If someone over here is interested, a note would be fine.
Thank you
I read that pinchzoom can be combined with other libraries (swipe.js example). I tried to combine it with tilezoom (https://github.com/ematsakov/tilezoom). Because of my weak programming skills I was not able to realise the combination. Perhaps one of you is interested in combining the libraries to or is able to give a hint?
Some days ago I asked here (https://github.com/manuelstofer/pinchzoom/issues/22), if anybody is interested, combining tile- and pinchzoom.
If someone over here is interested, a note would be fine.
Thank you
I read that pinchzoom can be combined with other libraries (swipe.js example). I tried to combine it with tilezoom (https://github.com/ematsakov/tilezoom). Because of my weak programming skills I was not able to realise the combination. Perhaps one of you is interested in combining the libraries to or is able to give a hint?
Thanks in advance