frame)) (setq helm--force-updating-p nil) (setq helm--buffer-in-new-frame-p nil) (setq helm-pattern "") (progn (setq helm--ignore-errors nil) (setq helm-debug nil)))) helm-internal((((name . "crm-complete History") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap ... keymap ... keymap ... ... keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (action ...) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer ... helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . ...) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm)) ((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap ... keymap ... keymap ... ... keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (action ...) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) ... ...) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . ...) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm))) "" "Pattern: " noresume nil "*helm-mode-crm-complete*" (keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f11 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f10 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f9 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f8 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f7 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f6 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f5 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f4 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f3 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f2 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap ...)) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) ...) nil nil) apply(helm-internal ((((name . "crm-complete History") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap ... keymap ... keymap ... ... keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (action ...) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer ... helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . ...) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm)) ((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap ... keymap ... keymap ... ... keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (action ...) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) ... ...) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . ...) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm))) "" "Pattern: " noresume nil "*helm-mode-crm-complete*" (keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f11 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f10 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f9 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f8 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f7 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f6 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f5 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f4 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f3 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f2 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap ...)) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (26 . helm-select-action) (3 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (110 . helm-helm-run-cycle-resume-with-subkeys) (108 . helm-display-line-numbers-mode) (62 . helm-toggle-truncate-line) (21 . helm-refresh) (6 . helm-follow-mode) (9 . helm-insert-or-copy) (11 . helm-kill-selection-and-quit) (25 . helm-yank-selection) (37 . helm-exchange-minibuffer-and-header-line) (95 . helm-toggle-full-frame) (45 . helm-swap-windows)) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) (67108989 . helm-narrow-window) (18 . undefined) (19 . undefined) ...) nil nil)) (if (keywordp (car plist)) (progn (setq helm--local-variables (append helm--local-variables (helm-parse-keys plist))) (apply fn (mapcar #'(lambda (key) (plist-get plist key)) helm-argument-keys))) (apply fn plist)) (if (and helm-alive-p (eq fn #'helm)) (if (helm--alive-p) (error "Error: Trying to run helm within a running helm session") (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (helm-buffer-get)) (prog1 (message "Aborting an helm session running in background") (helm-keyboard-quit)))) (if (keywordp (car plist)) (progn (setq helm--local-variables (append helm--local-variables (helm-parse-keys plist))) (apply fn (mapcar #'(lambda (key) (plist-get plist key)) helm-argument-keys))) (apply fn plist))) (let ((fn (cond ((or (and helm-alive-p (plist-get plist :allow-nest)) (and helm-alive-p (memq ... plist))) #'helm--nest) ((keywordp (car plist)) #'helm) (t #'helm-internal)))) (if (and helm-alive-p (eq fn #'helm)) (if (helm--alive-p) (error "Error: Trying to run helm within a running helm session") (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (helm-buffer-get)) (prog1 (message "Aborting an helm session running in background") (helm-keyboard-quit)))) (if (keywordp (car plist)) (progn (setq helm--local-variables (append helm--local-variables (helm-parse-keys plist))) (apply fn (mapcar #'(lambda ... ...) helm-argument-keys))) (apply fn plist)))) helm((((name . "crm-complete History") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap ... keymap ... keymap ... ... keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (action ...) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer ... helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . ...) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm)) ((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap ... keymap ... keymap ... ... keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (action ...) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) ... ...) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . ...) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm))) "" "Pattern: " noresume nil "*helm-mode-crm-complete*" (keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f11 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f10 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f9 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f8 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f7 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f6 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f5 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f4 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f3 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f2 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap ...)) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) ...) nil nil) apply(helm ((((name . "crm-complete History") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap ... keymap ... keymap ... ... keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (action ...) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer ... helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . ...) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm)) ((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap ... keymap ... keymap ... ... keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (action ...) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) ... ...) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . ...) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm))) "" "Pattern: " noresume nil "*helm-mode-crm-complete*" (keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f11 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f10 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f9 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f8 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f7 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f6 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f5 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f4 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f3 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f2 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap ...)) