emaculation / macemu

Basilisk II and SheepShaver Macintosh emulators, maintained
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`SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST` outside of USE_SDL case #134

Open rakslice opened 4 years ago

rakslice commented 4 years ago


SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(x,y,z) tests should be inside a USE_SDL case, because SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST is defined in SDL headers and won't even compile if you're building without SDL.

rakslice commented 4 years ago

For an example of an SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST that is properly inside an #ifdef block see the other two uses of it in the file ;)

ianfixes commented 4 years ago

Thanks for contributing this! I've been trying to get this project to a CI-able state and it's been tough.

Before the lockdown hit, I was making plans to convert this over to CMake, as the existing build system is homemade and "quirky" to say the least.

I had a lot of trouble getting SDL to even install / build with this project in Appveyor too. Is the error message in #83 one that you recognize?

rakslice commented 4 years ago

83 ? I don't see a mention of an error there.

I took a glance at the Windows builds linked from https://github.com/emaculation/macemu previously and was confused about the state of the build jobs because they say 'MSYS' but are using Cygwin, not MSYS

rakslice commented 4 years ago

I'll talk more about it on that issue.