email2vimalraj / CucumberExtentReporter

A plugin to generate the cucumber jvm custom html report using ExtentsReport
MIT License
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Issue with extent report with gradle, cucumber-spring #90

Closed Udhay1316 closed 6 years ago

Udhay1316 commented 6 years ago

Hi Vimalraj,

For our project, we are using cucumber-spring framework. I am able to execute the project and all the scripts are executed successfully but no extent report is generated. Please help me to find out what is missing in this and why the report is not generated

compile 'com.sitture:cucumber-jvm-extentreport:3.1.0' have added under the dependency classpath "com.sitture:cucumber-jvm-extentreport:3.1.0" as classpath

Have added extent-config.xml under src->resources folder Have added plugin as @CucumberOptions(features = "classpath:features", glue = "", plugin = "com.sitture.ExtentFormatter:/build/reports/cucumber/extent-report/extent.html") Under the Runner class

ExtentReporter.setConfig(new File("/src/test/resources/extent-config.xml"));

Udhay1316 commented 6 years ago

Vimal, It would be really helpful to me if you can respond on this issue

buekera commented 6 years ago

It seems like the paths you are providing are not correct. You are providing /build/reports/cucumber/extent-report/extent.html as path to the reports to be stored. When beginning with a / you are telling your program to store it in the file systems root directory. Try build/reports/cucumber/extent-report/extent.html. The same applies to your config file: Try src/test/resources/extent-config.xml instead of /src/test/resources/extent-config.xml

Udhay1316 commented 6 years ago

I corrected it later and now I am getting the below error cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Couldn't load plugin class: com.cucumber.listenerener.ExtentCucumberFormatter

email2vimalraj commented 6 years ago

@Udhay1316 : What is com.sitture.ExtentFormatter? I guess you reached out to wrong repo. Kindly file an issue in the respective repo. Thanks.