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (26 . helm-select-action) (3 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (110 . helm-helm-run-cycle-resume-with-subkeys) (108 . helm-display-line-numbers-mode) (62 . helm-toggle-truncate-line) (21 . helm-refresh) (6 . helm-follow-mode) (9 . helm-insert-or-copy) (11 . helm-kill-selection-and-quit) (25 . helm-yank-selection) (37 . helm-exchange-minibuffer-and-header-line) (95 . helm-toggle-full-frame) (45 . helm-swap-windows)) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) (67108989 . helm-narrow-window) (18 . undefined) (19 . undefined) ...) nil nil)) (progn (setq helm--local-variables (append helm--local-variables (helm-parse-keys plist))) (apply fn (mapcar #'(lambda (key) (plist-get plist key)) helm-argument-keys))) (if (keywordp (car plist)) (progn (setq helm--local-variables (append helm--local-variables (helm-parse-keys plist))) (apply fn (mapcar #'(lambda (key) (plist-get plist key)) helm-argument-keys))) (apply fn plist)) (if (and helm-alive-p (eq fn #'helm)) (if (helm--alive-p) (error "Error: Trying to run helm within a running helm session") (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (helm-buffer-get)) (prog1 (message "Aborting an helm session running in background") (helm-keyboard-quit)))) (if (keywordp (car plist)) (progn (setq helm--local-variables (append helm--local-variables (helm-parse-keys plist))) (apply fn (mapcar #'(lambda (key) (plist-get plist key)) helm-argument-keys))) (apply fn plist))) (let ((fn (cond ((or (and helm-alive-p (plist-get plist :allow-nest)) (and helm-alive-p (memq ... plist))) #'helm--nest) ((keywordp (car plist)) #'helm) (t #'helm-internal)))) (if (and helm-alive-p (eq fn #'helm)) (if (helm--alive-p) (error "Error: Trying to run helm within a running helm session") (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (helm-buffer-get)) (prog1 (message "Aborting an helm session running in background") (helm-keyboard-quit)))) (if (keywordp (car plist)) (progn (setq helm--local-variables (append helm--local-variables (helm-parse-keys plist))) (apply fn (mapcar #'(lambda ... ...) helm-argument-keys))) (apply fn plist)))) helm(:sources (((name . "crm-complete History") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap ... keymap ... keymap ... ... keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (action ...) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer ... helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . ...) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm)) ((name . "crm-complete") (candidates . #f(lambda () ... ...)) (keymap keymap ... keymap ... keymap ... ... keymap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (action ...) (persistent-help . "DoNothing") (requires-pattern . 0) (filtered-candidate-transformer #f(lambda (candidates source) ... ...) helm-cr-default-transformer helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches) (volatile . t) (match helm-mm-exact-match helm-mm-match) (redisplay . identity) (mode-line . "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (header-line . ...) (multimatch . t) (must-match . t) (group . helm))) :input "" :default nil :preselect nil :prompt "Pattern: " :resume noresume :keymap (keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f11 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f10 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f9 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f8 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f7 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f6 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f5 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f4 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f3 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (f2 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap ...)) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) ...) :allow-nest nil :candidate-number-limit 500 :case-fold-search smart :history nil :buffer "*helm-mode-crm-complete*") (setq result (helm :sources src-list :input initial-input :default default :preselect preselect :prompt prompt :resume 'noresume :keymap keymap :allow-nest allow-nest :candidate-number-limit candidate-number-limit :case-fold-search case-fold :history (and (symbolp input-history) input-history) :buffer buffer)) (let* ((minibuffer-completion-predicate test) (minibuffer-completion-table (or minibuffer-completion-table collection)) (helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string (replace-regexp-in-string "helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer" "helm-confirm-and-exit-minibuffer" helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string)) (get-candidates #'(lambda nil (let ((cands ...)) (helm-cr-default default cands)))) (history-get-candidates #'(lambda nil (let ((cands ...)) (if cands (progn ...))))) (src-hist (helm-make-source (format "%s History" name) 'helm-source-sync :candidates history-get-candidates :fuzzy-match fuzzy :multiline multiline :match-part match-part :filtered-candidate-transformer (append (list (list 'lambda '... (cons ... ...))) (and hist-fc-transformer (helm-mklist hist-fc-transformer))) :persistent-action persistent-action :persistent-help persistent-help :keymap keymap :must-match must-match :group group :popup-info popup-info :coerce coerce :mode-line mode-line :help-message help-message :action action-fn)) (dummy-src (helm-make-source "Unknown candidate" 'helm-source-dummy :must-match must-match :keymap keymap :filtered-candidate-transformer #'(lambda (_candidates _source) (let (...) (if ... nil ...))) :action action-fn)) (src (helm-make-source name 'helm-source-sync :candidates get-candidates :popup-info popup-info :match-part match-part :multiline multiline :header-name header-name :filtered-candidate-transformer (let ((transformers (helm-mklist fc-transformer))) (append transformers (if (member ... transformers) nil '...))) :requires-pattern requires-pattern :persistent-action persistent-action :persistent-help persistent-help :fuzzy-match fuzzy :diacritics diacritics :keymap keymap :must-match must-match :group group :coerce coerce :mode-line mode-line :match-dynamic match-dynamic :help-message help-message :action action-fn :volatile volatile)) (src-1 (helm-make-source name 'helm-source-in-buffer :data get-candidates :match-part match-part :get-line get-line :multiline multiline :header-name header-name :filtered-candidate-transformer (let ((transformers (helm-mklist fc-transformer))) (append transformers (if (member ... transformers) nil '...))) :popup-info popup-info :requires-pattern requires-pattern :persistent-action persistent-action :fuzzy-match fuzzy :diacritics diacritics :keymap keymap :must-match must-match :group group :coerce coerce :persistent-help persistent-help :mode-line mode-line :help-message help-message :action action-fn)) (src-list (list src-hist (if candidates-in-buffer src-1 src))) (helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one exec-when-only-one) (helm-quit-if-no-candidate quit-when-no-cand) result) (if nomark (progn (setq src-list (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cons ... --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (nreverse --cl-var--))))) (if reverse-history (progn (setq src-list (nreverse src-list)))) (if (eq must-match t) nil (setq src-list (append src-list (list dummy-src)))) (if raw-candidate (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (helm-set-attr 'raw-candidate t src) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) nil))) (setq result (helm :sources src-list :input initial-input :default default :preselect preselect :prompt prompt :resume 'noresume :keymap keymap :allow-nest allow-nest :candidate-number-limit candidate-number-limit :case-fold-search case-fold :history (and (symbolp input-history) input-history) :buffer buffer)) (if (and result history (symbolp history) (not (eq history t))) (progn (set history (delete-dups (append (mapcar #'substring-no-properties (helm-mklist result)) (symbol-value history)))))) (or result (helm-mode--keyboard-quit))) (let ((action-fn (list (list "Sole action (Identity)" 'lambda '(candidate) (cons 'if (cons marked-candidates '...)))))) (let* ((minibuffer-completion-predicate test) (minibuffer-completion-table (or minibuffer-completion-table collection)) (helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string (replace-regexp-in-string "helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer" "helm-confirm-and-exit-minibuffer" helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string)) (get-candidates #'(lambda nil (let (...) (helm-cr-default default cands)))) (history-get-candidates #'(lambda nil (let (...) (if cands ...)))) (src-hist (helm-make-source (format "%s History" name) 'helm-source-sync :candidates history-get-candidates :fuzzy-match fuzzy :multiline multiline :match-part match-part :filtered-candidate-transformer (append (list (list ... ... ...)) (and hist-fc-transformer (helm-mklist hist-fc-transformer))) :persistent-action persistent-action :persistent-help persistent-help :keymap keymap :must-match must-match :group group :popup-info popup-info :coerce coerce :mode-line mode-line :help-message help-message :action action-fn)) (dummy-src (helm-make-source "Unknown candidate" 'helm-source-dummy :must-match must-match :keymap keymap :filtered-candidate-transformer #'(lambda (_candidates _source) (let ... ...)) :action action-fn)) (src (helm-make-source name 'helm-source-sync :candidates get-candidates :popup-info popup-info :match-part match-part :multiline multiline :header-name header-name :filtered-candidate-transformer (let ((transformers ...)) (append transformers (if ... nil ...))) :requires-pattern requires-pattern :persistent-action persistent-action :persistent-help persistent-help :fuzzy-match fuzzy :diacritics diacritics :keymap keymap :must-match must-match :group group :coerce coerce :mode-line mode-line :match-dynamic match-dynamic :help-message help-message :action action-fn :volatile volatile)) (src-1 (helm-make-source name 'helm-source-in-buffer :data get-candidates :match-part match-part :get-line get-line :multiline multiline :header-name header-name :filtered-candidate-transformer (let ((transformers ...)) (append transformers (if ... nil ...))) :popup-info popup-info :requires-pattern requires-pattern :persistent-action persistent-action :fuzzy-match fuzzy :diacritics diacritics :keymap keymap :must-match must-match :group group :coerce coerce :persistent-help persistent-help :mode-line mode-line :help-message help-message :action action-fn)) (src-list (list src-hist (if candidates-in-buffer src-1 src))) (helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one exec-when-only-one) (helm-quit-if-no-candidate quit-when-no-cand) result) (if nomark (progn (setq src-list (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil) (--cl-var-- nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src ...) (setq --cl-var-- ...) (setq --cl-var-- ...)) (nreverse --cl-var--))))) (if reverse-history (progn (setq src-list (nreverse src-list)))) (if (eq must-match t) nil (setq src-list (append src-list (list dummy-src)))) (if raw-candidate (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src (car --cl-var--)) (helm-set-attr 'raw-candidate t src) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) nil))) (setq result (helm :sources src-list :input initial-input :default default :preselect preselect :prompt prompt :resume 'noresume :keymap keymap :allow-nest allow-nest :candidate-number-limit candidate-number-limit :case-fold-search case-fold :history (and (symbolp input-history) input-history) :buffer buffer)) (if (and result history (symbolp history) (not (eq history t))) (progn (set history (delete-dups (append (mapcar ... ...) (symbol-value history)))))) (or result (helm-mode--keyboard-quit)))) (progn (progn (or (if shistory (or (null history) (and history (symbolp history))) t) (cl--assertion-failed '(if shistory (or (null history) (and history ...)) t) "Error: History should be specified as a symbol" (list) (list))) nil) (if (get-buffer helm-action-buffer) (progn (kill-buffer helm-action-buffer))) (if (or (memq must-match '(confirm confirm-after-completion t nil)) (functionp must-match)) nil (setq must-match t)) (let ((action-fn (list (list "Sole action (Identity)" 'lambda '(candidate) (cons 'if (cons marked-candidates ...)))))) (let* ((minibuffer-completion-predicate test) (minibuffer-completion-table (or minibuffer-completion-table collection)) (helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string (replace-regexp-in-string "helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer" "helm-confirm-and-exit-minibuffer" helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string)) (get-candidates #'(lambda nil (let ... ...))) (history-get-candidates #'(lambda nil (let ... ...))) (src-hist (helm-make-source (format "%s History" name) 'helm-source-sync :candidates history-get-candidates :fuzzy-match fuzzy :multiline multiline :match-part match-part :filtered-candidate-transformer (append (list ...) (and hist-fc-transformer ...)) :persistent-action persistent-action :persistent-help persistent-help :keymap keymap :must-match must-match :group group :popup-info popup-info :coerce coerce :mode-line mode-line :help-message help-message :action action-fn)) (dummy-src (helm-make-source "Unknown candidate" 'helm-source-dummy :must-match must-match :keymap keymap :filtered-candidate-transformer #'(lambda ... ...) :action action-fn)) (src (helm-make-source name 'helm-source-sync :candidates get-candidates :popup-info popup-info :match-part match-part :multiline multiline :header-name header-name :filtered-candidate-transformer (let (...) (append transformers ...)) :requires-pattern requires-pattern :persistent-action persistent-action :persistent-help persistent-help :fuzzy-match fuzzy :diacritics diacritics :keymap keymap :must-match must-match :group group :coerce coerce :mode-line mode-line :match-dynamic match-dynamic :help-message help-message :action action-fn :volatile volatile)) (src-1 (helm-make-source name 'helm-source-in-buffer :data get-candidates :match-part match-part :get-line get-line :multiline multiline :header-name header-name :filtered-candidate-transformer (let (...) (append transformers ...)) :popup-info popup-info :requires-pattern requires-pattern :persistent-action persistent-action :fuzzy-match fuzzy :diacritics diacritics :keymap keymap :must-match must-match :group group :coerce coerce :persistent-help persistent-help :mode-line mode-line :help-message help-message :action action-fn)) (src-list (list src-hist (if candidates-in-buffer src-1 src))) (helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one exec-when-only-one) (helm-quit-if-no-candidate quit-when-no-cand) result) (if nomark (progn (setq src-list (let* (... ... ...) (while ... ... ... ...) (nreverse --cl-var--))))) (if reverse-history (progn (setq src-list (nreverse src-list)))) (if (eq must-match t) nil (setq src-list (append src-list (list dummy-src)))) (if raw-candidate (progn (let* ((--cl-var-- src-list) (src nil)) (while (consp --cl-var--) (setq src ...) (helm-set-attr ... t src) (setq --cl-var-- ...)) nil))) (setq result (helm :sources src-list :input initial-input :default default :preselect preselect :prompt prompt :resume 'noresume :keymap keymap :allow-nest allow-nest :candidate-number-limit candidate-number-limit :case-fold-search case-fold :history (and (symbolp input-history) input-history) :buffer buffer)) (if (and result history (symbolp history) (not (eq history t))) (progn (set history (delete-dups (append ... ...))))) (or result (helm-mode--keyboard-quit))))) (progn (let ((--cl-keys-- --cl-rest--)) (while --cl-keys-- (cond ((memq (car --cl-keys--) '(:test :initial-input :default :preselect :buffer :must-match :fuzzy :reverse-history :requires-pattern :history :raw-history :input-history :case-fold :persistent-action :persistent-help :mode-line :help-message :keymap :name :header-name :candidates-in-buffer :get-line :diacritics :match-part :match-dynamic :exec-when-only-one :quit-when-no-cand :volatile :sort :fc-transformer :hist-fc-transformer :marked-candidates :nomark :alistp :candidate-number-limit :multiline :allow-nest :coerce :raw-candidate :group :popup-info :allow-other-keys)) (if (cdr --cl-keys--) nil (error "Missing argument for %s" (car --cl-keys--))) (setq --cl-keys-- (cdr (cdr --cl-keys--)))) ((car (cdr (memq ... --cl-rest--))) (setq --cl-keys-- nil)) (t (error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:test :initial-input :default :preselect :buffer :must-match :fuzzy :reverse-history :requires-pattern :history :raw-history :input-history :case-fold :persistent-action :persistent-help :mode-line :help-message :keymap :name :header-name :candidates-in-buffer :get-line :diacritics :match-part :match-dynamic :exec-when-only-one :quit-when-no-cand :volatile :sort :fc-transformer :hist-fc-transformer :marked-candidates :nomark :alistp :candidate-number-limit :multiline :allow-nest :coerce :raw-candidate :group :popup-info)" (car --cl-keys--)))))) (progn (progn (or (if shistory (or (null history) (and history (symbolp history))) t) (cl--assertion-failed '(if shistory (or ... ...) t) "Error: History should be specified as a symbol" (list) (list))) nil) (if (get-buffer helm-action-buffer) (progn (kill-buffer helm-action-buffer))) (if (or (memq must-match '(confirm confirm-after-completion t nil)) (functionp must-match)) nil (setq must-match t)) (let ((action-fn (list (list "Sole action (Identity)" 'lambda '... (cons ... ...))))) (let* ((minibuffer-completion-predicate test) (minibuffer-completion-table (or minibuffer-completion-table collection)) (helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string (replace-regexp-in-string "helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer" "helm-confirm-and-exit-minibuffer" helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string)) (get-candidates #'(lambda nil ...)) (history-get-candidates #'(lambda nil ...)) (src-hist (helm-make-source (format "%s History" name) 'helm-source-sync :candidates history-get-candidates :fuzzy-match fuzzy :multiline multiline :match-part match-part :filtered-candidate-transformer (append ... ...) :persistent-action persistent-action :persistent-help persistent-help :keymap keymap :must-match must-match :group group :popup-info popup-info :coerce coerce :mode-line mode-line :help-message help-message :action action-fn)) (dummy-src (helm-make-source "Unknown candidate" 'helm-source-dummy :must-match must-match :keymap keymap :filtered-candidate-transformer #'... :action action-fn)) (src (helm-make-source name 'helm-source-sync :candidates get-candidates :popup-info popup-info :match-part match-part :multiline multiline :header-name header-name :filtered-candidate-transformer (let ... ...) :requires-pattern requires-pattern :persistent-action persistent-action :persistent-help persistent-help :fuzzy-match fuzzy :diacritics diacritics :keymap keymap :must-match must-match :group group :coerce coerce :mode-line mode-line :match-dynamic match-dynamic :help-message help-message :action action-fn :volatile volatile)) (src-1 (helm-make-source name 'helm-source-in-buffer :data get-candidates :match-part match-part :get-line get-line :multiline multiline :header-name header-name :filtered-candidate-transformer (let ... ...) :popup-info popup-info :requires-pattern requires-pattern :persistent-action persistent-action :fuzzy-match fuzzy :diacritics diacritics :keymap keymap :must-match must-match :group group :coerce coerce :persistent-help persistent-help :mode-line mode-line :help-message help-message :action action-fn)) (src-list (list src-hist (if candidates-in-buffer src-1 src))) (helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one exec-when-only-one) (helm-quit-if-no-candidate quit-when-no-cand) result) (if nomark (progn (setq src-list (let* ... ... ...)))) (if reverse-history (progn (setq src-list (nreverse src-list)))) (if (eq must-match t) nil (setq src-list (append src-list (list dummy-src)))) (if raw-candidate (progn (let* (... ...) (while ... ... ... ...) nil))) (setq result (helm :sources src-list :input initial-input :default default :preselect preselect :prompt prompt :resume 'noresume :keymap keymap :allow-nest allow-nest :candidate-number-limit candidate-number-limit :case-fold-search case-fold :history (and (symbolp input-history) input-history) :buffer buffer)) (if (and result history (symbolp history) (not (eq history t))) (progn (set history (delete-dups ...)))) (or result (helm-mode--keyboard-quit)))))) (let* ((test (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':test)))) (initial-input (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':initial-input)))) (default (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':default)))) (preselect (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':preselect)))) (buffer (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) '...)))) (must-match (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':must-match)))) (fuzzy (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':fuzzy)))) (reverse-history (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':reverse-history)))) (requires-pattern (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) '...)))) (shistory (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':history)) (history (if shistory (prog1 (car (cdr shistory)) (setq shistory t)) nil)) (raw-history (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':raw-history)))) (input-history (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':input-history)))) (case-fold (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) (list nil helm-comp-read-case-fold-search))))) (persistent-action (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':persistent-action)))) (persistent-help (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) '...)))) (mode-line (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) (list nil helm-comp-read-mode-line))))) (help-message (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':help-message)))) (keymap (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) (list nil helm-comp-read-map))))) (name (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) '...)))) (header-name (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':header-name)))) (candidates-in-buffer (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':candidates-in-buffer)))) (get-line (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) '...)))) (diacritics (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':diacritics)))) (match-part (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':match-part)))) (match-dynamic (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':match-dynamic)))) (exec-when-only-one (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':exec-when-only-one)))) (quit-when-no-cand (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':quit-when-no-cand)))) (volatile (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) '...)))) (sort (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':sort)))) (fc-transformer (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':fc-transformer)))) (hist-fc-transformer (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':hist-fc-transformer)))) (marked-candidates (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) (list nil helm-comp-read-use-marked))))) (nomark (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':nomark)))) (alistp (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) '...)))) (candidate-number-limit (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) (list nil helm-candidate-number-limit))))) (multiline (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':multiline)))) (allow-nest (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':allow-nest)))) (coerce (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':coerce)))) (raw-candidate (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':raw-candidate)))) (group (car (cdr (or (plist-member --cl-rest-- ...) '...)))) (popup-info (car (cdr (plist-member --cl-rest-- ':popup-info))))) (progn (let ((--cl-keys-- --cl-rest--)) (while --cl-keys-- (cond ((memq ... ...) (if ... nil ...) (setq --cl-keys-- ...)) ((car ...) (setq --cl-keys-- nil)) (t (error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:test :initial-input :default :preselect :buffer :must-match :fuzzy :reverse-history :requires-pattern :history :raw-history :input-history :case-fold :persistent-action :persistent-help :mode-line :help-message :keymap :name :header-name :candidates-in-buffer :get-line :diacritics :match-part :match-dynamic :exec-when-only-one :quit-when-no-cand :volatile :sort :fc-transformer :hist-fc-transformer :marked-candidates :nomark :alistp :candidate-number-limit :multiline :allow-nest :coerce :raw-candidate :group :popup-info)" ...))))) (progn (progn (or (if shistory (or ... ...) t) (cl--assertion-failed '... "Error: History should be specified as a symbol" (list) (list))) nil) (if (get-buffer helm-action-buffer) (progn (kill-buffer helm-action-buffer))) (if (or (memq must-match '...) (functionp must-match)) nil (setq must-match t)) (let ((action-fn (list ...))) (let* ((minibuffer-completion-predicate test) (minibuffer-completion-table ...) (helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string ...) (get-candidates ...) (history-get-candidates ...) (src-hist ...) (dummy-src ...) (src ...) (src-1 ...) (src-list ...) (helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one exec-when-only-one) (helm-quit-if-no-candidate quit-when-no-cand) result) (if nomark (progn ...)) (if reverse-history (progn ...)) (if (eq must-match t) nil (setq src-list ...)) (if raw-candidate (progn ...)) (setq result (helm :sources src-list :input initial-input :default default :preselect preselect :prompt prompt :resume ... :keymap keymap :allow-nest allow-nest :candidate-number-limit candidate-number-limit :case-fold-search case-fold :history ... :buffer buffer)) (if (and result history ... ...) (progn ...)) (or result (helm-mode--keyboard-quit))))))) helm-comp-read("Pattern: " ("fix_path_typo" "include_order_config_h" "jb36606" "jb44353" "jb44353_old" "jb48958" "jb48958_jb52528_merger" "jb52244" "jb52244_old" "jb52287" "jb55272" "jb55272_jb55695_merger" "jb55287" "jb55695" "lto_and_various_build_fixes" "lua_marker" "master" "master_presquash" "master_squashrevert" "no_multiarch_out_of_tree" "no_multiarch_out_of_tree_include_order_config_merger" "omp-jb44353" "tools_policy_fix" "update_globc_gnulib" "pullreqs/1" "pullreqs/10" "pullreqs/11" "pullreqs/12" "pullreqs/13" "pullreqs/14" "pullreqs/15" "pullreqs/16" ...) :name "crm-complete" :nomark nil :marked-candidates t :initial-input "" :buffer "*helm-mode-crm-complete*" :fc-transformer (#f(lambda (candidates source) [(category nil) (afix nil) (afun nil)] (helm-completion--decorate (funcall helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn candidates source) afun afix category)) helm-cr-default-transformer) :popup-info nil :match-dynamic nil :fuzzy nil :exec-when-only-one t :keymap (keymap (127 . helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe) keymap (27 keymap (13 . helm-cr-empty-string)) (C-return . helm-cr-empty-string) keymap (tab . helm-execute-persistent-action) (f12 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f11 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f10 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f9 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f8 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f7 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f6 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f5 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f4 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f3 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (f2 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (menu-bar keymap (help-menu keymap (describe keymap ...))) (help keymap (109 . helm-help)) (23 . helm-helm-yank-text-at-point-with-subkeys) (f1 . #f(lambda () [...] (interactive nil) (helm-select-nth-action n))) (8 keymap (109 . helm-help) (104 . undefined) (8 . undefined) (100 . helm-debug-output) (99 . helm-customize-group) (4 . helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)) (20 . helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows) (C-tab . undefined) (67108897 . helm-toggle-suspend-update) (26 . helm-select-action) (3 keymap (57 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (56 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (55 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (54 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (53 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (52 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (51 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (50 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (49 . #f(lambda () ... ... ...)) (110 . helm-helm-run-cycle-resume-with-subkeys) (108 . helm-display-line-numbers-mode) (62 . helm-toggle-truncate-line) (21 . helm-refresh) (6 . helm-follow-mode) (9 . helm-insert-or-copy) (11 . helm-kill-selection-and-quit) (25 . helm-yank-selection) (37 . helm-exchange-minibuffer-and-header-line) (95 . helm-toggle-full-frame) (45 . helm-swap-windows)) (67108987 . helm-enlarge-window) (67108989 . helm-narrow-window) (18 . undefined) (19 . undefined) ...) :quit-when-no-cand #f(lambda () [t] (run-with-timer 0.01 nil #'(lambda nil ...)) t) :must-match t) (if (stringp data) data (helm-comp-read (or (and (boundp 'prompt) prompt) "Pattern: ") data :name str-command :nomark (null crm) :marked-candidates crm :initial-input (cond ((and file-comp-p (not (string-match "/\\'" initial-input))) (helm-mode--completion-in-region-initial-input (if (memq helm-completion-style '...) (helm-basename initial-input) initial-input))) ((string-match "/\\'" initial-input) (and (eq helm-completion-style 'emacs) initial-input)) ((or (null require-match) (stringp require-match)) (helm-mode--completion-in-region-initial-input initial-input)) (t (helm-mode--completion-in-region-initial-input initial-input))) :buffer buf-name :fc-transformer (append (list #'(lambda (candidates source) (helm-completion--decorate (funcall helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn candidates source) afun afix category))) '(helm-cr-default-transformer)) :popup-info docsig :match-dynamic (eq helm-completion-style 'emacs) :fuzzy (eq helm-completion-style 'helm-fuzzy) :exec-when-only-one t :keymap helm-comp-in-region-map :quit-when-no-cand #'(lambda nil (run-with-timer 0.01 nil #'(lambda nil (message "[No matches]"))) t) :must-match require-match)) (let* ((enable-recursive-minibuffers t) (completion-flex-nospace t) (helm--completing-region t) (completion-styles (helm--prepare-completion-styles)) (input (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)) (prefix (and (eq helm-completion-style 'emacs) initial-input)) (point (point)) (crm (eq current-command 'crm-complete)) (str-command (helm-symbol-name current-command)) (buf-name (format "*helm-mode-%s*" str-command)) (require-match (cond ((boundp 'require-match) require-match) (minibuffer-completion-confirm) ((not (boundp 'prompt))))) (metadata (completion-metadata input collection predicate)) (afun (or (plist-get completion-extra-properties :annotation-function) (completion-metadata-get metadata 'annotation-function))) (afix (or (plist-get completion-extra-properties :affixation-function) (completion-metadata-get metadata 'affixation-function))) (docsig (plist-get completion-extra-properties :company-docsig)) (helm-truncate-lines (and docsig helm-popup-tip-mode)) (category (or (eq (completion-metadata-get metadata 'category) 'file) (eq (plist-get completion-extra-properties :category) 'file))) (file-comp-p (or (eq category 'file) (helm-guess-filename-at-point))) base-size (compfn #'(lambda (str _predicate _action) (let* ((completion-lazy-hilit t) (completion-ignore-case ...) (comps ...) (last-data ...) (bs ...) (sort-fn ...) all) (and prefix (setq prefix nil)) (if base-size nil (setq base-size bs)) (setq helm-completion--sorting-done (and sort-fn t)) (setq all (copy-sequence comps)) (if (and sort-fn ...) (funcall sort-fn all) all)))) (data (if (memq helm-completion-style '(helm helm-fuzzy)) (funcall compfn input nil nil) compfn)) (result (if (stringp data) data (helm-comp-read (or (and (boundp ...) prompt) "Pattern: ") data :name str-command :nomark (null crm) :marked-candidates crm :initial-input (cond ((and file-comp-p ...) (helm-mode--completion-in-region-initial-input ...)) ((string-match "/\\'" initial-input) (and ... initial-input)) ((or ... ...) (helm-mode--completion-in-region-initial-input initial-input)) (t (helm-mode--completion-in-region-initial-input initial-input))) :buffer buf-name :fc-transformer (append (list #'...) '(helm-cr-default-transformer)) :popup-info docsig :match-dynamic (eq helm-completion-style 'emacs) :fuzzy (eq helm-completion-style 'helm-fuzzy) :exec-when-only-one t :keymap helm-comp-in-region-map :quit-when-no-cand #'(lambda nil (run-with-timer 0.01 nil ...) t) :must-match require-match)))) (setq string (copy-sequence result)) (helm-completion-in-region--insert-result result start point end base-size)) (unwind-protect (let* ((enable-recursive-minibuffers t) (completion-flex-nospace t) (helm--completing-region t) (completion-styles (helm--prepare-completion-styles)) (input (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)) (prefix (and (eq helm-completion-style 'emacs) initial-input)) (point (point)) (crm (eq current-command 'crm-complete)) (str-command (helm-symbol-name current-command)) (buf-name (format "*helm-mode-%s*" str-command)) (require-match (cond ((boundp 'require-match) require-match) (minibuffer-completion-confirm) ((not (boundp ...))))) (metadata (completion-metadata input collection predicate)) (afun (or (plist-get completion-extra-properties :annotation-function) (completion-metadata-get metadata 'annotation-function))) (afix (or (plist-get completion-extra-properties :affixation-function) (completion-metadata-get metadata 'affixation-function))) (docsig (plist-get completion-extra-properties :company-docsig)) (helm-truncate-lines (and docsig helm-popup-tip-mode)) (category (or (eq (completion-metadata-get metadata 'category) 'file) (eq (plist-get completion-extra-properties :category) 'file))) (file-comp-p (or (eq category 'file) (helm-guess-filename-at-point))) base-size (compfn #'(lambda (str _predicate _action) (let* (... ... ... ... ... ... all) (and prefix ...) (if base-size nil ...) (setq helm-completion--sorting-done ...) (setq all ...) (if ... ... all)))) (data (if (memq helm-completion-style '(helm helm-fuzzy)) (funcall compfn input nil nil) compfn)) (result (if (stringp data) data (helm-comp-read (or (and ... prompt) "Pattern: ") data :name str-command :nomark (null crm) :marked-candidates crm :initial-input (cond (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (t ...)) :buffer buf-name :fc-transformer (append (list ...) '...) :popup-info docsig :match-dynamic (eq