emacs-jp / helm-c-yasnippet

Helm source for yasnippet
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Would it be possible to see conntent of the yasnippet before selecting it? #27

Open avatar-lavventura opened 3 years ago

avatar-lavventura commented 3 years ago

Basically when we toggle inside the yasnippet key list in the minibuffer, if possible I want to see selected one's content before applying it.

When any key is selected can we see its content? before selecting it by pressing enter?

syohex commented 3 years ago

How about helm-execute-persistent-action ? You can execute it by C-j as default.

avatar-lavventura commented 3 years ago

Sorry for asking simple questions :-(

Yes helm-execute-persistent-action seems like what I want. Can helm-execute-persistent-action open in split window?

syohex commented 3 years ago

Sorry I'm not sure