emacsorphanage / org-page

[INACTIVE] A static site generator based on Emacs and org mode.
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errors when using op/new-repository and op/new-post #192

Open willtm opened 8 years ago

willtm commented 8 years ago


I'm using GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2015-05-16 on KAEL with org-page 20160413.329. I encounter errors each time I attempt to use op/new-repository and op/new-post (see below) that look similar. I know very little about Elisp but both functions appear to be failing when when trying to confirm a string.

Error from op/new-repository

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
  call-process(nil nil #<buffer  *temp*> nil "--no-pager" "init")
  apply(call-process (nil nil #<buffer  *temp*> nil "--no-pager" "init"))
  git-run("init" nil)
  call-interactively(op/new-repository record nil)
  command-execute(op/new-repository record)
  helm-M-x(nil "op/new-repository")
  call-interactively(helm-M-x nil nil)

Error from op/new-post

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
  op/new-post("blog" "new-post.org")
  call-interactively(op/new-post record nil)
  command-execute(op/new-post record)
  helm-M-x(nil "op/new-post")
  call-interactively(helm-M-x nil nil)

Can you help me troubleshoot this? I'm impressed by how apparently simple org-page has made publishing to Github Pages and I'd like to do the same.

WangLeshan commented 8 years ago

@willtm, do you install git on your Windows system and does git in your system path?

stringngp nil appears in my emacs 24.4 for windows, but org-page works fine for GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (i686-pc-mingw32) of 2015-04-11 on LEG570 and emacs 24.4 in my Debian amd 64 stable.

willtm commented 8 years ago

@WangLeshan Sorry for the delay in replying. Yes, git is installed on my Windows system at c:\Program Files\Git\cmd\, which is also in my PATH. I still get the same errors. Should I try reinstalling org-page?

sillykelvin commented 8 years ago

Does the directory "c:/Users/Will/Dropbox/websites/org-page/" exist? If exists, then you may open a cmd shell in that directory and execute git init to see what happens.

willtm commented 8 years ago

@kelvinh the directory didn't exist. I created it, ran git init as you recommended and got the following:

Initialized empty Git repository in c:/Users/Will/Dropbox/websites/org-page/.git/

Following that, I attempted to execute both op/new-repository (selecting .../org-page/.git/ as the initial repository at the prompt) and got the same error message I provided earlier. I tried the same steps and selected .../org-page/ at the prompt and got the same error message.

I also attempted using op/new-post and got the same error message that I provided earlier.

I appreciate your help. I'd love to get this working.

sillykelvin commented 8 years ago

According to the message, it seems because your git executable cannot be found. You may check the variable git-executable to see if it is nil, and also, run (executable-find "git") to see if it produces nil.

If the both result is nil, you should check exec-path to see if you included the right one.

willtm commented 8 years ago

@kelvinh thank you for that advice. I found that both git-executable and (executable-find "git") were indeed both producing nil when I checked them. I'd misconfigured my exec-path in my init file. After the change, both results can find git at c:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe.

After making that change, I attempted to use op/new-repository. It was successful (!) and I saw the following result in Emacs *Messages*:

Wrote c:/Users/Will/Dropbox/websites/org-page/README Wrote c:/Users/Will/Dropbox/websites/org-page/index.org Wrote c:/Users/Will/Dropbox/websites/org-page/about.org

However, when I attempted to run op/new-post I got the following error.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) file-name-as-directory(nil) op/new-post("blog" "new-post.org") call-interactively(op/new-post record nil) command-execute(op/new-post record) helm-M-x(nil "op/new-post") call-interactively(helm-M-x nil nil) command-execute(helm-M-x)

Any suggestions on what I might troubleshoot here?

willtm commented 8 years ago

@kelvinh I found the source of the last problem. The variable below had not been set in my org-page configuration.

(setq op/repository-directory "path/to/your/org/repository")

Once I set it, everything worked as expected. Thank you for your help!

sillykelvin commented 8 years ago

Glad to see it works, congratulations! :-)