Doing helm-do-ag in hs-minor-mode and searching for 'supp' in this code gives an error of:
Search failed: there is an unmatched expression somewhere or we are at the beginning/end of file. [4 times]
The issue comes from hs-minor-mode which is used by helm internally which seems to have an issue with the open curly bracket.
The build in version of this package is used in spacemacs-evil therefore its active. Please open a bug report upstream.
As a fast workaround you can disable this mode, then helm will not use it and the error should be gone.
Expected behavior
When I jump to the entry it should take me to the correct line such as line 3.
Ubuntu 20.04
rg 11.0.2
("rg" "--smart-case" "--no-heading" "--color=never" "--line-number" "--max-columns=512" "--ignore=.#" "--ignore=.o" "--ignore=~" "--ignore=.bin" "--ignore=.lbin" "" "--ignore=.a" "--ignore=.ln" "--ignore=.blg" "--ignore=.bbl" "--ignore=.elc" "--ignore=.lof" "--ignore=.glo" "--ignore=.idx" "--ignore=.lot" "--ignore=.fmt" "--ignore=.tfm" "--ignore=.class" "--ignore=.fas" "--ignore=.lib" "--ignore=.mem" "--ignore=.x86f" "--ignore=.sparcf" "--ignore=.dfsl" "--ignore=.pfsl" "--ignore=.d64fsl" "--ignore=.p64fsl" "--ignore=.lx64fsl" "--ignore=.lx32fsl" "--ignore=.dx64fsl" "--ignore=.dx32fsl" "--ignore=.fx64fsl" "--ignore=.fx32fsl" "--ignore=.sx64fsl" "--ignore=.sx32fsl" "--ignore=.wx64fsl" "--ignore=.wx32fsl" "--ignore=.fasl" "--ignore=.ufsl" "--ignore=.fsl" "--ignore=.dxl" "--ignore=.lo" "" "" "" "--ignore=.toc" "--ignore=.aux" "--ignore=.cp" "--ignore=.fn" "" "" "" "--ignore=.vr" "--ignore=.cps" "--ignore=.fns" "--ignore=.kys" "--ignore=.pgs" "--ignore=.tps" "--ignore=.vrs" "--ignore=.pyc" "--ignore=*.pyo" "--ignore=SCCS" "--ignore=RCS" "--ignore=CVS" "--ignore=MCVS" "--ignore=.src" "--ignore=.svn" "--ignore=.git" "--ignore=.hg" "--ignore=.bzr" "--ignore=_MTN" "--ignore=_darcs" "--ignore={arch}" "supp")Actual behavior
in hs-minor-mode and searching for 'supp' in this code gives an error of:Search failed: there is an unmatched expression somewhere or we are at the beginning/end of file. [4 times]
A comment from the spacemacs issue:
Expected behavior
When I jump to the entry it should take me to the correct line such as line 3.
Steps to reproduce
(require 'package)
(setq package-archives '( ;; ("gnu" . "") ("melpa" . "") ;; ("nongnu" . "") ))
(let ((my-pkgs '(helm helm-ag))) (when (seq-remove 'package-installed-p my-pkgs) (package-refresh-contents) (mapc (lambda (pkg) (package-install pkg t)) my-pkgs)))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-x") #'helm-M-x) (global-set-key (kbd "C-x r b") #'helm-filtered-bookmarks) (global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") #'helm-find-files) (setq helm-ag-base-command "rg --smart-case --no-heading --color=never")
(helm-mode 1)