embassy-rs / embassy

Modern embedded framework, using Rust and async.
Apache License 2.0
5.22k stars 720 forks source link

This is not an issue! 💯 🥇 #1754

Open alisomay opened 1 year ago

alisomay commented 1 year ago

You people are legends! 🥇

I've just heard about embassy-rs on last Friday and wanted to give it a try in the weekend. I just do embedded development time to time as a hobby so I have no deep experience and this became my first experience in the embedded world with Rust.

It took me around 12-14 hours to setup a couple of picos from scratch, learn embassy-rs, write a USB MIDI Class compliant firmware, run 4 concurrent tasks in an executor, setup rust analyzer and debug with ease. This might have taken days normally and would not have been a pleasant experience.

Oh my god! Embedded development is not an headache or an obstacle between my ideas and the execution now thanks to you!

This is next level and makes embedded development accessible to more people.

Biiiiig thank you and keep up the good work.

Me: Excited and satisfied.

Close the issue anytime you wish, I just wanted to share this with all contributors ✨


Athorus commented 1 year ago

For the Raspberry Pico, thank you so much for all the examples ! There is an example for all the things I want to do :

uart boot flash wifi adc and so on

Without these, it would be very difficult. First time samples are so good and easy to understand.

Congrats !