emacs-sideline / sideline-flycheck

Show flycheck errors with sideline
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No sideline being displayed for flycheck errors #10

Closed mplanchard closed 23 hours ago

mplanchard commented 23 hours ago

I'm trying to use sideline-flycheck for janet files via sogaiu/flycheck-janet.

Looking at the following file:

(foo "hello")

Flycheck shows errors appropriately, via flycheck-list-errors:

 day-01.janet     2   1 error           compile error: unknown symbol foo (janet-janet)

The error shows up in the echo area, but it does not show up in the sideline.

My config is (using elpaca):

(use-package sideline :ensure t
  :hook ((flymake-mode . sideline-mode)
         (flycheck-mode . sideline-mode))
  (setq sideline-backends-right '(sideline-flycheck sideline-flymake)))

(use-package sideline-flycheck :ensure t
  :hook (flycheck-mode . sideline-flycheck-setup))
(use-package sideline-flymake :ensure t)

Potentially relevant variables:

(sideline-mode t)
(flycheck-mode t)
(flycheck-mode-hook (sideline-flycheck-setup sideline-mode flycheck-mode-set-explicitly)
(sideline-backends-right (sideline-flycheck sideline-flymake))

I'm not getting anything at all in the sideline, and given that there don't seem to be any errors, I'm not really sure how to debug this.

jcs090218 commented 23 hours ago

One possible problem is that the error message is too long, so sideline omitted it. Maybe try (setq sideline-truncate t). 🤔

mplanchard commented 23 hours ago

Yep, that did it! It's weird, because it's a pretty short message, just compile error: unknown symbol foo, so I didn't even think to try truncating.

Thank you for the quick reply!

jcs090218 commented 23 hours ago

Yep, that did it! It's weird, because it's a pretty short message, just compile error: unknown symbol foo, so I didn't even think to try truncating.

How wide is your window? Maybe it's too narrow? 🤔 Or else it would be a bug (hope not). 😅

mplanchard commented 22 hours ago

It doesn't seem to show up regardless of the size of the window: (window-total-width) returns 225 columns for the window at full screen size. The sideline-truncate-suffix (...) also doesn't show up in the message when it is showing up after enabling sideline-truncate.

Happy to help debugging anything where it would be useful.

Versions are:

sideline: installed version: 0.2.0 0307db5
sideline-flycheck: installed version: 0.1.0 1cc46a2
flycheck: installed version: 35.0-snapshot 5217e0e0
jcs090218 commented 22 hours ago

It seems like you are using an older version of sideline. 🤔 Maybe try upgrade to the latest version. :)

mplanchard commented 22 hours ago

Yep, that did it, thank you! Turned out I had old melpa definitions, possibly due to progfolio/elpaca#385