Open jacobrosenthal opened 3 years ago
Anomaly 109 - DMA access transfers might be corrupted Affects following peripherals on nrf52832:
Easiest workaround that would actually work for all peripherals (from section 3.7 from Anomaly 109 Addendum)
unsafe fn poke(addr: u32, val: u32) {
(addr as *mut u32).write_volatile(val);
// Workaround for all peripherals:
// Turn on the 64 MHz clockdomain - increases CPU idle current by around 500 μA.
// Might not be usable in cases where power usage is constrained.
// Enable workaround
unsafe {
poke(0x4006EC00, 0x00009375);
poke(0x4006ED08, 0x00000003);
poke(0x4006EC00, 0x00009375);
// Disable workaround
unsafe {
poke(0x4006EC00, 0x00009375);
poke(0x4006ED08, 0x00000000);
poke(0x4006EC00, 0x00009375);