helm-completion-style 'emacs) :fuzzy (eq helm-completion-style 'helm-fuzzy) :exec-when-only-one t :keymap helm-comp-in-region-map :quit-when-no-cand #'(lambda nil ... t) :must-match require-match)))) (setq string (copy-sequence result)) (helm-completion-in-region--insert-result result start point end base-size)) (if (and (stringp string) exit-fun) (progn (funcall exit-fun string (let* ((it (try-completion initial-input collection predicate)) (guard (and ... ...))) (if (or guard (equal it ...) (and ... ... ...) (and ... ...)) (progn 'exact) (let* (... ...) (if ... ... nil))))))) (remove-hook 'helm-before-action-hook 'helm-completion-in-region--selection) (customize-set-variable 'helm-completion-style old--helm-completion-style) (setq helm-completion--sorting-done nil) (advice-remove 'lisp--local-variables #'helm-mode--advice-lisp--local-variables)) (let ((old--helm-completion-style helm-completion-style) (exit-fun (plist-get completion-extra-properties :exit-function)) (initial-input (buffer-substring-no-properties start (point))) (current-command (or (helm-this-command) this-command last-command)) string) (let ((it (cdr (or (assq major-mode helm-completion-styles-alist) (assq current-command helm-completion-styles-alist))))) (if it (customize-set-variable 'helm-completion-style (if (cdr-safe it) (car it) it)))) (add-hook 'helm-before-action-hook 'helm-completion-in-region--selection) (unwind-protect (let* ((enable-recursive-minibuffers t) (completion-flex-nospace t) (helm--completing-region t) (completion-styles (helm--prepare-completion-styles)) (input (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)) (prefix (and (eq helm-completion-style 'emacs) initial-input)) (point (point)) (crm (eq current-command 'crm-complete)) (str-command (helm-symbol-name current-command)) (buf-name (format "*helm-mode-%s*" str-command)) (require-match (cond ((boundp ...) require-match) (minibuffer-completion-confirm) ((not ...)))) (metadata (completion-metadata input collection predicate)) (afun (or (plist-get completion-extra-properties :annotation-function) (completion-metadata-get metadata 'annotation-function))) (afix (or (plist-get completion-extra-properties :affixation-function) (completion-metadata-get metadata 'affixation-function))) (docsig (plist-get completion-extra-properties :company-docsig)) (helm-truncate-lines (and docsig helm-popup-tip-mode)) (category (or (eq (completion-metadata-get metadata ...) 'file) (eq (plist-get completion-extra-properties :category) 'file))) (file-comp-p (or (eq category 'file) (helm-guess-filename-at-point))) base-size (compfn #'(lambda (str _predicate _action) (let* ... ... ... ... ... ...))) (data (if (memq helm-completion-style '...) (funcall compfn input nil nil) compfn)) (result (if (stringp data) data (helm-comp-read (or ... "Pattern: ") data :name str-command :nomark (null crm) :marked-candidates crm :initial-input (cond ... ... ... ...) :buffer buf-name :fc-transformer (append ... ...) :popup-info docsig :match-dynamic (eq helm-completion-style ...) :fuzzy (eq helm-completion-style ...) :exec-when-only-one t :keymap helm-comp-in-region-map :quit-when-no-cand #'... :must-match require-match)))) (setq string (copy-sequence result)) (helm-completion-in-region--insert-result result start point end base-size)) (if (and (stringp string) exit-fun) (progn (funcall exit-fun string (let* ((it ...) (guard ...)) (if (or guard ... ... ...) (progn ...) (let* ... ...)))))) (remove-hook 'helm-before-action-hook 'helm-completion-in-region--selection) (customize-set-variable 'helm-completion-style old--helm-completion-style) (setq helm-completion--sorting-done nil) (advice-remove 'lisp--local-variables #'helm-mode--advice-lisp--local-variables))) (if (memq major-mode helm-mode-no-completion-in-region-in-modes) (funcall origfun start end collection predicate) (advice-add 'lisp--local-variables :around #'helm-mode--advice-lisp--local-variables) (let ((old--helm-completion-style helm-completion-style) (exit-fun (plist-get completion-extra-properties :exit-function)) (initial-input (buffer-substring-no-properties start (point))) (current-command (or (helm-this-command) this-command last-command)) string) (let ((it (cdr (or (assq major-mode helm-completion-styles-alist) (assq current-command helm-completion-styles-alist))))) (if it (customize-set-variable 'helm-completion-style (if (cdr-safe it) (car it) it)))) (add-hook 'helm-before-action-hook 'helm-completion-in-region--selection) (unwind-protect (let* ((enable-recursive-minibuffers t) (completion-flex-nospace t) (helm--completing-region t) (completion-styles (helm--prepare-completion-styles)) (input (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)) (prefix (and (eq helm-completion-style ...) initial-input)) (point (point)) (crm (eq current-command 'crm-complete)) (str-command (helm-symbol-name current-command)) (buf-name (format "*helm-mode-%s*" str-command)) (require-match (cond (... require-match) (minibuffer-completion-confirm) (...))) (metadata (completion-metadata input collection predicate)) (afun (or (plist-get completion-extra-properties :annotation-function) (completion-metadata-get metadata ...))) (afix (or (plist-get completion-extra-properties :affixation-function) (completion-metadata-get metadata ...))) (docsig (plist-get completion-extra-properties :company-docsig)) (helm-truncate-lines (and docsig helm-popup-tip-mode)) (category (or (eq ... ...) (eq ... ...))) (file-comp-p (or (eq category ...) (helm-guess-filename-at-point))) base-size (compfn #'(lambda ... ...)) (data (if (memq helm-completion-style ...) (funcall compfn input nil nil) compfn)) (result (if (stringp data) data (helm-comp-read ... data :name str-command :nomark ... :marked-candidates crm :initial-input ... :buffer buf-name :fc-transformer ... :popup-info docsig :match-dynamic ... :fuzzy ... :exec-when-only-one t :keymap helm-comp-in-region-map :quit-when-no-cand ... :must-match require-match)))) (setq string (copy-sequence result)) (helm-completion-in-region--insert-result result start point end base-size)) (if (and (stringp string) exit-fun) (progn (funcall exit-fun string (let* (... ...) (if ... ... ...))))) (remove-hook 'helm-before-action-hook 'helm-completion-in-region--selection) (customize-set-variable 'helm-completion-style old--helm-completion-style) (setq helm-completion--sorting-done nil) (advice-remove 'lisp--local-variables #'helm-mode--advice-lisp--local-variables)))) helm--completion-in-region(completion--in-region 12 12 crm--collection-fn nil) apply(helm--completion-in-region completion--in-region (12 12 crm--collection-fn nil)) #f(advice helm--completion-in-region :around completion--in-region)(12 12 crm--collection-fn nil) completion-in-region(12 12 crm--collection-fn nil) crm-complete() funcall-interactively(crm-complete) command-execute(crm-complete) completing-read-multiple("Log rev,s: " #f(lambda (string pred action) [(collection ("fix_path_typo" "include_order_config_h" "jb36606" "jb44353" "jb44353_old" "jb48958" "jb48958_jb52528_merger" "jb52244" "jb52244_old" "jb52287" "jb55272" "jb55272_jb55695_merger" "jb55287" "jb55695" "lto_and_various_build_fixes" "lua_marker" "master" "master_presquash" "master_squashrevert" "no_multiarch_out_of_tree" "no_multiarch_out_of_tree_include_order_config_merger" "omp-jb44353" "tools_policy_fix" "update_globc_gnulib" "pullreqs/1" "pullreqs/10" "pullreqs/11" "pullreqs/12" "pullreqs/13" "pullreqs/14" "pullreqs/15" "pullreqs/16" "pullreqs/17" "pullreqs/18" "pullreqs/19" "pullreqs/2" "pullreqs/20" "pullreqs/21" "pullreqs/22" "pullreqs/23" "pullreqs/24" "pullreqs/25" "pullreqs/26" "pullreqs/27" "pullreqs/28" "pullreqs/29" "pullreqs/3" "pullreqs/30" "pullreqs/31" "pullreqs/32" ...))] (if (eq action 'metadata) '(metadata (display-sort-function . identity)) (complete-with-action action collection string pred))) nil nil nil magit-revision-history "refs/pullreqs/21" nil) (let ((values (completing-read-multiple (magit--format-prompt prompt def) table predicate require-match initial-input hist def inherit-input-method))) (if no-split input values)) (let ((helm-crm-default-separator (if no-split nil (and (boundp 'helm-crm-default-separator) helm-crm-default-separator)))) (let ((values (completing-read-multiple (magit--format-prompt prompt def) table predicate require-match initial-input hist def inherit-input-method))) (if no-split input values))) (let ((helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn nil)) (let ((helm-crm-default-separator (if no-split nil (and (boundp 'helm-crm-default-separator) helm-crm-default-separator)))) (let ((values (completing-read-multiple (magit--format-prompt prompt def) table predicate require-match initial-input hist def inherit-input-method))) (if no-split input values)))) (let ((ivy-sort-matches-functions-alist nil)) (let ((helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn nil)) (let ((helm-crm-default-separator (if no-split nil (and (boundp ...) helm-crm-default-separator)))) (let ((values (completing-read-multiple (magit--format-prompt prompt def) table predicate require-match initial-input hist def inherit-input-method))) (if no-split input values))))) (let ((table (magit--completion-table table))) (let ((ivy-sort-matches-functions-alist nil)) (let ((helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn nil)) (let ((helm-crm-default-separator (if no-split nil (and ... helm-crm-default-separator)))) (let ((values (completing-read-multiple ... table predicate require-match initial-input hist def inherit-input-method))) (if no-split input values)))))) (progn (fset #'split-string vnew) (let ((table (magit--completion-table table))) (let ((ivy-sort-matches-functions-alist nil)) (let ((helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn nil)) (let ((helm-crm-default-separator (if no-split nil ...))) (let ((values ...)) (if no-split input values))))))) (unwind-protect (progn (fset #'split-string vnew) (let ((table (magit--completion-table table))) (let ((ivy-sort-matches-functions-alist nil)) (let ((helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn nil)) (let ((helm-crm-default-separator ...)) (let (...) (if no-split input values))))))) (fset #'split-string old)) (let* ((vnew #'(lambda (string &optional separators omit-nulls trim) (if (and no-split (equal separators crm-separator) (equal omit-nulls t)) (progn (setq input string))) (funcall split-string string separators omit-nulls trim))) (old (symbol-function #'split-string))) (unwind-protect (progn (fset #'split-string vnew) (let ((table (magit--completion-table table))) (let ((ivy-sort-matches-functions-alist nil)) (let ((helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn nil)) (let (...) (let ... ...)))))) (fset #'split-string old))) (let ((split-string (symbol-function #'split-string))) (let* ((vnew #'(lambda (string &optional separators omit-nulls trim) (if (and no-split ... ...) (progn ...)) (funcall split-string string separators omit-nulls trim))) (old (symbol-function #'split-string))) (unwind-protect (progn (fset #'split-string vnew) (let ((table (magit--completion-table table))) (let ((ivy-sort-matches-functions-alist nil)) (let (...) (let ... ...))))) (fset #'split-string old)))) (let ((input nil)) (let ((split-string (symbol-function #'split-string))) (let* ((vnew #'(lambda (string &optional separators omit-nulls trim) (if ... ...) (funcall split-string string separators omit-nulls trim))) (old (symbol-function #'split-string))) (unwind-protect (progn (fset #'split-string vnew) (let ((table ...)) (let (...) (let ... ...)))) (fset #'split-string old))))) magit-completing-read-multiple("Log rev,s: " ("fix_path_typo" "include_order_config_h" "jb36606" "jb44353" "jb44353_old" "jb48958" "jb48958_jb52528_merger" "jb52244" "jb52244_old" "jb52287" "jb55272" "jb55272_jb55695_merger" "jb55287" "jb55695" "lto_and_various_build_fixes" "lua_marker" "master" "master_presquash" "master_squashrevert" "no_multiarch_out_of_tree" "no_multiarch_out_of_tree_include_order_config_merger" "omp-jb44353" "tools_policy_fix" "update_globc_gnulib" "pullreqs/1" "pullreqs/10" "pullreqs/11" "pullreqs/12" "pullreqs/13" "pullreqs/14" "pullreqs/15" "pullreqs/16" "pullreqs/17" "pullreqs/18" "pullreqs/19" "pullreqs/2" "pullreqs/20" "pullreqs/21" "pullreqs/22" "pullreqs/23" "pullreqs/24" "pullreqs/25" "pullreqs/26" "pullreqs/27" "pullreqs/28" "pullreqs/29" "pullreqs/3" "pullreqs/30" "pullreqs/31" "pullreqs/32" ...) nil nil nil magit-revision-history "refs/pullreqs/21" nil t) (split-string (magit-completing-read-multiple "Log rev,s: " (magit-list-refnames nil t) nil nil nil 'magit-revision-history (or (magit-branch-or-commit-at-point) (and (not use-current) (magit-get-previous-branch))) nil t) "[, ]" t) (let ((crm-separator "\\(\\.\\.\\.?\\|[, ]\\)") (crm-local-completion-map magit-log-read-revs-map)) (split-string (magit-completing-read-multiple "Log rev,s: " (magit-list-refnames nil t) nil nil nil 'magit-revision-history (or (magit-branch-or-commit-at-point) (and (not use-current) (magit-get-previous-branch))) nil t) "[, ]" t)) (or (and use-current (let* ((buf (and t (magit-get-current-branch)))) (if buf (progn (list buf))))) (let ((crm-separator "\\(\\.\\.\\.?\\|[, ]\\)") (crm-local-completion-map magit-log-read-revs-map)) (split-string (magit-completing-read-multiple "Log rev,s: " (magit-list-refnames nil t) nil nil nil 'magit-revision-history (or (magit-branch-or-commit-at-point) (and (not use-current) (magit-get-previous-branch))) nil t) "[, ]" t))) magit-log-read-revs() (cons (magit-log-read-revs) (magit-log-arguments)) eval((cons (magit-log-read-revs) (magit-log-arguments)) (magit-status-sections-hook magit-status-margin magit-refs-show-commit-count magit-refs-margin magit-refs-focus-column-width t)) eval((eval '(cons (magit-log-read-revs) (magit-log-arguments)) '(magit-status-sections-hook magit-status-margin magit-refs-show-commit-count magit-refs-margin magit-refs-focus-column-width t))) advice-eval-interactive-spec((eval '(cons (magit-log-read-revs) (magit-log-arguments)) '(magit-status-sections-hook magit-status-margin magit-refs-show-commit-count magit-refs-margin magit-refs-focus-column-width t))) (let ((debugger #'transient--exit-and-debug)) (advice-eval-interactive-spec spec)) (prog1 (let ((debugger #'transient--exit-and-debug)) (advice-eval-interactive-spec spec)) (setq abort nil)) (unwind-protect (prog1 (let ((debugger #'transient--exit-and-debug)) (advice-eval-interactive-spec spec)) (setq abort nil)) (if abort (progn (let* ((unwind (and t (eieio-oref prefix ...)))) (if unwind (progn (transient--debug 'unwind-interactive) (funcall unwind suffix)) nil)) (advice-remove suffix advice) (eieio-oset prefix 'unwind-suffix nil)))) (let ((abort t)) (unwind-protect (prog1 (let ((debugger #'transient--exit-and-debug)) (advice-eval-interactive-spec spec)) (setq abort nil)) (if abort (progn (let* ((unwind (and t ...))) (if unwind (progn (transient--debug ...) (funcall unwind suffix)) nil)) (advice-remove suffix advice) (eieio-oset prefix 'unwind-suffix nil))))) #f(lambda (spec) [(advice #f(lambda (fn &rest args) [(advice #4) (suffix magit-log-other) (prefix #)] (interactive #'(lambda (spec) (let ((abort t)) (unwind-protect (prog1 (let ((debugger #'transient--exit-and-debug)) (advice-eval-interactive-spec spec)) (setq abort nil)) (if abort (progn (let* ((unwind (and t (eieio-oref prefix 'unwind-suffix)))) (if unwind (progn (transient--debug 'unwind-interactive) (funcall unwind suffix)) nil)) (advice-remove suffix advice) (eieio-oset prefix 'unwind-suffix nil))))))) (unwind-protect (let ((debugger #'transient--exit-and-debug)) (apply fn args)) (let* ((unwind (and t (eieio-oref prefix 'unwind-suffix)))) (if unwind (progn (transient--debug 'unwind-command) (funcall unwind suffix)) nil)) (advice-remove suffix advice) (eieio-oset prefix 'unwind-suffix nil)))) (suffix magit-log-other) (prefix #)] (let ((abort t)) (unwind-protect (prog1 (let ((debugger #'transient--exit-and-debug)) (advice-eval-interactive-spec spec)) (setq abort nil)) (if abort (progn (let* ((unwind (and t (eieio-oref prefix 'unwind-suffix)))) (if unwind (progn (transient--debug 'unwind-interactive) (funcall unwind suffix)) nil)) (advice-remove suffix advice) (eieio-oset prefix 'unwind-suffix nil))))))((eval '(cons (magit-log-read-revs) (magit-log-arguments)) '(magit-status-sections-hook magit-status-margin magit-refs-show-commit-count magit-refs-margin magit-refs-focus-column-width t))) funcall(#f(lambda (spec) [(advice #f(lambda (fn &rest args) [(advice #5) (suffix magit-log-other) (prefix #)] (interactive #'(lambda ... ...)) (unwind-protect (let (...) (apply fn args)) (let* (...) (if unwind ... nil)) (advice-remove suffix advice) (eieio-oset prefix 'unwind-suffix nil)))) (suffix magit-log-other) (prefix #)] (let ((abort t)) (unwind-protect (prog1 (let ((debugger ...)) (advice-eval-interactive-spec spec)) (setq abort nil)) (if abort (progn (let* (...) (if unwind ... nil)) (advice-remove suffix advice) (eieio-oset prefix 'unwind-suffix nil)))))) (eval '(cons (magit-log-read-revs) (magit-log-arguments)) '(magit-status-sections-hook magit-status-margin magit-refs-show-commit-count magit-refs-margin magit-refs-focus-column-width t))) command-execute(magit-log-other) ```
thierryvolpiatto commented 1 week ago

