embark-theme / iterm

An ambitious theme for iTerm
26 stars 3 forks source link

Theme in the screenshot? #2

Closed anarchylimes closed 3 years ago

anarchylimes commented 4 years ago

Hey guys! Great work on getting the theme to iTerm2. Looks awesome. Quick question, do you happen to have the shell theme or configuration for whatever theme that is in the screenshots? I would love to use that along side the embark colour scheme.

Thanks in advance!

unknowledgeable commented 4 years ago

Hey @anarchylimes, the theme is powerlevel10k with a few custom colors set after going throught the configurator p10k configure

My dotfiles are pretty horrendous and the .p10k.zsh config file for the theme is 1500 lines but the config should be pretty self-explanatory when you run through it. Most important things to make it match mine are: