emailfabric / dkim

Go library for signing emails with DKIM.
MIT License
8 stars 3 forks source link

Use with mail client? #1

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Spoiler alert: I am very new to email authentification. I am running Thunderbird 59 on a Mac. I have a pair of DKIM keys, I put my public key in my DNS settings via TXT, and I am now seeking to use the private key to sign my outgoing emails. My server provider says they don't support DKIM themselves, so I need to do it myself.

My question is the following: can you programme be used in conjunction with Thunderbird? I seem to need a step-by-step guide slightly more detailed that is in the README....

Thanks in advance!

jmkent commented 6 years ago

DKIM signing is for an ESP / if you're running your own MTA. If you're using Thunderbird, you're using that to talk to an SMTP server of some type - that's where the DKIM signing would happen. If you're looking to simply add encryption or your own signing via Thunderbird, you want something like PGP whereas if you're talking about configuring a mail server itself, this is more appropriate.

emailfabric commented 6 years ago

The easiest in this case is to create a free account on Sendgrid, Sparkpost or the like, setup DKIM on your domain and use it as relay for your mail client. Or find a provider that does support DKIM...