emacs-jupyter / jupyter

An interface to communicate with Jupyter kernels.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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error in process sentinel: JSON readtable error: 27 #528

Open JonatanSahar opened 7 months ago

JonatanSahar commented 7 months ago

Hi, I'm on doom emacs, with (org +jupyter) flag on, and the following jupyter configuration:

;; jupyter
(use-package jupyter
  :demand t
  :after (:all org python ob-jupyter ob-python)

  (org-babel-jupyter-override-src-block 'python)

  (map! :map jupyter-repl-mode-map
        :i "<up>" #'jupyter-repl-history-previous
        :i "<down>" #'jupyter-repl-history-next

  (defun my/jupyter-refresh-kernelspecs ()
    "Refresh Jupyter kernelspecs"
    (jupyter-available-kernelspecs t)))
   '((emacs-lisp . t) ;; Other languages
     (shell . t)
     ;; Python & Jupyter
     (jupyter . t)
     (python . t)
     (ipython . t)

and the following header in an org file:

#+PROPERTY: header-args:jupyter-python :session foo :kernel jupyter-emacs
#+PROPERTY: header-args:jupyter-python+ :async yes

When executing a jupyter-emacs source block, I get:

Executing Jupyter-Python code block at position 141... Code block evaluation complete (took 1.0s). error in process sentinel: cons: JSON readtable error: 27 error in process sentinel: JSON readtable error: 27

Can you help please?