emacsorphanage / fontawesome

fontawesome utility
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incorrect character width #4

Closed blaenk closed 9 years ago

blaenk commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure how fonts work in emacs and I think this is most likely nothing to do with this package, but in case you know of a possible solution, I'm wondering if you know how to correct the fact that emacs thinks some characters in this font only take up one column when they clearly take up two.

See this question for more information.

column width

syohex commented 9 years ago

"\xf0c2" is ambiguous characters. Width of ambiguous characters is changed by context. So I suppose it is not wrong that (string-width "\xf0c2") returns 1. You can set their font width to 2, please evaluate this code

See also

blaenk commented 9 years ago

Woah thanks a ton, this was bugging me for a long while and I just now got the idea to ask here. If you make an answer on the stackexchange post I'll be glad to mark it as the answer, but in any case, thanks a ton!