How does one use multiple formatters: one for the xcode debug window (as shown below), another to go into a log file, a third to go in the ASL log file?
Here is a sample custom log formatter for anyone who is interested.
import Foundation
import CleanroomLogger
public struct LogFormatterTTY : LogFormatter
private static let timestampFormatter: NSDateFormatter = {
let fmt = NSDateFormatter()
fmt.dateFormat = "hh:mm:ss.SSS"
return fmt
public static func stringRepresentationOfTimestamp(timestamp: NSDate)
-> String
return timestampFormatter.stringFromDate(timestamp)
public static func stringRepresentationOfSeverity(severity: LogSeverity)
-> String
var severityTag = severity.printableValueName.uppercaseString
severityTag = severityTag.substringToIndex(severityTag.startIndex.advancedBy(1))
return severityTag
public static func formatLogMessageWithSeverity(severity: String, caller: String, message: String, timestamp: String?, threadID: String?)
-> String
var fmt = "\(severity) "
if let timestamp = timestamp {
fmt += "\(timestamp) "
// if let threadID = threadID {
// fmt += "\(threadID) "
// }
fmt += "\(caller) \(message)"
return fmt
public static func stringRepresentationForCallingFile(filePath: String, line: Int, function: String)
-> String
let filename = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: filePath).URLByDeletingPathExtension?.lastPathComponent ?? "(unknown)"
return "\(filename).\(function):\(line)"
public func formatLogEntry(entry: CleanroomLogger.LogEntry) -> String?
let severity = LogFormatterTTY.stringRepresentationOfSeverity(entry.severity)
let caller = LogFormatterTTY.stringRepresentationForCallingFile(entry.callingFilePath, line: entry.callingFileLine, function: entry.callingFunction)
var message = DefaultLogFormatter.stringRepresentationForPayload(entry)
var timestamp: String?
timestamp = LogFormatterTTY.stringRepresentationOfTimestamp(entry.timestamp)
var threadID: String?
threadID = DefaultLogFormatter.stringRepresentationOfThreadID(entry.callingThreadID)
if message == entry.callingFunction {
message = ""
return LogFormatterTTY.formatLogMessageWithSeverity(severity, caller: caller, message: message, timestamp: timestamp, threadID: threadID)
public struct LogConfigurationTTY : LogConfiguration
/** The minimum `LogSeverity` supported by the configuration. */
public let minimumSeverity: LogSeverity
/** The list of `LogFilter`s to be used for filtering log messages. */
public let filters: [LogFilter]
/** The list of `LogRecorder`s to be used for recording messages to the
underlying logging facility. */
public let recorders: [LogRecorder]
/** A flag indicating when synchronous mode should be used for the
configuration. */
public let synchronousMode: Bool
public init(minimumSeverity : LogSeverity = .Info){
self.minimumSeverity = minimumSeverity
self.filters = []
self.recorders = [ASLLogRecorder(formatters: [LogFormatterTTY()])]
self.synchronousMode = false
How does one use multiple formatters: one for the xcode debug window (as shown below), another to go into a log file, a third to go in the ASL log file?
Here is a sample custom log formatter for anyone who is interested.