Open accakks opened 6 years ago
As in ? 🙈
1) I've added new credential fields i used in sending.js, some are common with receiver.js but names are different, we can adopt common naming. 2) you've added port and host in config.json, which are different as in case of smtp. Can you either include those in receiver.js or should we include both separately in config.json like host_smtp , host_imap etc
I think for now, just have 2 different config files as we're just testing stuff out. Later we can discuss this with mentors .
@accakks @meets2tarun I've added model here . Some fields are incomplete though . we'll discuss that in tomorrow's call . After successfully completing email model , we can remove config.json .
@accakks is Email Model this complete with the receiving details ?
Receiving details meaning To, from, cc, bcc, and message contents?
Can you check config.json file? @inishchith