Closed MoussaAli1 closed 1 year ago
Hello @Bouda1010,
To change the color you can use ngDeep, or like described in the example page you can use a custom class (let's imagine the name of the custom class is inter that you can provide in input). Your scss will be this and you can update all the css options you need.
::ng-deep ngx-timeline.inter { .period-container { background: blue !important; .period-inner-container { background: blue !important; } } .line:not(.first-line):not(.last-line) { background-color: lightgrey !important; } .center-icon-container .icon { background: blue !important; } }
For the other issue I did not fully understand the problem, but you can check from here and from the code and try to understand the issue.
Can I set the position ON_LEFT and ON_RIGHT for the event individually? From NgxTimeEvent.t.ds, /**
If yes, how to set? Thanks
Hello @ttiimmothy
I have just realised the new version 1.2.6. You can check the details in this commit:
Basically, I have added to the NgxTimelineItem interface, the itemPosition?: NgxTimelineItemPosition attribute. You can then set it to NgxTimelineItemPosition. ON_LEFT or NgxTimelineItemPosition. ON_RIGHT
This an example that shows how you can set your events with itemPosition: ... { id: 4, description: 'This is the description of the event 4', timestamp: nextMonth, title: 'title 4', itemPosition: NgxTimelineItemPosition.ON_RIGHT } { id: 4, description: 'This is the description of the event 4', timestamp: nextMonth, title: 'title 4', itemPosition: NgxTimelineItemPosition.ON_LEFT } ...
Just to remember this is the demo page application where you can check all other options:
Thanks. One more question: May I set a hyper link in the description?
1.changeSideInGroup not working when i use map method i returns (changeSideInGroup is not iterable ) (fieldsToCheckEventChangeSideInGroup[this.changeSideInGroup] is not iterable (cannot read property undefined)) can i change the colors with scss?