Björn Bidar @.***> writes:

What happened?

I noticed I'm getting strange Void function nil errors when trying to use completion in Magit.

After investigating it is because helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn is set to nil by magit in magit-completing-read-multiple. The core issue is very similar to magit/magit#4437.

The change that broke Magit's way of overriding the default sort in region function is 432f01f I think.

Yes, should be fixed now, please confirm.


Now to the core of this issue: How should one override or disable helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn when it's executed without prior check?

My bad, now we check!

-- Thierry

Thaodan commented 1 week ago

Björn Bidar @.***> writes:

What happened?

I noticed I'm getting strange Void function nil errors when trying to use completion in Magit.

After investigating it is because helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn is set to nil by magit in magit-completing-read-multiple. The core issue is very similar to magit/magit#4437.

The change that broke Magit's way of overriding the default sort in region function is 432f01f I think.

Yes, should be fixed now, please confirm. It does work now, thanks.


Now to the core of this issue: How should one override or disable helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn when it's executed without prior check?

My bad, now we check!

Should the custom value for helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn also contain nil as potential value if this is the intended way to disable sorting? Similarly the commit explicitly mentions magit if this is explicitly supported then mentioning it sounds off to me as it's not just magit that could not want to use the sorting function.

thierryvolpiatto commented 1 week ago

Björn Bidar @.***> writes:

Björn Bidar @.***> writes:

What happened?

I noticed I'm getting strange Void function nil errors when trying to use completion in Magit.

After investigating it is because helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn is set to nil by magit in magit-completing-read-multiple. The core issue is very similar to magit/magit#4437.

The change that broke Magit's way of overriding the default sort in region function is 432f01f I think.

Yes, should be fixed now, please confirm. It does work now, thanks.


Now to the core of this issue: How should one override or disable helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn when it's executed without prior check?

My bad, now we check!

Should the custom value for helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn also contain nil as potential value if this is the intended way to disable sorting?

Initially it was not the intention, but now, as we are checking for it, it is a potential correct value.

Similarly the commit explicitly mentions magit if this is explicitly supported then mentioning it sounds off to me as it's not just magit that could not want to use the sorting function.

Yes, it is just a reminder for myself to retrieve later what the issue was.

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-- Thierry

thierryvolpiatto commented 1 week ago

Björn Bidar @.***> writes:

Yes, should be fixed now, please confirm. It does work now, thanks.

Great, thanks.

-- Thierry