emacs-php / php-mode

A powerful and flexible Emacs major mode for editing PHP scripts
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add php-mode-version-id and make obsolete php-mode-version-number #713

Closed zonuexe closed 1 year ago

zonuexe commented 1 year ago

Make php-mode-version to include the diff and commit id from the last tag in the version number.

スクリーンショット 2022-10-30 1 29 20
versions: GNU Emacs 28.2 (build 2, aarch64-apple-darwin21.6.0, NS appkit-2113.60 Version 12.5.1 (Build 21G83))
 of 2022-09-15; PHP Mode v1.24.1-34-ge54dd8e; Cc Mode 5.35.1)
package-version: 20221002.328
major-mode: php-mode
minor-modes: (lsp-modeline-workspace-status-mode lsp-ui-mode lsp-ui-doc-mode lsp-ui-sideline-mode lsp-bridge-mode yas-minor-mode async-bytecomp-package-mode php-ide-mode subword-mode yafolding-mode vi-tilde-fringe-mode goto-address-prog-mode topsy-mode shell-dirtrack-mode gcmh-mode copy-file-on-save-mode keyfreq-autosave-mode keyfreq-mode beacon-mode right-click-context-mode smooth-scroll-mode which-key-mode recentf-mode which-function-mode electric-pair-mode flycheck-mode editorconfig-mode corfu-mode marginalia-mode vertico-mode savehist-mode volatile-highlights-mode nyan-mode ctrlf-mode ctrlf-local-mode puni-mode tooltip-mode eldoc-mode show-paren-mode electric-indent-mode mouse-wheel-mode menu-bar-mode file-name-shadow-mode font-lock-mode blink-cursor-mode auto-composition-mode auto-encryption-mode auto-compression-mode column-number-mode line-number-mode transient-mark-mode abbrev-mode)
variables: ((indent-tabs-mode nil) (tab-width 4))
custom variables: ((php-executable /opt/homebrew/bin/php) (php-site-url https://www.php.net/) (php-manual-url ja) (php-search-url nil) (php-completion-file ) (php-manual-path ) (php-search-documentation-function php-search-web-documentation) (php-search-documentation-browser-function nil) (php-class-suffix-when-insert ::) (php-namespace-suffix-when-insert \) (php-default-major-mode php-mode) (php-html-template-major-mode web-mode) (php-blade-template-major-mode web-mode) (php-template-mode-alist ((\.blade . web-mode) (\.phpt\' . phpt-mode) (\.phtml\' . web-mode))) (php-mode-maybe-hook nil) (php-default-builtin-web-server-port 3939) (php-imenu-generic-expression php-imenu-generic-expression-default) (php-re-detect-html-tag php-re-detect-html-tag-default))
c-indentation-style: psr2
c-style-variables: ((c-basic-offset 4) (c-comment-only-line-offset 0) (c-indent-comment-alist ((anchored-comment column . 0) (end-block space . 1) (cpp-end-block space . 2))) (c-indent-comments-syntactically-p t) (c-block-comment-prefix * ) (c-comment-prefix-regexp ((pike-mode . //+!?\|\**) (awk-mode . #+) (other . //+\|\**))) (c-cleanup-list (scope-operator)) (c-hanging-braces-alist ((brace-list-open) (brace-entry-open) (statement-cont) (substatement-open after) (block-close . c-snug-do-while) (extern-lang-open after) (namespace-open after) (module-open after) (composition-open after) (inexpr-class-open after) (inexpr-class-close before) (arglist-cont-nonempty))) (c-hanging-colons-alist nil) (c-hanging-semi&comma-criteria (c-semi&comma-inside-parenlist)) (c-backslash-column 48) (c-backslash-max-column 72) (c-special-indent-hook nil) (c-label-minimum-indentation 1))
c-doc-comment-style: ((java-mode . javadoc) (pike-mode . autodoc) (c-mode . gtkdoc) (c++-mode . gtkdoc))
c-offsets-alist: ((inexpr-class . 0) (inexpr-statement . +) (lambda-intro-cont . +) (inlambda . 0) (template-args-cont c-lineup-template-args +) (incomposition . +) (inmodule . +) (innamespace . +) (inextern-lang . +) (composition-close . 0) (module-close . 0) (namespace-close . 0) (extern-lang-close . 0) (composition-open . 0) (module-open . 0) (namespace-open . 0) (extern-lang-open . 0) (objc-method-call-cont c-lineup-ObjC-method-call-colons c-lineup-ObjC-method-call +) (objc-method-args-cont . c-lineup-ObjC-method-args) (objc-method-intro . [0]) (friend . 0) (cpp-define-intro c-lineup-cpp-define +) (cpp-macro-cont . +) (cpp-macro . [0]) (inclass . +) (stream-op . c-lineup-streamop) (arglist-cont-nonempty first php-lineup-cascaded-calls php-c-lineup-arglist) (arglist-cont first php-lineup-cascaded-calls 0) (comment-intro . 0) (catch-clause . 0) (else-clause . 0) (do-while-closure . 0) (access-label . -) (case-label . +) (substatement . +) (statement-case-intro . +) (statement . 0) (brace-entry-open . 0) (brace-list-entry . 0) (brace-list-close . 0) (block-close . 0) (block-open . 0) (inher-cont . c-lineup-multi-inher) (inher-intro . +) (member-init-cont . c-lineup-multi-inher) (member-init-intro . +) (annotation-var-cont . +) (annotation-top-cont . 0) (topmost-intro . 0) (knr-argdecl . 0) (func-decl-cont . +) (inline-close . 0) (class-close . 0) (class-open . 0) (defun-block-intro . +) (defun-close . 0) (defun-open . 0) (c . c-lineup-C-comments) (string . c-lineup-dont-change) (topmost-intro-cont first php-lineup-cascaded-calls +) (brace-list-intro . +) (brace-list-open . 0) (inline-open . 0) (arglist-close . php-lineup-arglist-close) (arglist-intro . php-lineup-arglist-intro) (statement-cont . +) (statement-case-open . 0) (label . +) (substatement-label . 2) (substatement-open . 0) (knr-argdecl-intro . +) (statement-block-intro . +))
buffer: (:length 7222)