emacs-jupyter / jupyter

An interface to communicate with Jupyter kernels.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Colaboratory #231

Open guibor opened 4 years ago

guibor commented 4 years ago


This is a fantastic project! Does this work with Google colab as well?

nnicandro commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what Google colab is. Can you explain it? For example, how its different from the standard Jupyter notebook or something like Binder?

oguzserbetci commented 4 years ago

Colab is a hosted jupyter notebook from google, with possible access to GPU or TPU. I'm not sure about the differences.

This link might be helpful. I didn't try it myself.

vv111y commented 4 years ago

you can try to connect via SSH and use the runtime .json file. Here is one guide and here is a gist to get a SSH session.

You can get the VM ip address by running !curl ipecho.net/plain in the notebook.

For the json, in the colab notebook get the relevant info by running: !jupyter --runtime-dir


!ls /root/.local/share/jupyter/runtime

kernel-2e5eaa6b-dafe-49de-82ba-43fbde79da98.json notebook_cookie_secret nbserver-19.json

use that .json file to connect. I haven't tried it but that might work.

guibor commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot! I'm trying a couple of things out.

I tried connecting to localhost, but got jupyter-api-url-request: Symbol’s value as variable is void: url-http-end-of-headers as an error.

I also tried finding the json file using the approach above, but it seems like the way it works on my end is non-standard (the runtime-dir is empty). I did find what I think is the kernel file someplace else - do you have perhaps an example of such a file so I can understand if something is missing? Connecting to it yields the error jupyter-kernel-info: Kernel did not respond to kernel-info request.