embark-theme / vim

An ambitious theme for vim
MIT License
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Wrong colors on Ubuntu in Windows Terminal (WSL) #41

Closed ashrasmun closed 2 years ago

ashrasmun commented 2 years ago


I just installed NeoVim (v0.4.3) and installed the embark theme. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS inside the Windows Terminal. After invoking :colorscheme embark the colors are different from what they should be.


I'm using it already inside GVim and I'm loving it, thank you for your work! 😊

ashrasmun commented 2 years ago

The same thing happens in ConEmu and in classic cmd console as well.

skbolton commented 2 years ago

What terminal are you using? Looks like either termguicolors isn't turned on or the terminal doesn't support 24but color

ashrasmun commented 2 years ago

I tried using xterm, xterm-256colors, xterm-24bit, source-256colors, but all in all, I think I just don't understand how to setup the terminal properly, as when I invoke https://github.com/tmux/tmux/blob/master/tools/24-bit-color.sh I get a blank black space. image

At least 256 colors work... Sorry for the hassle. It's not a problem with the colorscheme.

skbolton commented 2 years ago

Yeah embark hasn't been back ported to work with 256 colors well. I would suggest going with a terminal that supports 24 bit color such as alacritty or kitty terminal. Once you have that and termguicolors on in (n)vim it should work fine.

ashrasmun commented 2 years ago

Just in case someone finds this thread in the future:

Thanks for help!